
This document describes how to set the UI styles for Android.

Setting the Conversation List UI Styles

The conversation list UI consists of the title bar TitleBarLayout and list area ConversationListLayout. Each part provides UI styles and event registration APIs that can be modified.

Setting the title style

The title bar itself has all the features of a view. In addition, it is divided into three parts: left group (LeftGroup), middle, and right group (RightGroup).

To make custom modifications, see ITitleBarLayout.For example, the following code hides LeftGroup, sets the title in the middle, and hides the text and image buttons on the right in LeftGroup:(See the implementation in MainActivity.)
mainTitleBar.setTitle(getResources().getString(R.string.conversation_title), ITitleBarLayout.Position.MIDDLE);
The effect is shown below:

You can also customize click events:
Menu menu = new Menu(this, mainTitleBar);
mainTitleBar.setOnRightClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (menu == null) {
if (menu.isShowing()) {
} else {;

Setting the conversation list style

The custom conversation list layout is inherited from RecyclerView. After the user logs in, TUIKit reads the user's conversation list from the SDK.You can customize common features for the conversation list. For example, you can configure the background, font size, click event, long press event, and whether the profile photo has rounded corners. The following is a code sample:
public static void customizeConversation(final ConversationLayout layout) {
// Get the conversation list from ConversationLayout
ConversationListLayout listLayout = layout.getConversationList();
listLayout.setItemTopTextSize(16); // Set the font size of the top text of the item
listLayout.setItemBottomTextSize(12); // Set the font size of the bottom text of the item
listLayout.setItemDateTextSize(10); // Set the font size of the timeline text of the item
listLayout.setItemAvatarRadius(5); // Set the size of the rounded corners of the item profile photo
listLayout.disableItemUnreadDot(false); // Set whether to display an unread badge for the item. The badge is displayed by default.
// Click and hold to pop up the menu
listLayout.setOnItemLongClickListener(new ConversationListLayout.OnItemLongClickListener() {
public void OnItemLongClick(View view, int position, ConversationInfo conversationInfo) {
startPopShow(view, position, conversationInfo);
For more information, see

Setting the profile photo style

The Chat SDK does not store profile photos. Therefore, the integrator needs to have a profile photo storage API to get profile photo URLs. The following shows how to use TUIKit to set a profile photo by using a random profile photo API as an example.First, you need to upload a profile photo to your personal profile page and call the profile modification API.
V2TIMUserFullInfo v2TIMUserFullInfo = new V2TIMUserFullInfo();
// Profile photo
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mIconUrl)) {
V2TIMManager.getInstance().setSelfInfo(v2TIMUserFullInfo, new V2TIMCallback() {
public void onError(int code, String desc) {

public void onSuccess() {
Conversation list profile photo, which is displayed in

Setting the Chat UI Styles

The chat UI includes the tile bar (TitleBarLayout), which is the same as that of the conversation list UI. The chat UI also includes the notice area (NoticeLayout), message area (MessageRecyclerView), and input area (InputView), as shown in the following figure:

* Get the input area layout in the chat UI
* @return
InputView getInputLayout();
* Get the message area layout in the chat UI
* @return
MessageRecyclerView getMessageLayout();

* Get the notice area layout in the chat UI
* @return
NoticeLayout getNoticeLayout();
For more information, see

Setting the notice area (NoticeLayout) style

The notice area consists of two TextViews, as shown in the following figure:

The effect is shown below:

// Get NoticeLayout from ChatView
NoticeLayout noticeLayout = layout.getNoticeLayout();
// You can configure to always display the notice area
// Set the notice title
noticeLayout.getContent().setText("This is an ad");
// Set notice text
noticeLayout.getContentExtra().setText("Click to view your gift");
// Set the click event of notice
noticeLayout.setOnNoticeClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
ToastUtil.toastShortMessage("You've received a bonus");

Setting the message area (MessageRecyclerView) style

MessageRecyclerView is inherited from RecyclerView. This document describes how to customize the chat background, bubbles, text, and nicknames. For more information, see

Event Replacement

Setting the chat UI background color

You can customize the chat UI background color. The following is a code sample:
// Get MessageRecyclerView from ChatView
MessageRecyclerView messageRecyclerView = layout.getMessageLayout();
////// Set the chat background //////
messageRecyclerView.setBackground(new ColorDrawable(0xB0E2FF00));

Setting the sender's profile photo style

When displaying a user, TUIKit reads the URL of the user's profile photo from the user's profile and displays the profile photo.Sample code:
// Setting a profile photo for the chat UI
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(msg.getFaceUrl())) {
List<Object> urllist = new ArrayList<>();
if (isForwardMode) {
} else {
if (msg.isSelf()) {
} else {
} else {
If the user does not set a profile photo, the default profile photo is displayed. You can customize the default profile photo, whether the profile photo has rounded corners, and the profile photo size.Sample code:
// Get MessageRecyclerView from ChatView
MessageRecyclerView messageRecyclerView = layout.getMessageLayout();
////// Set the chat background //////
messageRecyclerView.setBackground(new ColorDrawable(0xFFEFE5D4));
////// Set the profile photo //////
// Set the default profile photo. The receiver uses the same profile photo by default.
// Set the rounded corners for the profile photo
// Set the profile photo size
messageRecyclerView.setAvatarSize(new int[]{68, 68});

Setting bubble background colors

The receiver's bubbles are on the left and your own bubbles are on the right. You can customize the bubble background for both parties.
Sample code:
// Get MessageRecyclerView from ChatView
MessageRecyclerView messageRecyclerView = layout.getMessageLayout();
// Set your own bubble background
// Set the bubble background for the receiver
You can customize the nickname style, including the font size and color. The nickname styles of both parties must be the same.
Sample code:
// Get MessageRecyclerView from ChatView
MessageRecyclerView messageRecyclerView = layout.getMessageLayout();
////// Set the nickname style (the receiver uses the same style) //////

Setting the chat content style

You can customize the font size and color for both parties, but the sender and receiver must use the same font size.
Sample code:
// Get MessageRecyclerView from ChatView
MessageRecyclerView messageRecyclerView = layout.getMessageLayout();
// Set the chat content font size. The sender and the receiver use the same font size.
// Set your own chat content font color
// Set the chat content font color for the receiver

Setting the chat timeline style

You can customize the background, font size, and font color of the chat timeline.
Sample code:
// Get MessageRecyclerView from ChatView
MessageRecyclerView messageRecyclerView = layout.getMessageLayout();
// Set the background of the chat timeline
messageRecyclerView.setChatTimeBubble(new ColorDrawable(0x8B691400));
// Set the font size of the chat timeline
// Set the font color of the chat timeline

Setting the tips message style

You can customize the background, font size, and font color of tips messages in chats.
Sample code:
// Get MessageRecyclerView from ChatView
MessageRecyclerView messageRecyclerView = layout.getMessageLayout();
// Set the background of tips
messageRecyclerView.setTipsMessageBubble(new ColorDrawable(0xA020F000));
// Set the font size of tips
// Set the font color of tips

Setting the input area InputView

The input area (InputView) contains audio, text, emoji, and more (+) input options.

Hiding undesired features

You can hide or show the image sharing, photo taking, video recording, and file sending features on the "+" panel.
// Get InputLayout from ChatView
InputView inputView = layout.getInputLayout();
// Hide "take photo and send"
// Hide "send file"
// Hide "send image"
// Hide "record video and send"

Adding custom features

You can customize and add action units to the "+" panel to provide more features.
The following code shows how to hide the "send file" feature and add an action unit which sends a message:
// Get InputView from ChatView
InputView inputView = layout.getInputLayout();
// Hide "send file"
// Define an action unit
InputMoreActionUnit unit = new InputMoreActionUnit();
unit.setIconResId(R.drawable.default_user_icon); // Set the unit icon
unit.setTitleId(R.string.profile); // Set the text title of the unit
unit.setOnClickListener( OnActionClickListener() { // Define the click event
public void onClick() {
ToastUtil.toastShortMessage("Custom more features");
MessageInfo info = MessageInfoUtil.buildTextMessage("Who am I");
layout.sendMessage(info, false);
// Add the action unit to the "+" panel

Replacing the "+" click event

You can customize features to replace the action units on the "+" panel.
// Get InputView from ChatView
InputView inputView = layout.getInputLayout();
// Replace the feature entry on the "+" panel with a custom event
inputView.replaceMoreInput(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
ToastUtil.toastShortMessage("Custom “+” button event");
MessageInfo info = MessageInfoUtil.buildTextMessage("Custom message");
layout.sendMessage(info, false);

Replacing the panel displayed upon "+" clicking

You can customize the style of the "+" panel, the action units, and their features.
// Get InputView from ChatView
InputView inputView = layout.getInputLayout();
// Use a custom fragment to replace more features
inputView.replaceMoreInput(new CustomInputFragment());
The implementation of the new panel CustomInputFragment is the same as that of an ordinary Fragment. Inflate the view at onCreateView and set the event. The following sample code shows how to add two buttons and pop up a toast when clicked:
public static class CustomInputFragment extends BaseInputFragment {
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View baseView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.test_chat_input_custom_fragment, container, false);
Button btn1 = baseView.findViewById(;
btn1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
ToastUtil.toastShortMessage("Send a hyperlink message");
Button btn2 = baseView.findViewById(;
btn2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
ToastUtil.toastShortMessage("Send a message containing video and text");
return baseView;