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Group Member Profile

Feature Description

The methods to manipulate the group member profile are in the TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getGroupManager() core class.

Getting the Profile of a Group Member

You can call getGroupMembersInfo (Details) to get the group member profile. This API supports passing in multiple userID values at a time to batch get group member profiles and therefore improve the network transfer efficiency.
Below is the sample code:
// Get the group member profile
const memberInfos = await groupManager.getGroupMembersInfo("groupID", ["id1"]);

Modifying the Profile of a Group Member

The group owner or admin can call the setGroupMemberInfo API (Details) to modify the group name card (nameCard), custom field (customInfo), and other information of a group member.
Below is the sample code:
// Set the group member profile
groupManager.setGroupMemberInfo("groupID", "userID", "nameCard");