please select
  • Web
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration (React)
      • Integration (Vue3)
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • Configuring Nickname and Avatar
      • GroupCall
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Configure Resolution and Fill Mode
      • Monitoring Call Status
      • Language Settings
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
    • Client APIs
      • UIKit APIs
        • API Overview
        • TUICallKit
      • Engine APIs
        • TUICallEngine
        • TUICallEvent
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FAQs
      • All Platfroms
      • Web
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
  • Android
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • Offline Call Push
      • Configuring Nicknames and Avatars
      • Group Call
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Monitoring Call Status
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
    • Client APIs
      • UIKit APIs
        • API Overview
        • TUICallKit
        • TUICallObserver
        • Type Definition
      • Engine APIs
        • TUICallEngine
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FAQs
      • All Platforms
      • Android
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
  • iOS
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • Offline Call Push
        • VoIP
        • APNs
      • Configuring Nicknames and Avatars
      • Group Call
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Monitoring Call Status
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
    • Client APIs
      • UIKit APIs
        • API Overview
        • TUICallKit
        • TUICallObserver
        • Type Definition
      • Engine APIs
        • TUICallEngine
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FQAs
      • All Platform
      • iOS
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
  • Flutter
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • offline Call Push
        • Notification
        • VoIP (Optional)
      • Configuring Nicknames and Avatars
      • Group Call
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Monitoring Call Status
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
      • Beauty Effects
    • Client APIs
      • API Overview
      • TUICallKit
      • TUICallEngine
      • TUICallObserver
      • Type Definition
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FQAs
      • All Platform
      • Flutter
      • ErrorCode
      • Upgrading
      • Release Notes


TUICallEngine APIs

TUICallEngine API is the No UI Interface of the Audio and Video Call Components.

API Overview

Creating a TUICallEngine Instance (Singleton Pattern)
Terminating a TUICallEngine Instance (Singleton Pattern)
Listening on events
Canceling Event Listening
Sign in Interface
Logout Interface
Configure the user's nickname and profile photo
Initiate a one-on-one call
Group Chat Invitation Call
Answer Calls
Decline Call
End Calls
Switch Audio and Video Calls
Initiate Remote Screen Rendering
Stop Remote Screen Rendering
Start Local Screen Rendering, Note: This will be deprecated; use openCamera instead
Stop Local Screen Rendering, Note: This will be deprecated; use closeCamera instead
Enable the camera
Turn Off Camera
Switch between front and rear cameras, note: only supported on mobile devices. v3.0.0+ supported
Enable Microphone
Turn off the microphone
Set video quality
Access device list
Switch camera or microphone devices
Enable/disable AI noise reduction
Turn on/off the multi-device login mode of TUICallEngine. v2.1.1+ supported
Switch/set background blur, v3.0.6+ supported
Switch/set image background blur, v3.0.6+ supported