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As a key part of Tencent Cloud RT-Cube, Beauty AR Web provides an easy way to implement AR effects such as beauty filters and special effects on the web. With the SDK and the material customization and management tool, you can easily add AR effects such as AI beautification, filters, makeup styles, stickers, animojis, and virtual avatars to your mobile or desktop webpages.

Commercial editions

Beauty AR Web has been commercially available since February 2023 and comes in Standard and Advanced editions. You can purchase a license for either edition based on your business needs.
A free trial license used during a trial period cannot be renewed upon expiration. If you still need to use the product after a trial license expires, you need to purchase an official license.
Package Edition
Supported Domains
Billing Type
Beautification, makeup, filters, 2D stickers, and virtual backgrounds
Single domains
Annual subscription
Beautification, makeup, filters, 2D stickers, and virtual backgrounds
3D stickers, animojis, and virtual avatars
Single domains and wildcard domains
Annual subscription



Runtime Environment
We recommend that you use desktop Chrome 90 or later in a PC environment.
For mobile, we recommend that you use the latest version of Safari or Chrome

Quick Connection

You can run a demo within just a few minutes to try out the capabilities of Beauty AR Web. For more information, see Quick Start.

Technical Support

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.