please select
  • Web
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration (React)
      • Integration (Vue3)
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • Configuring Nickname and Avatar
      • GroupCall
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Configure Resolution and Fill Mode
      • Monitoring Call Status
      • Language Settings
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
    • Client APIs
      • UIKit APIs
        • API Overview
        • TUICallKit
      • Engine APIs
        • TUICallEngine
        • TUICallEvent
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FAQs
      • All Platfroms
      • Web
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
  • Android
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • Offline Call Push
      • Configuring Nicknames and Avatars
      • Group Call
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Monitoring Call Status
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
    • Client APIs
      • UIKit APIs
        • API Overview
        • TUICallKit
        • TUICallObserver
        • Type Definition
      • Engine APIs
        • TUICallEngine
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FAQs
      • All Platforms
      • Android
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
  • iOS
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • Offline Call Push
        • VoIP
        • APNs
      • Configuring Nicknames and Avatars
      • Group Call
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Monitoring Call Status
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
    • Client APIs
      • UIKit APIs
        • API Overview
        • TUICallKit
        • TUICallObserver
        • Type Definition
      • Engine APIs
        • TUICallEngine
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FQAs
      • All Platform
      • iOS
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
  • Flutter
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • offline Call Push
        • Notification
        • VoIP (Optional)
      • Configuring Nicknames and Avatars
      • Group Call
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Monitoring Call Status
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
      • Beauty Effects
    • Client APIs
      • API Overview
      • TUICallKit
      • TUICallEngine
      • TUICallObserver
      • Type Definition
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FQAs
      • All Platform
      • Flutter
      • ErrorCode
      • Upgrading
      • Release Notes

All Platfroms

Is there an error message indicating that the audio and video call function is not enabled?

You can choose the Free Trial version (7 days trial) or purchase the official version.

The Free Trail

1. Go to the price page, read the specific services included in the Free Trail package, click Get Started for Free, and follow the documentation prompts to enter the console.

2. Read the Call-Free Trail package information in the console pop-up window and click Activate Now to activate the 7-day free trial of TUICallKit.

Partial underlying services of Call are provided by Chat, so this activation will also activate Chat service for you.

The Official Version

1. Go to the price page, read the specific services included in the Free Trail package, click Subscribe Now, and follow the documentation prompts to enter the console.

2. Click Create application in the console, and select 1-to-1 Call or Group Call in the pop-up window after successful creation to open official service of TUICallKit and become the official version.

The error inviteID is invalid or the invitation has been processed

The inviteID has been cancelled by the calling party or the invitation has been accepted. Because signaling is affected by many factors such as network bandwidth, in extreme cases (repeated calls on the accept and reject interfaces), an error that inviteID is invalid may result.

The message sender or receiver UserID is invalid or does not exist

The user you are calling has not logged in to the Chat service, so the call fails. Please try to call a user who has logged in to the Chat service.

Can TUICallKit use TRTC without introducing Chat SDK?

No, all components of TUIKit use Tencent Cloud Chat SDK as the basic service for communication, such as call dialing signaling, call busy line signaling and other core logic, if you have purchased other Chat products, you can also refer to TUICallKit logic to adapt.

How to buy audio and video call plan?

Please refer to the purchase link TRTC Call Monthly Packages, if you have other questions, please click the top of the page Talk to us for pre-sale package consultation.

How do I get the Roomid of the call?

After the call is connected, you can use onCallBegin to return the roomid field to obtain the information.