TUIRoomEngine API Introduction
TUIRoomEngine API is a No UI Interface for Conference Component, you can use this API to custom encapsulate according to your business needs.
Create TUIRoomEngine instance
TUIRoomEngine *roomEngine = [[TUIRoomEngine alloc] init];
Login interface, you need to initialize user information before entering the room and perform a series of operations
Note: In v1.0.0, this interface is named setup, and in v1.0.1 and above, please use TUIRoomEnine.login to log in to TUIRoomEngine.
+ (void)loginWithSDKAppId:(NSInteger)sdkAppIduserId:(NSString *)userIduserSig:(NSString *)userSigonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
sdkAppId | NSInteger | SDKAppID of Tencent Cloud communication application |
userId | NSString * | User ID for Differentiate different users |
userSig | NSString * | UserSig for Tencent Cloud flow authentication |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Logout interface, there will be actively leave the room operation, destroy resources
+ (void)logout:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Set local user name and avatar.
+ (void)setSelfInfoWithUserName:(NSString *)userNameavatarUrl:(NSString *)avatarUrlonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userName | NSString * | User name |
avatarUrl | NSString * | User avatar URL address |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Get the basic information of the local user login.
+ (TUILoginUserInfo *)getSelfInfo;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
selfInfo | The basic information of the local user login, the detailed definition can be referred to TUIRoomDefine.h in TUILoginUserInfo. |
Set event callback.
- (void)addObserver:(id<TUIRoomObserver>)observer;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
observer | TUIRoomObserver * | The pointer of the callback instance, you can get various event notifications (such as: error code, remote user entered room, audio and video status parameters, etc.) through TUIRoomObserver |
Remove event callback.
- (void)removeObserver:(id<TUIRoomObserver>)observer;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
observer | TUIRoomObserver * | The pointer of the callback instance |
Create room.
- (void)createRoom:(TUIRoomInfo *)roomInfoonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
roomInfo | Room data, you can initialize some room settings | |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
close the room.
- (void)destroyRoom:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccess onError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Entered room.
- (void)enterRoom:(NSString *)roomIdonSuccess:(TUIRoomInfoBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
roomId | NSString * | Room ID |
onSuccess | TUIRoomInfoBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Leave room.
- (void)exitRoom:(BOOL)syncWaitingonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
syncWaiting | BOOL | Whether to synchronize and wait for the interface to return |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Connect to other rooms (used for streaming scenario to apply for cross-room streaming).
- (TUIRequest *)connectOtherRoom:(NSString *)roomIduserId:(NSString *)userIdtimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutonAccepted:(TUIRequestAcceptedBlock)onAcceptedonRejected:(TUIRequestRejectedBlock)onRejectedonCancelled:(TUIRequestCancelledBlock)onCancelledonTimeout:(TUIRequestTimeoutBlock)onTimeoutonError:(TUIRequestErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
roomId | NSString * | Room ID |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
timeout | NSTimeInterval | Timeout period (Unit seconds, if set to 0, SDK will not perform timeout detection and will not trigger timeout Callback) |
onAccepted | TUIRequestAcceptedBlock | Invitation accepted Callback |
onRejected | TUIRequestRejectedBlock | Invitation rejected Callback |
onCancelled | TUIRequestCancelledBlock | Invitation canceled Callback |
onTimeout | TUIRequestTimeoutBlock | Invitation timeout unprocessed Callback |
onError | TUIRequestErrorBlock | Invitation error occurred Callback |
Return value | Type | Meaning |
request | TUIRequest | Request body |
Disconnect from other rooms (used for disconnecting cross-room streaming in live streaming scenarios).
- (void)disconnectOtherRoom:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccess onError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Get Room data.
- (void)fetchRoomInfo:(TUIRoomInfoBlock)onSuccess onError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
onSuccess | TUIRoomInfoBlock | |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Update Room ID (Only Administrator or Group owner can call).
- (void)updateRoomNameByAdmin:(NSString *)roomNameonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
roomName | NSString * | Room Name |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Set up the room's mic control mode (only administrators or group owners can call).
- (void)updateRoomSpeechModeByAdmin:(TUISpeechMode)modeonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
mode | ||
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Set Local User Video Rendering Control.
- (void)setLocalVideoView:(TUIVideoStreamType)streamType view:(TUIVideoView *)view;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
streamType | ||
view | TUIVideoView * | Video Rendering View |
Set Remote User Video Rendering Control.
- (void)setRemoteVideoView:(NSString *)userIdstreamType:(TUIVideoStreamType)streamTypeview:(TUIVideoView * __nullable)view;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString | Remote User ID |
streamType | Video streams Type, detailed Definition can be found in TUIRoomDefine.h file's
TUIVideoStreamType. | |
view | TUIVideoView * | Video Rendering View |
Open Local Camera.
- (void)openLocalCamera:(BOOL)isFrontquality:(TUIVideoQuality)qualityonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
isFront | BOOL | Front or not |
quality | ||
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Close Local Camera.
- (void)closeLocalCamera;
Update Local Video Codec Quality Setting.
- (void)updateVideoQuality:(TUIVideoQuality)quality;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
quality | Video Quality |
Open Local mic.
- (void)openLocalMicrophone:(TUIAudioQuality)qualityonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
quality | ||
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Close Local mic.
- (void)closeLocalMicrophone;
Update Local Audio Codec Quality Setting.
- (void)updateAudioQuality:(TUIAudioQuality)quality;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
quality | Audio Quality |
Start Screen Sharing (Only supports mobile iOS 11.0 and above systems)
This interface supports capturing the entire iOS system screen, similar to Tencent Meeting's full system-level Screen Sharing.
- (void)startScreenCaptureByReplaykit:(NSString *)appGroup API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0));
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
appGroup | NSString * | Specify the Application Group Identifier shared by your app and the Screen recording Process, you can set this parameter to nil, but it is recommended to set it according to the documentation for better Reliability. |
Start Screen Sharing (This interface only supports desktop Mac OS systems)
This interface can capture the entire Mac OS system screen or the window content of a specified app and share it with other users in the same room.
- (void)startScreenCapture:(TUIVideoView *)viewonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
view | TUIVideoView * | Parent Control of the Rendering Control, can be set to null, indicating no preview effect of Screen Sharing. |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
End Screen Sharing.
- (void)stopScreenCapture;
Enumerate available screens and windows for sharing (This interface only supports Mac OS systems)
When you integrate the desktop system's Screen Sharing function, you generally need to display a Target selection Interface so that users can use this Interface to choose whether to share the entire screen or a specific window.
Through this interface, you can query the ID, name, and thumbnail of the windows available for sharing in the current system. We provide a default Interface implementation in the Demo for your reference.
- (NSArray<TUIShareTarget *> *)getScreenCaptureSources;
Return Value | Type | Meaning |
screenCaptureSources | Window List including screens |
Select Screen Sharing Target.
- (void)selectScreenCaptureTarget:(NSString *)targetId;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
targetId | NSString * | Designated Sharing Source |
Start Pushing Local Video.
- (void)startPushLocalVideo;
Stop Pushing Local Video.
- (void)stopPushLocalVideo;
Start Pushing Local Audio.
- (void)startPushLocalAudio;
Stop Pushing Local Audio.
- (void)stopPushLocalAudio;
Start Playback Remote User Video.
- (void)startPlayRemoteVideo:(NSString *)userIdstreamType:(TUIVideoStreamType)streamTypeonPlaying:(TUIPlayOnPlayingBlock)onPlayingonLoading:(TUIPlayOnLoadingBlock)onLoadingonError:(TUIPlayOnErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
streamType | Type of Video streams. Detailed Definition can be found in TUIRoomDefine.h file's TUIVideoStreamType. | |
onPlaying | TUIPlayOnPlayingBlock | Playback Callback |
onLoading | TUIPlayOnLoadingBlock | Load Callback |
onError | TUIPlayOnErrorBlock | Error Callback |
Stop Playback Remote User Video.
- (void)stopPlayRemoteVideo:(NSString *)userId streamType:(TUIVideoStreamType)streamType;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
streamType | Type of Video streams. Detailed Definition can be found in TUIRoomDefine.h file's
TUIVideoStreamType. |
Mute Remote User
- (void)muteRemoteAudioStream:(NSString *)userId isMute:(BOOL)isMute;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
isMute | BOOL | Mute or not |
Get Member List in the Room.
- (void)getUserList:(NSInteger)nextSequenceonSuccess:(TUIUserListResponseBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
nextSequence | NSInteger | Pagination Fetch flag, fill in 0 for the first Fetch, if the Callback returns TUIUserListResult with next_sequence not equal to zero, Pagination is required, pass in again to Fetch until it is 0 |
onSuccess | TUIUserListResponseBlock | Success Callback. Detailed Definition can be found in TUIRoomDefine.h file's TUIUserListResponseBlock |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Get Member data.
- (void)getUserInfo:(NSString *)userIdonSuccess:(TUIUserInfoBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
onSuccess | TUIUserInfoBlock | Success Callback. Detailed Definition can be found in TUIRoomDefine.h file's TUIUserInfoBlock |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Modify User Role (Only Administrator or Group owner can call).
- (void)changeUserRoleWithUserId:(NSString *)userIdrole:(TUIRole)roleonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
role | Role to switch to | |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
- (void)kickRemoteUserOutOfRoom:(NSString *)userIdonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
Kick Remote User out of the Room (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call).
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Failed callback |
Control the permission status of all users in the current room to open Audio and Video Capturing devices, such as: Disable all users from opening mic, Disable all users from opening Camera, Disable all users from opening Screen Sharing
(Currently only available in conference scenes, and only Administrator or Group Owner can call).
- (void)disableDeviceForAllUserByAdmin:(TUIMediaDevice)deviceisDisable:(BOOL)isDisableonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
device | Device Type | |
isDisable | BOOL | Disable or Not |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Operation Success Callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Operation Failure Callback |
Request Remote User to Open Media Device (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call).
- (TUIRequest *)openRemoteDeviceByAdmin:(NSString *)userIddevice:(TUIMediaDevice)devicetimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutonAccepted:(nullable TUIRequestAcceptedBlock)onAcceptedonRejected:(nullable TUIRequestRejectedBlock)onRejectedonCancelled:(nullable TUIRequestCancelledBlock)onCancelledonTimeout:(nullable TUIRequestTimeoutBlock)onTimeoutonError:(nullable TUIRequestErrorBlock)onError;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
device | Media Device | |
timeout | NSTimeInterval | Timeout Duration, Unit Second, if set to 0, SDK will not perform timeout detection and will not trigger timeout callback |
onAccepted | nullable TUIRequestAcceptedBlock | Invitation Accepted Callback |
onRejected | nullable TUIRequestRejectedBlock | Invitation Rejected Callback |
onCancelled | nullable TUIRequestCancelledBlock | Invitation Canceled Callback |
onTimeout | nullable TUIRequestTimeoutBlock | Invitation Timeout Unhandled Callback |
onError | nullable TUIRequestErrorBlock | Invitation Error Callback |
Return Value | Type | Meaning |
request | Request Body |
Close Remote User's Media Device (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call).
- (void)closeRemoteDeviceByAdmin:(NSString *)userIddevice:(TUIMediaDevice)deviceonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
device | Media Device | |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Call Success Callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Call Failure Callback |
Request to Open Local Media Device (Available for ordinary users).
- (TUIRequest *)applyToAdminToOpenLocalDevice:(TUIMediaDevice)devicetimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutonAccepted:(nullable TUIRequestAcceptedBlock)onAcceptedonRejected:(nullable TUIRequestRejectedBlock)onRejectedonCancelled:(nullable TUIRequestCancelledBlock)onCancelledonTimeout:(nullable TUIRequestTimeoutBlock)onTimeoutonError:(nullable TUIRequestErrorBlock)onError;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
device | Media Device | |
timeout | NSTimeInterval | Timeout Duration, Unit Second, if set to 0, SDK will not perform timeout detection and will not trigger timeout callback |
onAccepted | nullable TUIRequestAcceptedBlock | Invitation Accepted Callback |
onRejected | nullable TUIRequestRejectedBlock | Invitation Rejected Callback |
onCancelled | nullable TUIRequestCancelledBlock | Invitation Canceled Callback |
onTimeout | nullable TUIRequestTimeoutBlock | Invitation Timeout Unhandled Callback |
onError | nullable TUIRequestErrorBlock | Invitation Error Callback |
Return Value | Type | Meaning |
request | Request Body |
Set Maximum Seat Count (Only supported when entering the room and creating the room).
When roomType is TUIRoomTypeConference (Educational and Conference Scenes), maxSeatCount value is not limited;
When roomType is TUIRoomTypeLivingRoom (Live Streaming Scene), maxSeatCount is limited to 16;
- (void)setMaxSeatCount:(NSUInteger)maxSeatCountonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
maxSeatCount | NSUInteger | Maximum microphone positions |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Get Seat List.
- (void)getSeatList:(TUISeatListResponseBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
onSuccess | TUISeatListResponseBlock | Success Callback. For detailed definition, please refer to TUIRoomDefine.h for TUISeatListResponseBlock and TUISeatInfo definition |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Lock Seat (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call, including position lock, Audio status lock and Video status lock).
- (void)lockSeatByAdmin:(NSInteger)seatIndexlockMode:(TUISeatLockParams *)lockParamsonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
seatIndex | NSInteger | Seat Number |
lockParams | Lock Seat Parameters, for detailed definition, please refer to TUIRoomDefine.h for TUISeatLockParams definition | |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Local User Go Live (In Free Speech Mode, no application is required, in Mic Control Mode, application to the host or administrator is required to allow Go Live, in Live Streaming Scene, users can Go Live freely, after Go Live, users can speak, in Conference Scene, no need to call this interface to speak).
- (TUIRequest *)takeSeat:(NSInteger)seatIndextimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutonAccepted:(TUIRequestAcceptedBlock)onAcceptedonRejected:(TUIRequestRejectedBlock)onRejectedonCancelled:(TUIRequestCancelledBlock)onCancelledonTimeout:(TUIRequestTimeoutBlock)onTimeoutonError:(TUIRequestErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
seatIndex | NSInteger | Seat Number |
timeout | NSTimeInterval | Timeout Duration |
onAccepted | TUIRequestAcceptedBlock | Signaling Accepted Callback |
onRejected | TUIRequestRejectedBlock | Signaling Rejected Callback |
onCancelled | TUIRequestCancelledBlock | Signaling Canceled Callback |
onTimeout | TUIRequestTimeoutBlock | Signaling Timeout Callback |
onError | TUIRequestErrorBlock | Error Callback |
Return Value | Type | Meaning |
request | Request Body |
Local User Get Off the Mic (In Free Speech Mode, no application is required).
- (void)leaveSeat:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Host/Administrator Invite User to Go Live.
- (TUIRequest *)takeUserOnSeatByAdmin:(NSInteger)seatIndexuserId:(NSString *)userIdtimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutonAccepted:(TUIRequestAcceptedBlock)onAcceptedonRejected:(TUIRequestRejectedBlock)onRejectedonCancelled:(TUIRequestCancelledBlock)onCancelledonTimeout:(TUIRequestTimeoutBlock)onTimeoutonError:(TUIRequestErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
seatIndex | NSInteger | Seat Number |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
timeout | NSTimeInterval | Timeout Duration (Unit Second, if set to 0, SDK will not perform timeout detection and will not trigger timeout callback) |
onAccepted | TUIRequestAcceptedBlock | Invitation Accepted Callback |
onRejected | TUIRequestRejectedBlock | Invitation Rejected Callback |
onCancelled | TUIRequestCancelledBlock | Invitation Canceled Callback |
onTimeout | TUIRequestTimeoutBlock | Invitation Timeout Unhandled Callback |
onError | TUIRequestErrorBlock | Invitation Error Callback |
Return Value | Type | Meaning |
request | Request Body |
Host/Administrator Kick User Off the Mic.
- (void)kickUserOffSeatByAdmin:(NSInteger)seatIndexuserId:(NSString *)userIdonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
seatIndex | NSInteger | Seat Number |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Cancel Request.
- (void)cancelRequest:(NSInteger)requestIdonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
requestId | NSString * | Request ID. Returned by the sending request interface |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Reply Request.
- (void)responseRemoteRequest:(NSString *)requestIdagree:(BOOL)agreeonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
requestId | NSString * | Request ID. Returned by the sending request interface or OnRequestReceived event notification |
agree | BOOL | Agree or not. YES: Agree, NO: Reject |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Send Text Message.
- (void)sendTextMessage:(NSString *)messageonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
message | NSString * | Message Content |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Send Custom Message.
- (void)sendCustomMessage:(NSString *)messageonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
message | NSString * | Message Content |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Disable Remote User's Text Message Sending Ability (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call).
- (void)disableSendingMessageByAdmin:(NSString *)userIdisDisable:(BOOL)isDisableonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
isDisable | BOOL | Disable or Not |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Disable All Users' Text Message Sending Ability (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call).
- (void)disableSendingMessageForAllUser:(BOOL)isDisableonSuccess:(TUISuccessBlock)onSuccessonError:(TUIErrorBlock)onError;
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
isDisable | BOOL | Disable or Not |
onSuccess | TUISuccessBlock | Successful callback |
onError | TUIErrorBlock | Error callback |
Get Device Manager Object.
- (TXDeviceManager *)getDeviceManager;
Return Value | Type | Meaning |
manager | TXDeviceManager * | TXDeviceManager Object |
Get Sound Effect Manager Object.
- (TXBeautyManager *)getBeautyManager;
Return Value | Type | Meaning |
manager | TXBeautyManager * | TXBeautyManager Object |
Get Sound Effect Manager Object.
- (TXAudioEffectManager *)getAudioEffectManager;
Return Value | Type | Meaning |
manager | TXAudioEffectManager * | TXAudioEffectManager Object |
Get TRTC Instance Object.
- (TRTCCloud *)getTRTCCloud;
Return Value | Type | Meaning |
manager | TRTCCloud * | TRTCCloud Object |
- TUIRoomEngine API Introduction
- init
- login
- logout
- setSelfInfo
- getSelfInfo
- addObserver
- removeObserver
- createRoom
- destroyRoom
- enterRoom
- exitRoom
- connectOtherRoom
- disconnectOtherRoom
- fetchRoomInfo
- updateRoomNameByAdmin
- updateRoomSpeechModeByAdmin
- setLocalVideoView
- setRemoteVideoView
- openLocalCamera
- closeLocalCamera
- updateVideoQuality
- openLocalMicrophone
- closeLocalMicrophone
- updateAudioQuality
- startScreenCapture
- startScreenCapture
- stopScreenCapture
- getScreenCaptureSources
- selectScreenCaptureTarget
- startPushLocalVideo
- stopPushLocalVideo
- startPushLocalAudio
- stopPushLocalAudio
- startPlayRemoteVideo
- stopPlayRemoteVideo
- muteRemoteAudioStream
- getUserList
- getUserInfo
- changeUserRole
- kickRemoteUserOutOfRoom
- disableDeviceForAllUserByAdmin
- openRemoteDeviceByAdmin
- closeRemoteDeviceByAdmin
- applyToAdminToOpenLocalDevice
- setMaxSeatCount
- getSeatList
- lockSeatByAdmin
- takeSeat
- leaveSeat
- takeUserOnSeatByAdmin
- kickUserOffSeatByAdmin
- cancelRequest
- responseRemoteRequest
- sendTextMessage
- sendCustomMessage
- disableSendingMessageByAdmin
- disableSendingMessageForAllUser
- getDeviceManager
- getBeautyManager
- getAudioEffectManager
- getTRTCCloud