please select
  • Overview
  • Web
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • Virtual Background
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
      • Text Watermark
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomEvents
        • TUIRoomEngine Defines
    • FAQs
  • iOS
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Android
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Electron
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
      • Text Watermark
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEvent
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomEngine Defines
    • FAQs
  • Flutter
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Overview
    • Overview
  • Activate the Service
  • Pricing
    • Free Minutes
    • Conference Monthly Packages
    • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Pay-as-you-go
      • Billing of Audio and Video Duration
      • Billing of On-Cloud Recording and Recording Delivery
      • Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN
  • Server APIs
    • REST API
      • RESTful API Overview
      • RESTful API List
      • Room Management
        • Create a Room
        • Destroy a Room
        • Update the Room Information
        • Get the Room Information
      • User Management
        • Get the Room Member List
        • Update the Room Member Information
        • Change the Room Ownership
        • Mark Room Members
        • Ban Room Members
        • Unban Room Members
        • Get the Banned Room Member List
        • Remove Room Member
      • Seat Management
        • Get the Seat List
        • Pick User on the Seat
        • Kick User off the Seat
        • Lock the Seat
    • Third-Party Callback
      • Callback Overview
      • Callback Command List
      • Callback Configuration
        • Query Callback Configuration
        • Create Callback Configuration
        • Update Callback Configuration
        • Delete Callback Configuration
      • Room Related
        • After a Room Is Created
        • After a Room Is Destroyed
        • After the Room Information Is Updated
      • User Related
        • After a Room Is Entered
        • After a Room Is Left
      • Seat Connection Related
        • After the Seat List Is Changed
  • Error Code

RoomKit API

Module: TUIRoomKit
Function: Multi-person audio and video main function interface
Version: 2.1.0


function list
Create a TUIRoomKit instance (singleton mode).
Destroy the TUIRoomKit instance.
Set up personal information, including username and avatar.
Create a room.
Enter the room.


Initialize the TUIRoomKit singleton object.
public static TUIRoomKit createInstance();


Destroy the TUIRoomKit instance.
public static void destroyInstance();


Set up personal information, including username and avatar.
public abstract void setSelfInfo(String userName, String avatarURL,
TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback);
The individual's username.
Personal avatar link.
Callback for success in setting personal information.


Create a room.
public abstract void createRoom(TUIRoomDefine.RoomInfo roomInfo, TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback);
Parameters for creating a room, including room number, room name, etc., where roomId is required and the rest can be default values.
Callback to determine whether the room is successfully created.


Enter the room.
public abstract void enterRoom(String roomId,
boolean enableAudio,
boolean enableVideo,
boolean isSoundOnSpeaker, TUIRoomDefine.GetRoomInfoCallback callback);
Room number to enter the room.
true: When entering the room, turn on the microphone and push local audio data to the remote end. Other members can hear the local sound normally;
false: When entering the room, only the microphone is turned on and local audio data is not pushed to the remote end. Other members cannot hear the local sound.
true: Enter the room, turn on the camera, and push the local video data to the remote end. Other members can see the local picture normally;
false: When entering the room, the camera will not be turned on and local video data will not be pushed to the remote end. Other members will not be able to see the local video.
Whether to use the speaker to play sound, true to use the speaker, false to use the earpiece.
Callback whether the room entry is successful.