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Makeup & Filter Configuration Tutorial

Makeup Configuration

Makeup Material Configuration Package Composition

The standard size of a single makeup material png is: 1536x2048.
Makeup PSD template download link.
Colored contact lenses PSD template download link.

Makeup Material Import

Import compliant makeup materials into the bottom-left resource panel of Tencent Effect.

Makeup Material Configuration

In the Object Panel, select the makeup object corresponding to the facial feature position that needs to be configured.
Pay attention to the layering relationship between makeups, such as Glitter Type materials should be configured on the material upper layer of normal blending materials.

Makeup component panel, select the corresponding makeup material in the Resource panel.
Configure makeup material blending mode and opacity.
Makeup materials cannot be moved in Tencent Effect due to binding facial landmarks. To adjust the makeup position, you need to modify it in the PS source file and re-export.

Filter Configuration

Filter Material Import

Import the color-graded LUT into the Resource Panel. Please note that LUT design should be done on a standard file.
Filter standard LUT image download link.

Filter Material Configuration

Select the filter object in the Object Panel.

Import LUT file in the right-side filter component panel, and adjust the corresponding opacity.

Filter Effect Real-time Preview

You can view the effect in real time in the preview panel