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  • Overview
  • Android
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • API Documentation
    • Interactive Barrage
    • Interactive Gift
    • Release Notes
    • FAQs
  • iOS
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • API Documentation
    • Interactive Barrage
    • Interactive Gift
    • Release Notes
    • FAQs
  • Overview
    • Overview
  • Activate the Service
  • Pricing
    • Free Minutes
    • Live Monthly Packages
    • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Pay-as-you-go
      • Billing of Audio and Video Duration
      • Billing of On-Cloud Recording and Recording Delivery
      • Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN
  • ErrorCode

Interactive Barrage


Interactive Bullet-screen feature supports the following functions: sending barrage messages, inserting custom messages, and custom message styles. Interactive Bullet-screen messages support emoji input, adding fun to the messages and making the interaction more enjoyable.

Display barrage

Send barrage
Support switching between system keyboard and emoji keyboard.


The barrage component mainly provides two Objects:
TUIBarrageButton:Clicking it can bring up the input interface.
TUIBarrageDisplayView:Used for displaying barrage messages.
In scenarios where barrage messages need to be sent, create a TUIBarrageButton , which can bring up the input interface when clicked:
let barrageButton: TUIBarrageButton = TUIBarrageButton(roomId: xxx)
// layout barrageButton
In scenarios where barrage messages need to be displayed, use TUIBarrageDisplayView to show the barrage messages:
let barrageDisplayView: TUIBarrageDisplayView = TUIBarrageDisplayView(roomId: xxx) view.addSubview(barrageDisplayView)
// layout barrageDisplayView

Customize message style

Implement the createCustomCell delegate function in the TUIBarrageDisplayViewDelegate of TUIBarrageDisplayView, which is used to customize the barrage message style.
barrageDisplayView.delegate = self
extension UIViewController: TUIBarrageDisplayViewDelegate {
func barrageDisplayView(_ barrageDisplayView: TUIBarrageDisplayView, createCustomCell barrage: TUIBarrage) -> UIView? {
// Return custom barrage UI here.
When displaying messages, TUIBarrageDisplayView will first call the delegate function barrageDisplayView:createCustomCell to obtain the user's custom style for a specific barrage message. If it returns nil, the default barrage style of TUIBarrageDisplayView will be used.


The barrage display component TUIBarrageDisplayView provides the external interface method insertBarrages for inserting custom messages (in batches). Custom messages are usually used in combination with custom styles to achieve different display effects.
// Example: Insert a gift message in the barrage area.
let barrage = TUIBarrage() barrage.content = "gift" barrage.user.userId = sender.userId barrage.user.userName = sender.userName barrage.user.avatarUrl = sender.avatarUrl barrage.user.level = sender.level barrage.extInfo["xxx"] = "xxx" barrageDisplayView.insertBarrages(barrage);
The extInfo of TUIBarrage is a Map, used for storing custom data.