Virtual Background
Accurately removes the background in real time and applies a virtual background (customizable):
Integration guide for iOS
For directions on how to integrate the Beauty AR SDK for iOS, see the integration guide for Integrating SDK (iOS).
Setting a virtual background
NSString *motionSegResPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"segmentMotionRes" ofType:@"bundle"];//The absolute path of the `segmentMotionRes` folderNSString *propertyType = @"motion"; //Set the effect typeNSString *propertyName = @"video_segmentation_blur_75"; //Specify the effect nameNSString *propertyValue = motionSegResPath; //Set the path of the animated effectNSDictionary *dic = @{@"bgName":@"", @"bgType":@0, @"timeOffset": @0},@"icon":@"segmentation.linjian.png"};//Configure the reserved parameter[self.beautyKit configPropertyWithType:propertyType withName:propertyName withData:propertyValue withExtraInfo:dic];
Setting a custom background
NSString *motionSegResPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"segmentMotionRes" ofType:@"bundle"];//The absolute path of the `segmentMotionRes` folderNSString *propertyType = @"motion"; //Set the effect typeNSString *propertyName = @"video_empty_segmentation"; //Specify the effect nameNSString *propertyValue = motionSegResPath; //Set the path of the animated effectNSString *imagePath = @"/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/06B00BBC-9060-450F-8D3A-F6028D185682/Documents/MediaFile/image.png"; //The absolute path of the background image or video (after compression)int bgType = 0;//The background type. 0: image; 1: videoint timeOffset = 0;//The duration. If an image is used as the background, its value is 0; if a video is used, its value is the video length.NSDictionary *dic = @{@"bgName":imagePath, @"bgType":@(bgType), @"timeOffset": @(timeOffset)},@"icon":@"segmentation.linjian.png"};//Configure the reserved parameter[self.beautyKit configPropertyWithType:propertyType withName:propertyName withData:propertyValue withExtraInfo:dic];