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Beauty AR
  • Overview
  • Web
    • Quick Start
    • Integration
      • Overview
      • Built-in Camera
      • Custom Stream
      • Loading Optimization
      • Configuring Effects
      • Configuring Segmentation
      • Configuring Animojis and Virtual Avatars
    • API Document
    • Release Notes
    • Best Practices
      • Publishing over WebRTC
      • Publishing over WebRTC (Preinitialization)
      • Publishing Using TRTC
    • FAQs
  • Android
    • Integration
      • Integrating SDK
      • Integrating TEBeautyKit
    • API Document
    • Release Notes
    • Best Practices
      • Reducing SDK Size
      • Effect Parameters
    • Advanced Capabilities
      • Gesture Recognition
      • Face Recognition
      • Virtual Background
    • Material Production
      • Beauty AR Studio Introduction
    • FAQs
  • IOS
    • Integration
      • Integrating SDK
      • Integrating TEBeautyKit
    • API Document
    • Release Notes
    • Best Practices
      • Reducing SDK Size
      • Effect Parameters
    • Advanced Capabilities
      • Gesture Recognition
      • Face Recognition
      • Virtual Background
    • Material Production
      • Beauty AR Studio Introduction
    • FAQs
  • Flutter
    • Integration
    • API Document
    • Material Production
      • Beauty AR Studio Introduction
  • Overview
    • Overview
  • Activate the Service
  • Pricing
  • Free Trial
    • Web
    • Mobile
Beauty AR


When I tried to run my iOS project in Xcode 12.x after importing the resources, the error “Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework '.framework'...” occurred. What should I do?

Go to Build Settings > Build Options, change Validate Workspace to Yes, and click Run.
If you change Validate Workspace back to No after compilation, you can still run your project successfully.

What should I do if the filter settings don't take effect?

Check the value you set (value range: 0-100). The effect may not be obvious if the value is too small.

What should I do if a dSYM generation error occurs when I compile the iOS demo project?

Error message:
PhaseScriptExecution CMake\ PostBuild\ Rules build/
cd /Users/zhenli/Downloads/xmagic_s106
/bin/sh -c /Users/zhenli/Downloads/xmagic_s106/build/

Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1
Cause: Failed to sign libpag.framework and Masonary.framework again.
1.1 Open demo/
1.2 Change $(which cmake) to the absolute path of the local CMake.
1.3 Change Apple Development: ...... to your own account signature.

What should I do if an authorization error occurs when I enter the homepage of the iOS demo?

Check the error code in the log. If a local license file is used, check whether the file has been added to the project.

What should I do if an error occurs when I build the iOS demo project?

Error message:
unexpected service error: build aborted due to an internal error: unable to write manifest to-xxxx-manifest.xcbuild': mkdir(/data, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO): Read-only file system (30):
1.1 Go to File > Project settings > Build System and select Legacy Build System.
1.2 For Xcode 13.0++, you need to select File > Workspace Settings > Do not show a diagnostic issue about build system deprecation.

What are the relationships between different effect properties?