
This article will introduce how to quickly integrate the Flutter RTC Engine and implement a basic audio and video call.

Environment preparations

Flutter 2.0 or above.
Developing for Android:
Android Studio 3.5 or above.
Devices with Android 4.1 or above.
Please ensure your project supports CMake version 3.13 and above.
Developing for iOS:
Xcode 11.0 or above.
OS X 10.11 or above.
Please ensure your project is set up with a valid developer signature.

Step 1. Import the SDK

Install the component using the following command tencent_rtc_sdk:
flutter pub add tencent_rtc_sdk

Step 2. Configure the project

1. Grant camera and microphone permissions to enable voice call features.
1. Add requests for camera and mic permissions under the first-level <dict> directory in Info.plist:
<string>Video calls require camera permission.</string>
<string>Voice calls require microphone permission.</string>
2. Add the field io.flutter.embedded_views_preview and set its value to YES.
1. Open /android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
2. Add the following permissions:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:name="" />
3. If you need to compile and run on the Android platform, you also need to do the following configuration:
First, add the following to the corresponding location in your project's android/app/build.gradle file:
android {
packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'lib/**/'
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
Create a file in the android/app directory of your project and add the following code to the file:
-keep class com.tencent.** { *; }
If you encounter any problems during the access process, please refer to FAQs.

Step 3. Create a `TRTC` instance

1. Declare member variables
import 'package:tencent_rtc_sdk/trtc_cloud.dart';
import 'package:tencent_rtc_sdk/trtc_cloud_def.dart';
import 'package:tencent_rtc_sdk/trtc_cloud_listener.dart';
late TRTCCloud trtcCloud;
2. Call the initialization interface to create the TRTC instance and set the event callback.
// Create a TRTC instance
trtcCloud = (await TRTCCloud.sharedInstance())!;

// Create a TRTCCloudListener instance
TRTCCloudListener listener = TRTCCloudListener(
// Implement the corresponding callbacks as needed
onError: (errCode, errMsg) {

// Register the listener and bind it to the trtcCloud instance

Step 4. Enter a room

1. If you run the program on an Android device, you need to request CAMERA and MICROPHONE permissions in advance.
if (!(await ||
!(await Permission.microphone.request().isGranted)) {
print('You need to obtain audio and video permission to enter');
The permission request here uses the third-party library permission_handler.
2. In the Tencent RTC Console, click Create Application to obtain the SDKAppID from Application Overview.

3. In UserSig Tools, select SDKAppID from the dropdown, enter your own username (UserID), and click Generate to get your own UserSig.

4. After setting the room parameters TRTCParams, call the enterRoom interface function to enter the room.
Anchor Role
sdkAppId: sdkAppId, // Replace with your SDKAppID
userId: "userId", // Replace with your userid
userSig: '', // Replace with your userSig
role: TRTCRoleType.anchor,
roomId: 123123, // Replace with your roomId
Audience Role
sdkAppId: sdkAppId, // Replace with your SDKAppID
userId: "userId", // Replace with your userid
userSig: '', // Replace with your userSig
role: TRTCRoleType.audience,
roomId: 123123, // Replace with your roomId
If you enter the room as an Audience Role, sdkAppId and roomId need to be the same as those at the anchor end, while userId and userSig need to be replaced with your own values.

Step 5. Enable the camera

1. Add TRTCCloudVideoView in the corresponding position of the build method on the page:
import 'package:tencent_rtc_sdk/trtc_cloud_video_view.dart';
key: valueKey,
onViewCreated: (viewId) {
localViewId = viewId;
viewId is the unique identifier of the video rendering control TRTCCloudVideoView. You can store this identifier in any way you like. Here, localViewId is used to store it for rendering local video streams later.
2. Before invoking the interface startLocalPreview to enable camera preview, you can set the local preview rendering parameters by calling the interface setLocalRenderParams.
// Set local preview rendering parameters
fillMode: TRTCVideoFillMode.fill,
rotation: TRTCVideoRotation.rotation0,

// Local preview of front camera content
trtcCloud.startLocalPreview(true, localViewId);

// Local preview of rear camera content
trtcCloud.startLocalPreview(false, localViewId);
Call stopLocalPreview to turn off the camera preview and stop pushing local video information.
3. You can call the TXDeviceManager interface to complete the use of equipment extension features such as "Toggle front/back camera","Set Focus Mode","Flashlight".
import 'package:tencent_rtc_sdk/tx_device_manager.dart';
// Get the Device Manager Instance
TXDeviceManager manager = trtcCloud.getDeviceManager();

// Determine whether the camera is front-facing
if (manager.isFrontCamera()) {
// Switch to the rear-facing camera
} else {
// Switch to front camera
// Get the Device Manager Instance
TXDeviceManager manager = trtcCloud.getDeviceManager();

// Check if the device supports automatic face position detection
if (manager.isAutoFocusEnabled()) {
// Enable the auto-focus feature
} else {
// Turn off the auto-focus feature
// Get the Device Manager Instance
TXDeviceManager manager = trtcCloud.getDeviceManager();

// Turn on the flash when switching to the rear-facing camera

// Turn the flash off

Step 6. Enable the microphone

You can call startLocalAudio to enable microphone capture. This interface requires you to determine the capture mode through the quality parameter. It is recommended to select one of the following modes that suits your project.
// Enable mic capture and set the current scene to: Speech mode
// Strong noise suppression capability, adapts well to strong and weak network conditions
// Enable mic capture and set the current scene to: Music mode
// For high fidelity and minimum audio quality loss, it is recommended to use with a professional sound card
Call stopLocalAudio to turn off the mic capture and stop pushing local audio information.

Step 7. Play/Stop Video Streams

1. Listen to onUserVideoAvailable before entering the room. When you receive the onUserVideoAvailable(userId, true) notification, it means that the video frame from this stream has arrived and is ready for playback.
Here it is assumed that the user who can play the video is denny, and the video stream of the user denny is expected to be rendered to the TRTCCloudVideoView control with the unique identifier remoteViewId.
2. You can play the remote user's video by calling the startRemoteView interface.
// Play the primary video stream of the remote user denny
trtcCloud.startRemoteView("denny", TRTCVideoStreamType.big, remoteViewId);
Then, you can stop a remote user's video by calling the stopRemoteView interface, or stop all remote users' videos by calling the stopAllRemoteView interface.
// Stop playing the primary video stream of the remote user denny
trtcCloud.stopRemoteView("denny", TRTCVideoStreamType.big);
// Stop playing the videos of all remote users

Step 8. Play/Stop Audio Streams

By default, the SDK will automatically play remote audio, so you don't need to call any API to play it manually.
But if you don't prefer auto-playing audio, you can call muteRemoteAudio/muteAllRemoteAudio to choose to play or stop remote audio.
// Mute the remote user denny only
trtcCloud.muteRemoteAudio("denny", true);

// Mute all remote users
// Unmute the remote user denny
trtcCloud.muteRemoteAudio("denny", true);

// Unmute all remote users

Step 9. Exit the room

Call exitRoom to exit the current room:
TRTC SDK will notify you through the onExitRoom callback event after the room exit is completed.
TRTCCloudListener listener = TRTCCloudListener(
onExitRoom: (reason) {



You can see the full list of functions and their descriptions in the API Reference.
If you encounter any problems with access and use, please refer to FAQs.