Integration and Login

This document will introduce how to integrate and log in to the core component of live streaming LiveStreamCore



Environment Preparation

Xcode 15 or later.
iOS 13.0 or later.
CocoaPods environment setup, Click to view.
If you encounter any problems with access and use, please refer to FAQs.

Activate Service

Please refer to Activating Services (TUILiveKit) to receive the trial version or activate the paid version.

Importing LiveStreamCore

Use CocoaPods to import the component. If you encounter any issues, please refer to Environment Preparation first. Detailed steps for importing the component are as follows:
1. Add the pod 'LiveStreamCore' dependency to your Podfile file.
target 'xxxx' do
pod 'LiveStreamCore'
If you don't have a Podfile file, first cd in Terminal into the xxxx.xcodeproj directory, then create one using the following command:
pod init
2. In Terminal, first cd into the Podfile directory and then run the following command to install components.
pod install
If you cannot install the latest version of LiveCoreView, you can first delete Podfile.lock and Pods. Then run the following command to update the local CocoaPods repository list.
pod repo update
Then, run the following command to update the Pod version of the component library.
pod update
3. You can compile and run it first. If you encounter any issues, please refer to FAQs. If you have any questions during the integration and usage, feel free to give us feedback.

Environment Preparation

Android 5.0 (SDK API Level 21) or later.
Gradle v7.0 or later.
Mobile device on Android 5.0 or later.
For issues during environment configuration or compilation, please refer to FAQs.

Activate Service

Please refer to Activating Services (TUILiveKit) to receive the trial version or activate the paid version.

Importing LiveStreamCore

1. Find the build.gradle.kts (or build.gradle) file under the app directory and add the following code to include the dependency for SeatGridView component:
api 'io.trtc.uikit:live-stream-core:latest.release'
2. As the SDK uses Java's reflection feature internally, you need to add certain classes in the SDK to the obfuscation allowlist by adding the following code to the file:
-keep class com.tencent.** { *; }
-keep class com.trtc.uikit.livekit.voiceroomcore.** { *; }
3. Find the AndroidManifest.xml file under the app directory and add tools:replace="android:allowBackup" and android:allowBackup="false" in the application node to override the settings within the component with your own settings.
// app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
// Add the following configuration to override the configuration in the dependency SDK


Add the following code to your project. Its purpose is to complete the login of TUI components by calling the relevant APIs in TUICore. This step is crucial, as you can only use the features provided by LiveStreamCore after a successful login.
// AppDelegate.swift

import TUICore
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
TUILogin.login(1400000001, // Please replace with the SDKAppID obtained in Step 1
userID: "denny", // Please replace with your UserID
userSig: "xxxxxxxxxxx") { // You can calculate a UserSig in the console and fill it here
print("login success")
} fail: { (code, message) in
print("login failed, code: \(code), error: \(message ?? "nil")")
return true
Parameter Description
Here we detail the key parameters required in the login function:
You have already obtained it in the last step of Step 1, so it will not be elaborated here.
The ID of the current user, in string format, only allows letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), hyphens, and underscores.
Use the SecretKey obtained in step 3 of Activate Service to encrypt information such as SDKAppID and UserID to generate a UserSig. It's a credential used for authentication purposes, allowing Tencent Cloud to identify if the current user is authorized to use the TRTC service. You can generate a temporary UserSig through the Auxiliary Tools in the console. For more information, please refer to How to Calculate and Use UserSig.
Development Environment: If you are in the local development and debugging stage, you can use the local GenerateTestUserSig.genTestSig function to generate userSig. In this method, the SDKSecretKey is vulnerable to decompilation and reverse engineering, and once your key is leaked, attackers can steal your Tencent Cloud traffic.
Production Environment: If your project is going to be launched, please adopt the method of Server-side Generation of UserSig.
Add the following code to your project. Its purpose is to complete the login of TUI components by calling the relevant APIs in TUICore. This step is crucial, as you can only use the features provided by LiveStreamCore after a successful login.
// Log in
1400000001, // Please replace with the SDKAppID obtained in Step 1
"denny", // Please replace with your UserID
"xxxxxxxxxxx", // You can calculate a UserSig in the Console and fill it in here
object : TUICallback() {
override fun onSuccess() {
Log.i(TAG, "login success")

override fun onError(errorCode: Int, errorMessage: String) {
Log.e(TAG, "login failed, errorCode: $errorCode msg:$errorMessage")
// Log in
1400000001, // Please replace with the SDKAppID obtained in Step 1
"denny", // Please replace with your UserID
"xxxxxxxxxxx", // You can calculate a UserSig in the Console and fill it in here
new TUICallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
Log.i(TAG, "login success");

public void onError(int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
Log.e(TAG, "login failed, errorCode: " + errorCode + " msg:" + errorMessage);
Parameter Description
Here we detail the key parameters required in the login function:
You have already obtained it in the last step of Step 1, so it will not be elaborated here.
The ID of the current user, in string format, only allows letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), hyphens, and underscores.
Use the SecretKey obtained in step 3 of Activate Service to encrypt information such as SDKAppID and UserID to generate a UserSig. It's a credential used for authentication purposes, allowing Tencent Cloud to identify if the current user is authorized to use the TRTC service. You can generate a temporary UserSig through the Auxiliary Tools in the console. For more information, please refer to How to Calculate and Use UserSig.
Development Environment: If you are in the local development and debugging stage, you can use the local GenerateTestUserSig.genTestSig function to generate userSig. In this method, the SDKSecretKey is vulnerable to decompilation and reverse engineering, and once your key is leaked, attackers can steal your Tencent Cloud traffic.
Production Environment: If your project is going to be launched, please adopt the method of Server-side Generation of UserSig.