Seat Management

This document mainly introduces the seat management capabilities of SeatGridView.
SeatGridView supports the following seat management capabilities:


Before using SeatGridView, you need to integrate and log in to SeatGridView to ensure the subsequent features work properly.

Usage guide

Step 1: Adding SeatGridView to the View

You need to import the SeatGridView module first, then create a SeatGridView object and add it to your view.

Step 2: Managing Seats

Note: When using seat management, you need to ensure that you have started broadcasting or entered the live room.

Take seat

The behavior of applying to speak is related to the speaking mode.
When the speaking mode of the live room is "apply to speak mode (applyToTake)", applying to speak requires the room owner's approval.
When the speaking mode of the live room is "free to speak mode (freeToTake)", applying to speak does not require the room owner's approval and can be done directly.
When you want to speak, call the takeSeat API and pass in two parameters: seat index and timeout duration.
let index = 1 // Please replace this with the seat number you want to apply for (context: code line content)
let timeout = 30 // Please replace this with the timeout duration for your speaking request, in seconds. If set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger timeout callbacks.
self.seatGridView.takeSeat(index: index, timeout: timeout) { userInfo in
// Speaking request accepted
} onRejected: { userInfo in
// Speaking request rejected
} onCancelled: { userInfo in
// Speaking request canceled
} onTimeout: { userInfo in
// Speaking request timed out
} onError: { userInfo, code, message in
// Speaking request error
int index = 1; // Please replace this with the seat number you want to apply for (context: code line content)
int timeout = 30; // Replace this with the timeout duration for requesting to speak, in seconds. If set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger timeout callbacks
seatGridView.takeSeat(index, timeout, new TUIRoomDefine.RequestCallback() {
public void onAccepted(String requestId, String userId) {
// Speaking request accepted

public void onRejected(String requestId, String userId, String message) {
// Speaking request rejected

public void onCancelled(String requestId, String userId) {
// Speaking request canceled

public void onTimeout(String requestId, String userId) {
// Speaking request timed out

public void onError(String requestId, String userId, TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Speaking request error
When you are the host and someone requests to speak, you will receive the onSeatRequestReceived callback. You can call responseRemoteRequest to accept/reject the speaking request.
func onSeatRequestReceived(type: SGRequestType, userInfo: TUIUserInfo) {
if type == .applyToTakeSeat {
let agree = true // true means
self.seatGridView.responseRemoteRequest(userId: userInfo.userId, agree: true) {
// Agreed to speak successfully
} onError: { code, message in
// Failed to agree to speak
void onSeatRequestReceived(VoiceRoomDefine.RequestType type, TUIRoomDefine.UserInfo userInfo) {
if (type == APPLY_TO_TAKE_SEAT) {
boolean agree = true; // true: agree to connect, false: refuse to connect
seatGridView.seatGridView.responseRemoteRequest(userInfo.userId, agree, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
public void onSuccess () {
// Agreed to speak successfully

public void onError (TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Agreed to speak successfully

Leave Seat

When you are speaking and want to leave, you can call the leaveSeat API.
self.seatGridView.leaveSeat {
// Left the seat successfully
} onError: { code, message in
// Failed to leave the seat
seatGridView.leaveSeat(new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback {
public void onSuccess () {
// Left the seat successfully

public void onError (TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Failed to leave the seat

Move Seat

When you are on seat 1 and want to switch to seat 2, you can call the moveToSeat API and pass in the index of the seat to switch to.
let index = 2
self.seatGridView.moveToSeat(index: destinationIndex) {
// Successfully moved the seat
} onError: { code, message in
// Failed to move the seat
int index = 2;
seatGridView.moveToSeat(index, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback {
public void onSuccess () {
// Successfully moved the seat

public void onError (TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Failed to move the seat

Invite to take seat

When you are the host and want to invite someone not on the mic to seat 4, you can call the takeUserOnSeatByAdmin API, passing three parameters: the seat index to invite to, the timeout period, and the user ID of the person being invited.
let tartgetIndex = 4
let timeout = 30
let targetUserId = "100002" // Please replace this with the user ID of the host you want to remove from the mic.
self.takeUserOnSeatByAdmin(index: targetIndex, timeout: timeout, userId: targetUserId) {
// Speaking invitation accepted
} onRejected: { userInfo in
// Speaking invitation rejected
} onTimeout: { userInfo in
// Speaking invitation timed out
} onCancelled: { userInfo in
// Speaking invitation canceled
} onError: { userInfo, code, message in
// Speaking invitation error
int tartgetIndex = 4;
int timeout = 30;
String targetUserId = "100002"; // Please replace this with the user ID of the host you want to remove from the mic.
seatGridView.takeUserOnSeatByAdmin(targetIndex, timeout, targetUserId, new new TUIRoomDefine.RequestCallback() {
public void onAccepted(String requestId, String userId) {
// Speaking invitation accepted

public void onRejected(String requestId, String userId, String message) {
// Speaking invitation rejected

public void onCancelled(String requestId, String userId) {
// Speaking invitation canceled

public void onTimeout(String requestId, String userId) {
// Speaking invitation timed out

public void onError(String requestId, String userId, TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Speaking invitation error
When someone invites you to speak, you will receive the onSeatRequestReceived callback. You can call responseRemoteRequest to accept/reject the speaking invitation.
func onSeatRequestReceived(type: SGRequestType, userInfo: TUIUserInfo) {
if type == .inviteToTakeSeat {
let isAccepted = true // true means accepting the invitation, false means rejecting the invitation
self.seatGridView.responseRemoteRequest(userId: userInfo.userId, agree: isAccepted) {
// Agreed to speak invitation successfully
} onError: { code, message in
// Failed to agree to speak invitation
void onSeatRequestReceived(VoiceRoomDefine.RequestType type, TUIRoomDefine.UserInfo userInfo) {
if (type == INVITE_TO_TAKE_SEAT) {
boolean isAccepted = true; // true means accepting the invitation, false means rejecting the invitation
seatGridView.responseRemoteRequest(userInfo.userId, isAccepted, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback {
public void onSuccess () {
// Agreed to speak invitation successfully

public void onError (TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Failed to agree to speak invitation

Kick off seat

When you are the host and want to remove the speaker on seat 3, you can call the kickUserOffSeatByAdmin API and pass in the user ID of the speaker you want to remove.
String targetUserId = "100002"; // Please replace this with the user ID of the host you want to remove from the mic.
seatGridView.kickUserOffSeatByAdmin(targetUserId, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback {
public void onSuccess () {
// Successfully removed a speaker

public void onError (TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Failed to remove a speaker
String targetUserId = "100002"; // Please replace this with the user ID of the host you want to remove from the mic.
self.seatGridView.kickUserOffSeatByAdmin(targetUserId, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback {
public void onSuccess () {
// Successfully removed a speaker

public void onError (TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Failed to remove a speaker

Lock Seat

When you are the host and want to lock the empty seat at position 5 to prevent others from taking it, or mute the host on seat 6, you can call the lockSeat API, passing in two parameters: the index of the seat to be locked and the lock mode.
The structure of the lock mode (TUISeatLockParams) is as follows:
Property Name
Field Description
Additional Notes
Data Type

Lock Microphone Position

Locking the corresponding seat prevents applications to take that seat.
Boolean value
True when the seat is locked.
Lock the seat camera.
Locking the corresponding seat camera will stop the seat from publishing video streams.
Boolean value
Lock the seat microphone.

Locking the corresponding seat camera will stop the seat from publishing audio streams.

Boolean value
True when the seat microphone is locked.
// Lock a seat.
let lockSeatIndex = 5
let lockSeatParam = TUISeatLockParams()
lockSeatParam.lockSeat = true
self.seatGridView.lockSeat(index: lockSeatIndex, lockMode: lockSeatParam) {
// Lock the seat successfully
} onError: { code, message in
// Failed to lock the seat

// Lock the seat microphone
let lockSeatAudioIndex = 6
let lockSeatAudioParam = TUISeatLockParams()
lockSeatAudioParam.lockAudio = true
self.seatGridView.lockSeat(index: lockSeatAudioIndex, lockMode: lockSeatAudioParam) {
// Lock the seat microphone successfully
} onError: { code, message in
// Failed to lock the seat microphone
// Lock a seat.
int lockSeatIndex = 5;
TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams lockSeatParam = new TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams();
lockSeatParam.lockSeat = true;
seatGridView.lockSeat(lockSeatIndex, lockSeatParam, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
// Lock the seat successfully

public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Failed to lock the seat

// Lock the seat microphone
int lockSeatIndex = 6;
TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams lockSeatAudioParam = new TUIRoomDefine.SeatLockParams();
lockSeatAudioParam.lockAudio = true;
seatGridView.lockSeat(lockSeatIndex, lockSeatAudioParam, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
// Lock the seat microphone successfully

public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// Failed to lock the seat microphone