Feature Overview
The app admin can pull operations data for the last 30 days through this API. The operational data fields that can be pulled are described later in this document.
API Calling Description
Sample request URL
Request parameters
The following table describes the modified parameters when this API is called. For other parameters, see RESTful API Overview.
Parameter | Description |
xxxxxx | Domain name corresponding to the country/region where your SDKAppID is located. China: console.tim.qq.com Singapore: adminapisgp.im.qcloud.com Seoul: adminapikr.im.qcloud.com Frankfurt: adminapiger.im.qcloud.com Silicon Valley: adminapiusa.im.qcloud.com Jakarta: adminapiidn.im.qcloud.com |
v4/openconfigsvr/getappinfo | Request API |
sdkappid | SDKAppID assigned by the Chat console when an app is created |
identifier | |
usersig | |
random | A random 32-bit unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 4294967295. |
contenttype | Request format. The value is fixed to json . |
Maximum call frequency
200 calls per second
Sample request
Query the operations data of the last 30 days for SDKAppID.
Basic format
Pull all fields by default.
Specifying fields to be pulled
Specify fields to be pulled in
Request fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
RequestField | Array | No | This field is used to specify the operations data fields to be pulled. If this field is not specified, all fields will be pulled by default. For details, see the operations data fields that can be pulled below. |
Sample response
Basic format
{"ErrorCode": 0,"ErrorInfo": "OK","Result": [{"APNSMsgNum": "84","ActiveUserNum": "2014","AppId": "1104620500","AppName": "Real-Time Communication Scenario Free trial","C2CAPNSMsgNum": "84","C2CDownMsgNum": "11040","C2CSendMsgUserNum": "9","C2CUpMsgNum": "52209","CallBackReq": "73069","CallBackRsp": "72902","ChainDecrease": "16","ChainIncrease": "18","Company": "Linye","Date": "20160607","DownMsgNum": "11869","GroupAPNSMsgNum": "0","GroupAllGroupNum": "41913","GroupDestroyGroupNum": "35019","GroupDownMsgNum": "829","GroupJoinGroupTimes": "121438","GroupNewGroupNum": "35904","GroupQuitGroupTimes": "108292","GroupSendMsgGroupNum": "5189","GroupSendMsgUserNum": "12","GroupUpMsgNum": "8433","LoginTimes": "13708","LoginUserNum": "2094","MaxOnlineNum": "62","RegistUserNumOneDay": "1052","RegistUserNumTotal": "53091","SendMsgUserNum": "19","UpMsgNum": "60642",}]}
Specifying fields to be pulled
Response fields
Field | Type | Description |
Result | Array | The requested operations data from the last 30 days |
ErrorCode | Integer | Error code. 0 : Successful; other values: Failed |
ErrorInfo | String | Error information |
Error Codes
The returned HTTP status code for this API is always 200 unless a network error (such as error 502) occurs. The specific error code and details can be found in the response fields
and ErrorInfo
For public error codes (60000 to 79999), see Error Codes.
The following table describes the error codes specific to this API:Error Code | Description |
130001 | JSON parsing error of the request |
130009 | SQL opening error |
130010 | SQL pinging error |
130011 | SQL query error |
130012 | SQL result parsing error |
Operations Data Fields That Can Be Pulled
Field | Description |
AppName | App name |
AppId | SDKAppID of the app |
Company | Customer name |
ActiveUserNum | Number of active users |
RegistUserNumOneDay | Number of newly registered users |
RegistUserNumTotal | Total number of registered users |
LoginTimes | Number of logins |
LoginUserNum | Number of logged-in users |
UpMsgNum | Number of upstream messages |
SendMsgUserNum | Number of message sending users |
APNSMsgNum | Number of pushed APNs messages |
C2CUpMsgNum | Number of upstream messages (C2C) |
C2CDownMsgNum | Number of downstream messages (C2C) |
C2CSendMsgUserNum | Number of message sending users (C2C) |
C2CAPNSMsgNum | Number of pushed APNs messages (C2C) |
MaxOnlineNum | Maximum number of online users |
DownMsgNum | Total number of downstream messages (C2C and group) |
ChainIncrease | Increase in relationship chain pairs |
ChainDecrease | Decrease in relationship chain pairs |
GroupUpMsgNum | Number of upstream messages (group) |
GroupDownMsgNum | Number of downstream messages (group) |
GroupSendMsgUserNum | Number of message sending users (group) |
GroupAPNSMsgNum | Number of pushed APNs messages (group) |
GroupSendMsgGroupNum | Number of message sending groups |
GroupJoinGroupTimes | Total number of joined groups |
GroupQuitGroupTimes | Total number of left groups |
GroupNewGroupNum | Number of newly added groups |
GroupAllGroupNum | Total number of groups |
GroupDestroyGroupNum | Number of disbanded groups |
CallBackReq | Number of callback requests |
CallBackRsp | Number of callback responses |
Date | Date |