Feature Overview
This API is used to get the list of online members in an audio-video group based on the group ID. To use this feature, you need to purchase the Premium edition, go to the Chat console, select Group feature configuration, and enable List of online audio-video group members. In other plan editions, the list of up to 30 latest group members will be returned after this API is called.
API Calling Description
Applicable group types
Group Type ID | RESTful API Support |
Private | No. Same as work groups (Work) in the new version. |
Public | No |
ChatRoom | No. Same as meeting groups (Meeting) in the new version. |
AVChatRoom | Yes |
Community | Yes |
To use this feature, you need to purchase the Premium edition and enable the List of online audio-video group members feature on the Group feature configuration page in the console.
For other plan editions, the list of up to 30 latest group members will be returned after this API is called.
The list of group members is updated once every 10 seconds.
When there are more than 1,000 members in an audio-video group, only the 1,000 latest online members will be returned after this API is called.
When the group size is greater than or equal to 300, or when there are web users, the number of online users will be updated 10s to 20s after a user joins or quits the group.
When the group size is less than 300 and when there are no web users, the number of online users is updated immediately after a user joins or quits the group.
Sample request URL
Request parameters
The following table describes only the modified parameters when this API is called. For other parameters, see RESTful API Overview.
Parameter | Description |
xxxxxx | Domain name corresponding to the country/region where your SDKAppID is located. China: console.tim.qq.com Singapore: adminapisgp.im.qcloud.com Seoul: adminapikr.im.qcloud.com Frankfurt: adminapiger.im.qcloud.com Silicon Valley: adminapiusa.im.qcloud.com Jakarta: adminapiidn.im.qcloud.com |
v4/group_open_avchatroom_http_svc/get_members | Request API |
sdkappid | SDKAppID assigned by the Chat console when an app is created |
identifier | |
usersig | |
random | A random 32-bit unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 4294967295. |
contenttype | Request format. The value is fixed to json . |
Maximum call frequency
200 calls per second
Sample request
This API is used to get the number of online members in an audio-video group (AVChatRoom), which is collected once every 10 seconds.
{"GroupId":"@TGS#a6I4ZUUGO","Timestamp": 0}
Only the group members marked as
will be obtained.{"GroupId":"@TGS#a6I4ZUUGO","Mark": 1000,"Timestamp": 0}
Request fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
GroupId | String | Yes | ID of the target group |
Timestamp | Integer | Yes | For the first request, the value is 0 . If the audio-video group has 500 or less members, the backend returns all members and NextTimestamp with the value 0 . If the audio-video group has more than 500 members, the backend returns NextTimestamp with a non-zero value, which is used as the value of Timestamp for the next request for pulling the remaining members. |
Sample response
{"ActionStatus": "OK","ErrorCode": 0,"ErrorInfo": "","MemberList": [{"JoinTime": 1657773110,"Member_Account": "teacher2","NickName": "Teacher t02","Avatar": "http://www.example.com/teacher2.jpg"}],"NextTimestamp": 0}
Response fields
Field | Type | Description |
ActionStatus | String | Request result. OK : successful; FAIL : failed |
ErrorCode | Integer | Error code. 0 : Successful; other values: Failed |
ErrorInfo | String | Error information |
MemberList | Object | Online accounts of the group. Member_Account is the UserID of a user, and JoinTime is the time when the user joined the group. |
NextTimestamp | Integer | Pulling-by-page flag. If the value is not 0 , more members can be returned. You need to set the value in the Timestamp request parameter to pull more members. If it is 0 , all the members have been returned. |
Error Codes
The returned HTTP status code for this API is always 200 unless a network error (such as error 502) occurs. The specific error code and details can be found in the response fields
and ErrorInfo
For public error codes (60000 to 79999), see Error Codes.
The following table describes the error codes specific to this API:Error Code | Description |
10001 | The user is not logged in. Check whether the admin account and usersig are correct. |
10002 | A system error occurred. Try again or contact technical support. |
10003 | The request command is invalid. Try again or contact technical support. |
10004 | A parameter is invalid. Check the ErrorInfo field in the response packet to see whether the required fields have been specified or whether the fields are set according to protocol requirements. |
10007 | You do not have required permissions. You can only obtain the number of online users for audio-video groups. |
10010 | The group does not exist or has been deleted. |
10015 | The group ID is invalid. Please check the group ID. |