Tencent Real-Time Communication(TRTC) console supports self-configuration of callback information. After the configuration is completed, you can receive event callback notifications. Before configuring the callback information, you need to prepare a key for signature calculation. You can define a key with a maximum of 32 characters, composed of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.
This document will help you verify signature after calculating it and show you how to perform an example.
Signature calculation
Signatures are calculated using the HMAC SHA256 encryption algorithm. Upon receiving a callback message, your server will calculate a signature using the same method, and if the results match, it indicates that the callback is from TRTC and not forged. See below for the calculation method.
// In the formula below, `key` is the key used to calculate a signature.Sign = base64(hmacsha256(key, body))
is the original packet body of the callback request you receive. Do not make any modifications. Below is an example.body="{\n\t\"EventGroupId\":\t1,\n\t\"EventType\":\t103,\n\t\"CallbackTs\":\t1615554923704,\n\t\"EventInfo\":\t{\n\t\t\"RoomId\":\t12345,\n\t\t\"EventTs\":\t1608441737,\n\t\t\"UserId\":\t\"test\",\n\t\t\"UniqueId\":\t1615554922656,\n\t\t\"Role\":\t20,\n\t\t\"Reason\":\t1\n\t}\n}"
Verify signature example
import javax.crypto.Mac;import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;import java.util.Base64;//# Function: Third-party callback sign verification//# Parameters://# key: The key configured in the console//# body: The body returned by the Tencent Cloud callback//# sign: The sign value returned by the Tencent Cloud callback//# Return Value://# Status: OK indicates that the verification has passed, FAIL indicates that the verification has failed, and the specific reason can be found in the Info//# Info: Success/Failure informationpublic class checkSign {public static String getResultSign(String key, String body) throws Exception {Mac hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256");hmacSha256.init(secret_key);return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hmacSha256.doFinal(body.getBytes()));}public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {String key = "123654";String body = "{\n" + "\t\"EventGroupId\":\t2,\n" + "\t\"EventType\":\t204,\n" + "\t\"CallbackTs\":\t1664209748188,\n" + "\t\"EventInfo\":\t{\n" + "\t\t\"RoomId\":\t8489,\n" + "\t\t\"EventTs\":\t1664209748,\n" + "\t\t\"EventMsTs\":\t1664209748180,\n" + "\t\t\"UserId\":\t\"user_85034614\",\n" + "\t\t\"Reason\":\t0\n" + "\t}\n" + "}";String Sign = "kkoFeO3Oh2ZHnjtg8tEAQhtXK16/KI05W3BQff8IvGA=";String resultSign = getResultSign(key, body);if (resultSign.equals(Sign)) {System.out.println("{'Status': 'OK', 'Info': 'validation passed'}");} else {System.out.println("{'Status': 'FAIL', 'Info': 'validation failed'}");}}}
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-import hmacimport base64from hashlib import sha256# Function: Third-party callback sign verification# Parameters:# key: The key configured in the console# body: The body returned by the Tencent Cloud callback# sign: The sign value returned by the Tencent Cloud callback# Return Value:# Status: OK indicates that the verification has passed, FAIL indicates that the verification has failed, and the specific reason can be found in the Info# Info: Success/Failure informationdef checkSign(key, body, sign):temp_dict = {}computSign = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(key.encode('utf-8'), body.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=sha256).digest()).decode('utf-8')print(computSign)if computSign == sign:temp_dict['Status'] = 'OK'temp_dict['Info'] = 'validation passed'return temp_dictelse:temp_dict['Status'] = 'FAIL'temp_dict['Info'] = 'validation failed'return temp_dictif __name__ == '__main__':key = '123654'body = "{\n" + "\t\"EventGroupId\":\t2,\n" + "\t\"EventType\":\t204,\n" + "\t\"CallbackTs\":\t1664209748188,\n" + "\t\"EventInfo\":\t{\n" + "\t\t\"RoomId\":\t8489,\n" + "\t\t\"EventTs\":\t1664209748,\n" + "\t\t\"EventMsTs\":\t1664209748180,\n" + "\t\t\"UserId\":\t\"user_85034614\",\n" + "\t\t\"Reason\":\t0\n" + "\t}\n" + "}"sign = 'kkoFeO3Oh2ZHnjtg8tEAQhtXK16/KI05W3BQff8IvGA='result = checkSign(key, body, sign)print(result)
<?phpclass TlsEventSig {private $key = false;private $body = false;public function __construct( $key, $body ) {$this->key = $key;$this->body = $body;}private function __hmacsha256() {$hash = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $this->body, $this->key, true );return base64_encode( $hash);}public function genEventSig() {return $this->__hmacsha256();}}$key="789";$data="{\n\t\"EventGroupId\":\t1,\n\t\"EventType\":\t101,\n\t\"CallbackTs\":\t1608086882372,\n\t\"EventInfo\":\t{\n\t\t\"RoomId\":\t20222,\n\t\t\"EventTs\":\t1608086882,\n\t\t\"UserId\":\t\"222222_phone\"\n\t}\n}";$api = new TlsEventSig($key, $data);echo $api->genEventSig();
package mainimport "fmt"import ("crypto/hmac""crypto/sha256""encoding/base64")func main () {var data = "{\n\t\"EventGroupId\":\t1,\n\t\"EventType\":\t101,\n\t\"CallbackTs\":\t1608086882372,\n\t\"EventInfo\":\t{\n\t\t\"RoomId\":\t20222,\n\t\t\"EventTs\":\t1608086882,\n\t\t\"UserId\":\t\"222222_phone\"\n\t}\n}"var key = "789"//JSRUN engine 2.0, supporting up to 30 types of languages for online running, with full simulation of online interaction for input and output.fmt.Println(hmacsha256(data,key))}func hmacsha256(data string, key string) string {h := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(key))h.Write([]byte(data))return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))}