General Error Code
Error Code | Description |
0 | Operation Successful |
-1 | Temporarily Unclassified General Error |
-2 | Request Rate Limited, Please Try Again Later |
-1000 | |
-1001 | Passing illegal parameters when calling API, check if the parameters are legal |
-1002 | Not Logged In, Please Call Login API |
-1003 | Failed to Obtain Permission, Unauthorized Audio/Video Permission, Please Check if Device Permission is Enabled |
-1004 | This feature requires an additional package. Please activate the corresponding package as needed in the TRTC Console |
Local User Rendering, Video Management, Audio Management API Callback Error Definition
Error Code | Description |
-1100 | System Issue, Failed to Open Camera. Check if Camera Device is Normal |
-1101 | Camera has No System Authorization, Check System Authorization |
-1102 | Camera is Occupied, Check if Other Process is Using Camera |
-1103 | No Camera Device Currently, Please Insert Camera Device to Solve the Problem |
-1104 | System Issue, Failed to Open Mic. Check if Mic Device is Normal |
-1105 | Mic has No System Authorization, Check System Authorization |
-1106 | Mic is Occupied |
-1107 | No Mic Device Currently |
-1108 | Failed to Obtain Screen Sharing Object, Check Screen Recording Permission |
-1109 | Failed to Enable Screen Sharing, Check if Someone is Already Screen Sharing in the Room |
Room Management Related API Callback Error Definition
Error Code | Description |
-2100 | Room Does Not Exist When Entering, May Have Been Closed |
-2101 | This Feature Can Only Be Used After Entering the Room |
-2102 | Room Owner Does Not Support Leaving the Room, Conference Room Type: Transfer Room Ownership First, Then Leave the Room. Living Room Type: Room Owner Can Only Close the Room |
-2103 | This Operation is Not Supported in the Current Room Type |
-2104 | This Operation is Not Supported in the Current Speaking Mode |
-2105 | Illegal Custom Room ID, Must Be Printable ASCII Characters (0x20-0x7e), Up to 48 Bytes Long |
-2106 | Room ID is Already in Use, Please Choose Another Room ID |
-2107 | Illegal Room Name, Maximum 30 Bytes, Must Be UTF-8 Encoding if Contains Chinese Characters |
-2108 | User is Already in Another Room, Single RoomEngine Instance Only Supports User Entering One Room, To Enter Different Room, Please Leave the Room or Use New RoomEngine Instance |
Room User Information API Callback Error Definition
Error Code | Description |
-2200 | User Not Found |
-2201 | User Not Found in the Room |
Room User Speech Management API Callback Error Definition & Room Mic Seat Management API Callback Error Definition
Error Code | Description |
-2300 | Room Owner Permission Required for Operation |
-2301 | Room Owner or Administrator Permission Required for Operation |
-2310 | No Permission for Signaling Request, e.g. Canceling an Invite Not Initiated by Yourself |
-2311 | Signaling Request ID is Invalid or Has Been Processed |
-2340 | Maximum Mic Seat Exceeds Package Quantity Limit |
-2341 | Current User is Already on Mic Seat |
-2342 | Mic Seat is Already Occupied |
-2343 | Mic Seat is Locked |
-2344 | Mic Seat Serial Number Does Not Exist |
-2345 | Current User is Not on Mic |
-2346 | Mic-on Capacity is Full |
-2360 | Current Mic Seat Audio is Locked |
-2361 | Need to Apply to Room Owner or Administrator to Open Mic |
-2370 | Current Mic Seat Video is Locked, Need Room Owner to Unlock Mic Seat Before Opening Camera |
-2371 | Need to Apply to Room Owner or Administrator to Open Camera |
-2380 | All Members Muted in the Current Room |
-2381 | You Have Been Muted in the Current Room |
Common Error Codes for RESTful APIs
Error code | Description |
60002 | HTTP parsing error, please check the HTTP request URL format |
60003 | HTTP request JSON parsing error, please check the JSON format |
60004 | Request URL or JSON payload contains an incorrect account or signature |
60005 | Request URL or JSON payload contains an incorrect account or signature |
60006 | SDKAppID invalid, please verify the validity of SDKAppID |
60007 | RESTful API invocation frequency exceeds its limit, please reduce the request frequency |
60008 | Service request timed out or HTTP request format is incorrect, please check and retry |
60009 | Request Resource Error, please check the request URL |
60010 | The request requires App administrator privileges |
60011 | SDKAppID request frequency exceeds the limit, please reduce the request frequency |
60012 | RESTful API requires SDKAppID, please check the SDKAppID in the request URL |
60013 | HTTP response package JSON parsing error |
60014 | Account Replacement timed out |
60015 | The request body has the wrong account type. Please ensure the account is in string format |
60016 | SDKAppID is disabled. |
60017 | The request is disabled. |
60018 | The request is too frequent, please try again later. |
60019 | The request is too frequent, please try again later. |
60020 | Your Professional Edition package has expired and been deactivated. Please log in to [ Chat purchase page]( to repurchase the package. Once purchased, it will take effect 5 minutes later. |
60021 | The Call Source IP for RestAPI is illegal. |
Error codes
Common error codes (60000 to 79999) see Error Code documentation.
The private error codes for this API are as follows:
Error Code | Explanation |
100001 | Server internal error, please retry. |
100002 | The parameter is illegal. Check whether the request is correct according to the error description. |
100003 | The room ID already exists. Please select another room ID. |
100004 | The room does not exist, or it once existed but has now been dissolved. |
100005 | Not a room member |
100006 | Insufficient operation permissions |
100007 | No payment information; you need to purchase a package in the console. |
100008 | The room is full. |
100009 | Tag quantity Exceeds Upper limit |
100010 | The room ID has been used, and the operator is the room owner; it can be used directly. |
100011 | The room ID has been occupied by Chat. You can use a different room ID or dissolve the group first. |
100012 | Creating rooms exceeds the frequency limit; the same room ID can only be created once within 1 second. |
100013 | Exceeds the upper limit, for example, the number of microphone seats, the number of PK match rooms, etc., exceeds the payment limit. |
100015 | Invalid room type |
100016 | This member has been banned. |
100017 | This member has been muted. |
100020 | The admin quantity exceeds the upper limit. |
100200 | The mic seat is locked. You can try another mic seat. |
100202 | Already on the mic queue |
100203 | Already on the mic |
100204 | Not on the mic queue |
100205 | The mic seats are all taken. |
100206 | Not on the mic seat. |
100210 | The user is already on the mic seat. |
100211 | The room does not support mic ability. |
100251 | The mic seat list is empty. |
100400 | The current connection does not exist or has ended. |
100401 | The room is already in connection. |
100402 | There is a pending connection request for this room. |
100404 | The room number has exceeded the limit in connection or battle. |
100405 | creating connections too frequent in a short time. Wait a moment and try again. |
100411 | The battle does not exist or has ended. |
100412 | None of the rooms in the battle is valid. |
100413 | creating battles too frequently. Wait a moment and try again. |
100414 | The room isn‘t in the battle. |
100415 | The room is already in other battle. |
100416 | There is a pending battle request for this room. |
100419 | It's not allowed to cancel battle for room in battle. |
100420 | The battle has not started yet. |
100421 | The battle session has ended. |
100500 | The number of keys in the room's Metadata exceeds the limit. |
100501 | The size of value in the room's Metadata exceeds the maximum byte limit. |
100502 | The total size of all value in the room's Metadata exceeds the maximum byte limit. |
100503 | There is no valid keys when delete metadata. |
100504 | The size of key in the room's Metadata exceeds the maximum byte limit. |