callId によりレコードを取得
Feature Overview
Administrators can access call records by callId through this interface.
The RESTful API is currently in beta. You can query call data created within the last 7 days.
API Calling Description
Sample request URL
Request parameters
The table below only lists the parameters modified when calling this API and their description. For more information, please refer to REST API Overview.
Parameter | Description |
xxxxxx | The reserved domain for the country/region where the SDKAppID is located: |
v1/records/get_record_by_callId | Request API |
sdkappid | SDKAppID assigned by the console when creating an application |
identifier | Using the Admin account of Chat |
usersig | The Signature generated by the App Administrator account, for detailed operations, please refer to Generating UserSig |
random | Enter a random 32-bit unsigned integer, range 0 to 4294967295 |
contenttype | The request format fixed value is json |
Maximum calling frequency
20 times per second.
Sample request packets
{"callId": "2ae7d549-c441-4a9b-87c0-61810fe19582"}
Request packet fields
Field | Type | Attribute | Description |
callId | String | Mandatory | Call Unique ID |
Sample response packets
{"errorCode": 0,"errorMessage": "Success","requestId": "3fdc344c7a67461c6af3cfc3e77744b5","data": {"callId": "2ae7d549-c441-4a9b-87c0-61810fe19582","sdkAppId": 88888888,"mediaType": "video","roomId": "123456","startCallTs": 1688705638,"acceptTs": 1688705641,"endTs": 1688705668,"caller": "alice","totalUserNumber": 2,"callType": "single","callResult": "normal_end","callees": ["bob1","bob2"]}}
Response Packet Field Description
Field | Type | Description |
errorCode | Integer | Error code, 0 indicates success |
errorMessage | String | Error message |
requestId | String | Unique Request ID |
callId | String | Unique ID of the call |
sdkAppId | Integer | Your sdkAppId |
mediaType | String | Media type video Video Callaudio Audio Call |
roomId | String | Room ID of the call |
startCallTs | Integer | Call Initiation Timestamp (in seconds) |
acceptTs | Integer | Call Connection Timestamp (in seconds) |
endTs | Integer | Call End Timestamp (in seconds) |
caller | String | Caller userId |
totalUserNumber | Integer | Total Number of Participants in the Call |
callType | String | Call Type: single One-on-one callgroup Group Call |
callResult | String | Call Result: cancel Cancel: The caller cancelled the call before connection.reject Declined call: The callee rejected.not_answer Not Answered: The callee did not answer in time.normal_end Completed: The call was connected and ended normally.call_busy Busy: The line was busy during the call.interrupt Interrupts: The call was interrupted due to network or other reasons. |
callees | Array | List of callee user IDs who participated in the call |
The callResult field may display all types for one-on-one calls only, while group chats only have
. Error codes
Unless there is a network error (e.g., a 502 error), the HTTP return code for this interface is always 200. The actual error code and error message are conveyed through errorCode and errorMessage in the response body.
For common error codes (70000 to 79999), please see Error Code.
Error code | Description |
0 | Request succeeded |
50001 | The current application needs to purchase the TUICallKit Group Call Version Package to use |
70011 | No records found |
Unknown error code |