

Detects when a face is partially captured or concealed or when there are multiple faces; recognizes 256 facial keypoints.

Index Image for 256 Facial Keypoints

iOS API Description

Integration guide for iOS

For directions on how to integrate the Beauty AR SDK for iOS, see the integration guide for Integrating SDK (iOS).

Registering an Xmagic listener

/// @brief The SDK event listener
/// @param listener The listener for SDK events, including AI events, tips, and resource events.
- (void)registerSDKEventListener:(id<YTSDKEventListener> _Nullable)listener;

YTSDKEventListener callback description

#pragma mark - Event callback APIs
/// @brief SDK event callback APIs
@protocol YTSDKEventListener <NSObject>
/// @brief `YTDataUpdate` event callback
/// @param event: Callback in NSString* format
- (void)onYTDataEvent:(id _Nonnull)event;
/// @brief AI event callback
/// @param event: Callback in dict format
- (void)onAIEvent:(id _Nonnull)event;
/// @brief Tip event callback
/// @param event: Callback in dict format
- (void)onTipsEvent:(id _Nonnull)event;
/// @brief Resource pack event callback
/// @param event: Callback in string format
- (void)onAssetEvent:(id _Nonnull)event;
After the callbacks are configured successfully on Version 2.6.0 and earlier versions, the SDK will send a callback of facial data for each video frame.
- (void)onYTDataEvent:(id _Nonnull)event;
After the callbacks are configured successfully on Version 3.0.0, the SDK will send a callback of facial data for each video frame.
- (void)onAIEvent:(id _Nonnull)event;
//onAIEvent callback funtion can get the data.
NSDictionary *eventDict = (NSDictionary *)event;
if (eventDict[@"ai_info"] != nil) {
NSLog(@"ai_info %@",eventDict[@"ai_info"]);
The data returned is in JSON format and includes the following fields (for details about the 256 facial keypoints, see the illustration above):
/// @note The list of field descriptions
| Field | Type | Value Range | Description |
| :---- | :---- |:---- | :---- |
| trace_id | int | [1,INF) | The face ID. If the faces obtained continuously from a video stream have the same face ID, they belong to the same person. |
| face_256_point | float | [0,screenWidth] or [0,screenHeight] | 512 values in total for 256 facial keypoints. (0,0) is the top-left corner of the screen. |
| face_256_visible | float | [0,1] | Visibility of the 256 facial keypoints. |
| out_of_screen | bool | true/false | Whether the face is outside of the screen view. |
| left_eye_high_vis_ratio | float | [0,1] | The percentage of keypoints with high visibility for the left eye. |
| right_eye_high_vis_ratio | float | [0,1] | The percentage of keypoints with high visibility for the right eye. |
| left_eyebrow_high_vis_ratio | float | [0,1] | The percentage of keypoints with high visibility for the left eyebrow. |
| right_eyebrow_high_vis_ratio | float | [0,1] | The percentage of keypoints with high visibility for the right eyebrow. |
| mouth_high_vis_ratio | float | [0,1] | The percentage of keypoints with high visibility for the mouth. |
- (void)onYTDataEvent:(id _Nonnull)event;