FuncList | DESC |
Room information. | |
User login information. | |
User information in the room. | |
Video encoding parameters. | |
Room seat information. | |
Lock seat parameters. | |
User volume in the room. | |
Request. | |
Enter a room parameters. |
EnumType | DESC |
Room type. | |
Seat mode. | |
Types of media devices in the room. | |
Type of user role in the room. | |
The reason of dismissing room. | |
Video quality. | |
Audio quality. | |
Video stream type. | |
Reasons for audio and video status changed. | |
Reasons for users being kicked off from the room. | |
Resolution mode. | |
Screen sharing capture source type. | |
Request type. |
Room type.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIRoomTypeConference | 1 | Conference room, suitable for conference and education scenarios. |
TUIRoomTypeLive | 2 | Live room, suitable for live scenarios. |
Seat mode.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUISeatModeFreeToTake | 1 | Free to take seat mode. Users can take the seat freely without applying. |
TUISeatModeApplyToTake | 2 | Apply to take seat mode. Users can take the seat after the owner or administrator approve. |
Types of media devices in the room.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIMediaDeviceMicrophone | 1 | Microphone. |
TUIMediaDeviceCamera | 2 | Camera. |
TUIMediaDeviceScreenSharing | 3 | Screen sharing. |
Type of user role in the room.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIRoleRoomOwner | 0 | Owner, generally refers to the room creator. |
TUIRoleAdministrator | 1 | Administrator. |
TUIRoleGeneralUser | 2 | General user. |
The reason of dismissing room.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIRoomDismissedReasonByOwner | 1 | Dismissed by owner. |
TUIRoomDismissedReasonByServer | 2 | Dismissed by the room server. |
Video quality.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIVideoQuality360P | 1 | Low-definition 360P. |
TUIVideoQuality540P | 2 | Standard definition 540P. |
TUIVideoQuality720P | 3 | High definition 720P. |
TUIVideoQuality1080P | 4 | Full high definition 1080P. |
Audio quality.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIAudioQualitySpeech | 0 | Speech mode. |
TUIAudioQualityDefault | 1 | Default mode. |
TUIAudioQualityMusic | 2 | Music mode. |
Video stream type.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIVideoStreamTypeCameraStream | 0 | HD camera video stream. |
TUIVideoStreamTypeScreenStream | 1 | Screen sharing video stream. |
TUIVideoStreamTypeCameraStreamLow | 2 | Low-definition camera video stream. |
Reasons for audio and video status changed.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIChangeReasonBySelf | 0 | Changed by self. |
TUIChangeReasonByAdmin | 1 | Changed by the owner and administrator. |
Reasons for users being kicked off from the room.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIKickedOutOfRoomReasonByAdmin | 0 | Kicked off by owner or administrator. |
TUIKickedOutOfRoomReasonByLoggedOnOtherDevice | 1 | Kicked off when other devices enter the room. |
TUIKickedOutOfRoomReasonByServer | 2 | Kicked off by the server. |
Resolution mode.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIResolutionModeLandscape | 0 | Landscape. |
TUIResolutionModePortrait | 1 | Portrait. |
Screen sharing capture source type.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUICaptureSourceTypeUnknown | -1 | Undefine. |
TUICaptureSourceTypeWindow | 0 | Window. |
TUICaptureSourceTypeScreen | 1 | Screen. |
Request type.
Enum | Value | DESC |
TUIRequestActionInvalidAction | 0 | Invalid request. |
TUIRequestActionOpenRemoteCamera | 1 | Request the remote user to open the camera. |
TUIRequestActionOpenRemoteMicrophone | 2 | Request the remote user to open the microphone. |
TUIRequestActionTakeSeat | 4 | Request to take seat. |
TUIRequestActionRemoteUserOnSeat | 5 | Request the remote user to take seat. |
TUIRequestActionApplyToAdminToOpenLocalCamera | 6 | Request to open local camera by the administrator. |
TUIRequestActionApplyToAdminToOpenLocalMicrophone | 7 | Request to open local microphone by the administrator. |
TUIRequestActionApplyToAdminToOpenLocalScreenShare | 8 | Request to enable the screen sharing by the administrator. |
Room information.
EnumType | DESC |
createTime | The room creation time (read-only). |
isCameraDisableForAllUser | The status of disabling for all user to open the camera in room (optional parameter for creating a room), default value: NO. |
isMessageDisableForAllUser | The status of disabling for all user to send message in room (optional parameter for creating a room), default value: NO. |
isMicrophoneDisableForAllUser | The status of disabling for all user to open the microphone in room (optional parameter for creating a room), default value: NO. |
isScreenShareDisableForAllUser | The status of disabling for all user to start the screen sharing in room (optional parameter for creating a room), default value: NO. |
isSeatEnabled | The status of enabling seat. |
maxSeatCount | Maximum number of seat. |
memberCount | The count of members in the room (read-only). |
name | Room name (Optional parameter, default is room ID, maximum support is 100 bytes). |
ownerAvatarUrl | Room owner avatar URL: Default is the room creator's avatar URL (read-only). |
ownerId | Owner ID: Default is the room creator (read-only). |
ownerName | Room owner name: Default is the room creator's name (read-only). |
password | Room password. |
roomId | Room ID (String type, required parameter for creating room, maximum support is 48 bytes). |
roomType | |
seatMode | Seat mode (only available after isSeatEnabled is true). |
User login information.
EnumType | DESC |
avatarUrl | User avatar URL. |
customInfo | Custom information. |
userId | User ID. |
userName | User name. |
User information in the room.
EnumType | DESC |
avatarUrl | Use avatar URL. |
hasAudioStream | The status of the user has audio stream, default value: NO. |
hasScreenStream | The status of the user has screen sharing stream, default value: NO. |
hasVideoStream | The status of the user has video stream, default value: NO. |
isMessageDisabled | The status of disabling the user to send message, default value: NO. |
nameCard | User nickname in the room, maximum support is 32 bytes. |
roomCustomInfo | Room user custom information. |
userId | User ID. |
userName | User name. |
userRole | User role type. Conference room roles only exist within the room. Once checked out and re-entered, the role becomes a general user. Live room can be set before entering the room, and as long as the room is not disbanded, the role still exists. More details, see: TUIRole. |
Video encoding parameters.
EnumType | DESC |
bitrate | Target video bitrate. |
fps | Video capture frame rate. |
resolutionMode | |
videoResolution |
Room seat information.
EnumType | DESC |
avatarUrl | User avatar URL. |
index | Seat index. |
isAudioLocked | The status of audio-locked for the seat. Default value: NO. |
isLocked | The status of locked for the seat. Default value: NO. |
isVideoLocked | The status of video-locked for the seat. Default value: NO. |
nameCard | User nickname in the room. |
userId | User ID. |
userName | User name. |
Lock seat parameters.
EnumType | DESC |
lockAudio | Lock seat audio, default value: NO. |
lockSeat | Lock seat, default value: NO. |
lockVideo | Lock seat camera, default value: NO. |
User volume in the room.
EnumType | DESC |
userId | User ID. |
volume | Volume: The volume of all users who are speaking, the value range is 0 - 100. |
EnumType | DESC |
avatarUrl | User avatar URL. |
content | Request content. |
nameCard | User nickname in the room. |
requestAction | |
requestId | Request ID. |
timestamp | Timestamp. |
userId | User ID. |
userName | User name. |
Enter a room parameters.
EnumType | DESC |
password | Room password. |