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대화 삭제


After a user deletes a friend or leaves a group, the SDK will not automatically delete the corresponding one-to-one or group conversation. The user can call the following API to delete the conversation.
Multi-client sync is not supported for conversation deletion by default and can be enabled in the IM console.

Multi-client sync for conversation deletion is supported only by the SDK on v5.1.1 or later.

Delete a single conversation

Call the deleteConversation API (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to delete a specified conversation.
When a conversation is deleted, the historical messages will be deleted from both the client and the server and cannot be recovered. If you want to keep historical messages, please delete multiple conversations.
Sample code:
iOS and macOS
String conversationID = "conversationID";
V2TIMManager.getConversationManager().deleteConversation(conversationID, new V2TIMCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
// The conversation is deleted successfully.
public void onError(int code, String desc) {
// Failed to delete the conversation
NSString *conversationID = @"conversationID";
[[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] deleteConversation:conversationID
// The conversation is deleted successfully.
fail:^(int code, NSString *desc) {
// Failed to delete the conversation
class Callback final : public V2TIMCallback {
using SuccessCallback = std::function<void()>;
using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;

Callback() = default;
~Callback() override = default;

void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback) {
success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
void OnSuccess() override {
if (success_callback_) {
void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
if (error_callback_) {
error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
SuccessCallback success_callback_;
ErrorCallback error_callback_;

V2TIMString groupName = u8"conversationID";
auto callback = new Callback;
[=]() {
// The conversation is deleted successfully.
delete callback;
[=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {
// Failed to delete the conversation
delete callback;
V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetConversationManager()->DeleteConversationGroup(groupName, callback);

Delete multiple conversations

Call the deleteConversation API (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to delete specified conversations. When clearMessage is set to false, the historical messages will be retained; when set to true, client and server messages will be deleted together and cannot be restored.
This feature is supported only by the SDK on v7.1 or later.
Up to 100 conversations can be deleted at a time.
Sample code:
iOS & macOS
List<String> conversationIDList = new ArrayList<>();
conversationIDList, true, new V2TIMValueCallback<List<V2TIMConversationOperationResult>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<V2TIMConversationOperationResult> results) {
// The conversations are deleted successfully.
for (V2TIMConversationOperationResult result : results) {
int code = result.getResultCode();
String info = result.getResultInfo();
String conversationID = result.getConversationID();
public void onError(int code, String desc) {
// Failed to delete the conversations
NSMutableArray *conversationIDList = [NSMutableArray array];
[conversationIDList addObject:@"c2c_userID"];
[conversationIDList addObject:@"group_groupID"];
[[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] deleteConversationList:conversationIDList
succ:^(NSArray<V2TIMConversationOperationResult *> *results) {
// The conversations are deleted successfully.
for (V2TIMConversationOperationResult *result in results) {
int code = result.resultCode;
NSString *info = result.resultInfo;
NSString *conversationID = result.conversationID;
fail:^(int code, NSString *desc) {
// Failed to delete the conversations
template <class T>
class ValueCallback final : public V2TIMValueCallback<T> {
using SuccessCallback = std::function<void(const T&)>;
using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;

ValueCallback() = default;
~ValueCallback() override = default;

void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback) {
success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
void OnSuccess(const T& value) override {
if (success_callback_) {
void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
if (error_callback_) {
error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
SuccessCallback success_callback_;
ErrorCallback error_callback_;

V2TIMStringVector conversationIDList;
auto callback = new ValueCallback<V2TIMConversationOperationResultVector>{};
[=](const V2TIMConversationOperationResultVector& results) {
// The conversations are deleted successfully.
for (size_t i = 0; i < results.Size(); ++i) {
const V2TIMConversationOperationResult& result = results[i];
int code = result.resultCode;
V2TIMString info = result.resultInfo;
V2TIMString conversationID = result.conversationID;
delete callback;
[=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {
// Failed to delete the conversations
delete callback;
V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetConversationManager()->DeleteConversationList(conversationIDList, true, callback);

Conversation Deleted Notification

If you have called addConversationListener(Android / iOS & Mac / Windows) to add a conversation listener, you can get the notification that the conversation is deleted in onConversationDeleted.
iOS & macOS
public void onConversationDeleted(List<String> conversationIDList) {
Log.i("imsdk", "onConversationDeleted");
- (void)onConversationDeleted:(NSArray<NSString *> *)conversationIDList {
// Received the notification that the conversation is deleted
void OnConversationDeleted(const V2TIMStringVector &conversationIDList) override {
// Received the notification that the conversation is deleted