지향적 그룹 메시지
Feature Description
A targeted group message is a message sent to specified members in a group, which cannot be received by other group members.
1. To use this feature, you need to purchase the Ultimate edition.
2. The original message object used to create a targeted group message cannot be a group @ message.
3. The targeted group message feature is unavailable for communities (Community) and audio-video groups (AVChatRoom).
4. By default, targeted group messages are excluded from the unread count of a group conversation.
Sending a Targeted Group Message
A targeted group message is a message sent to specified members in a group, which cannot be received by unspecified group members. It can be implemented in the following steps:
Call the
API (Details) to specify the list of group members to receive the message and send the message.Sample code:
var message = new Message{message_conv_id = conv_id,message_conv_type = TIMConvType.kTIMConv_Group,message_elem_array = new List<Elem>{new Elem{elem_type = TIMElemType.kTIMElem_Text,text_elem_content = Input.text}},message_target_group_member_array = userid_list, // Specify the list of `UserID` values of group members to receive the message};StringBuilder messageId = new StringBuilder(128);TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.MsgSendMessage(conv_id, TIMConvType.kTIMConv_Group, message, messageId, (int code, string desc, string json_param, string user_data)=>{// Async message sending result});
Receiving a Targeted Group Message
By default, targeted group messages are excluded from the unread count of a group conversation.
A targeted group message can be received in the same way as an ordinary message. For detailed directions, see Receiving Message.