지향적 그룹 메시지
Feature Description
A targeted group message is a message sent to specified members in a group, which cannot be received by other group members.
1. To use this feature, you need to purchase the Pro edition 、Pro Plus edition or Enterprise edition.
2. The original message object used to create a targeted group message cannot be a group @ message.
3. The targeted group message feature is unavailable for communities (Community) and audio-video groups (AVChatRoom).
4. By default, targeted group messages are excluded from the unread count of a group conversation.
Sending a Targeted Group Message
A targeted group message is a message sent to specified members in a group, which cannot be received by unspecified group members. It can be implemented in the following steps:
Call the
API (Details) to specify the list of group members to receive the message and send the message.Sample code:
var message = new Message{message_conv_id = conv_id,message_conv_type = TIMConvType.kTIMConv_Group,message_elem_array = new List<Elem>{new Elem{elem_type = TIMElemType.kTIMElem_Text,text_elem_content = Input.text}},message_target_group_member_array = userid_list, // Specify the list of `UserID` values of group members to receive the message};StringBuilder messageId = new StringBuilder(128);TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.MsgSendMessage(conv_id, TIMConvType.kTIMConv_Group, message, messageId, (int code, string desc, string json_param, string user_data)=>{// Async message sending result});
Receiving a Targeted Group Message
By default, targeted group messages are excluded from the unread count of a group conversation.
A targeted group message can be received in the same way as an ordinary message. For detailed directions, see Receiving Message.