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오프라인 푸시


Chat terminal users need to obtain the latest messages at any time. However, considering the limited performance and battery SOC of mobile devices, Chat recommends you use the system-grade push channels provided by vendors for message notifications when the app is running in the background to avoid excessive resource consumption caused by maintaining a persistent connection. Compared with third-party push channels, system-grade push channels provide more stable system-grade persistent connections, enabling users to receive push messages at any time and greatly reducing resource consumption.
If you want users to receive Chat message notifications when, without proactive logout, the app is switched to the background, the mobile phone screen is locked, or the app process is killed by a user, you can enable the Chat offline push.
If the logout API is called to log out proactively or users are forced to log out due to multi-device login, users cannot receive offline push messages even though Chat offline push is enabled.

Integrating react-native-tim-push to Implement the Offline Push

Before integrating react-native-tim-push, log in to your Tencent Cloud account, and configure the Chat console and redirected-to page for offline push. Then quickly integrate the Chat offline push feature in the following steps.
Log in and initialize the plugin.
This plugin is supported by the following vendors: Mi, Huawei, OPPO, vivo, Meizu, and Google.
For iOS and macOS, use the official plugin react-native-push-notification.

Step 1. Install dependencies

// Using npm
npm i react-native-tim-push --save

// Using Yarn
yarn add react-native-tim-push
Adaptation to vivo According to vivo's vendor integration guide, you need to add the APPID and APPKEY to the list file; otherwise, a compilation problem will occur.
Option 1
Method 2
android {
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [
"VIVO_APPKEY" : "`APPKEY` of the certificate assigned to your application",
"VIVO_APPID" : "`APPID` of the certificate assigned to your application"
<receiver android:name="com.tencent.qcloud.tim.demo.thirdpush.VIVOPushMessageReceiverImpl">
<!-- Receive push message -->
<action android:name="com.vivo.pushclient.action.RECEIVE" />

<meta-data tools:replace="android:value"
android:value="`APPKEY` of the certificate assigned to your application" />
<meta-data tools:replace="android:value"
android:value="`APPID` of the certificate assigned to your application" />

Adaptation to Huawei and Google FCM For Huawei and Google FCM, you need to integrate the corresponding plugin and JSON configuration files by the vendor's methods.
1. Download the configuration file and place it under the root directory of the project.
2. Add the following configuration under "buildscript -> dependencies" of the project-level build.gradle file.
repositories {
// Configure the Maven repository address for the HMS Core SDK
maven {url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'}

dependencies {
classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.2.0'
classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
3. Add the following configuration in the app-level build.gradle file.

apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect'

Step 2. Set push parameters

After a push certificate is added successfully, the Chat console will assign a certificate ID to you. Pass in the ID when initializing the plugin. It will be used to register the push service and report the token.
Parameters to be filled in:
import { TimPushPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-push';
import { LogLevelEnum, TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';

const cPush = new TimPushPlugin();

const login = () => {
const userID = ""; // `userID`
const userSig = ""; // `userSig`
const res = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.login(userID, userSig);
// Check whether the login is successful
if (res.code === 0) {
// Initialize the offline push plugin


const initPushPlugin = () => {
mi_buz_id: 5218, // Certificate ID assigned in the Tencent Cloud console
mi_push_app_id: '', // `APPID` assigned by the Mi Developer platform
mi_push_app_key: '', // `APPKEY` assigned by the Mi Developer platform
After the above steps are performed, offline push notifications can be received.

Step 3. Set offline push parameters when sending messages

When sending a message, set offline push parameters as instructed in sendMessage.
import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from 'react-native-tim-js';

// Create a text message
const createTextMessage = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createTextMessage("test");
if(createTextMessage.code == 0){
String id = createTextMessage.data.id;

// Send the text message
const sendMessageRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().sendMessage(id: id, receiver: "userID", groupID: "", offlinePushInfo: {
title = '', // Push notification title. When this string is left empty, the Chat backend will automatically replace it with the sender nickname or, if the sender nickname is unavailable, the sender ID. Therefore, we recommend you leave it empty unless you have special needs.
desc = '', // Push the second line
disablePush = false,
ext = '', // Extra information in the push, which can be obtained after the redirect upon notification click. We recommend you pass in the JSON string containing conversation information, so that the receiver can be redirected to the corresponding chat. For more information, see the following TUIKit instance code.
androidOPPOChannelID = '', // OPPO channel ID
if(sendMessageRes.code == 0){
// Message sent successfully


How do I troubleshoot if I cannot receive offline push messages?

1. OPPO devices

This generally occurs for the following reasons:
As required by OPPO, ChannelID must be configured for OPPO Android 8.0 or later; otherwise, push messages cannot be displayed. For configuration directions, see setAndroidOPPOChannelID.
The notification bar display feature is disabled by default for applications installed on the OPPO device. If this is the case, check the switch status.

2. Sending custom messages

The offline push for custom messages is different from that for ordinary messages. As we cannot parse the content of custom messages, the push content cannot be determined. Therefore, by default, custom messages are not pushed offline. If you need offline push for custom messages, you need to set the desc field in offlinePushInfo during sendMessage, and the desc information will be displayed by default during push.

3. Notification bar settings of the device

The offline push message can be intuitively displayed in the notification bar, so, just as other notifications, it is subject to the notification settings of the device. Take a Huawei device as an example.
"Settings - Notifications - Notifications (Lock Screen) - Hide or Do not Disturb" will affect the display of offline push notifications when the screen is locked.
"Settings - Notifications - Advanced Settings - Show Notification Icons (Status Bar)" will affect the showing of the offline push notification icon in the status bar.
"Settings - Notifications - Application Notifications - Allow Notifications" will directly affect the display of offline push notifications.
"Settings - Notifications - Application Notifications - Notification Sound" and "Settings - Notifications - Application Notifications - Notification Mute" will affect the offline push notification sound.

4. The failure still exists after integration as instructed

First, test whether messages can be properly pushed offline by using the offline test tool in the Chat console. If offline push does not work properly, and the device status is exceptional, check the parameters in the Chat console and then check the code initialization and registration logic, including the vendor push service registration and Chat offline push configuration. If offline push does not work properly but the device status is normal, check whether the ChannelID is correct or whether the backend service is working properly.
The offline push feature relies on the vendor's capabilities. Some simple characters may be filtered by the vendor and cannot be passed through and pushed.
If offline push messages are not pushed timely or cannot be received, you need to check the vendor's push restrictions.

Vendor's push restrictions

1. All vendors in China have adopted message classification mechanisms, and different push policies are assigned for different types of messages. To make the push timely and reliable, you need to set the push message type of your app as the system message or important message with a high priority based on the vendor's rules. Otherwise, offline push messages are affected by the vendor's push message classification and may vary from your expectations.
2. In addition, some vendors set limits on the daily volumes of app push messages. You can check such limits in the vendor's console. If offline push messages are not pushed timely or cannot be received, consider the following:
Huawei: Push messages are classified into service & communication messages and news & marketing messages with different push effects and policies. In addition, message classification is associated with the self-help message classification permission.
If there is no self-help message classification permission, the vendor will perform secondary intelligent message classification on push messages.
If you have applied for the self-help message classification permission, push messages will be classified based on the custom classification and then pushed. For more information, see Message Classification Criteria.
vivo: Push messages are classified into system messages and operational messages with different push effects and policies. The system messages are further subject to the vendor's intelligent classification for correction. A message that cannot be intelligently identified as a system message will be automatically corrected as an operational message. If the judgment is incorrect, you can give a feedback by email. In addition, the total number of push messages is subject to a daily limit determined based on the app subscription statistics by the vendor. See vendor description 1 or vendor description 2 for details.
OPPO: Push messages are classified into private messages and public messages with different push effects and policies. Private messages are those that a user pays certain attention to and wants to receive in time. The private message channel permission needs to be applied for via email. The public message channel is subject to a number limit. See vendor description 1 or vendor description 2 for details.
Mi: Push messages are classified into important messages and general messages with different push effects and policies. In particular, only instant messages, reminders of attracted events, agenda reminders, order status change, financial reminders, personal status change, resource changes, and device reminders fall into the important message category. The important message channel can be applied for in the vendor's console. General push messages are subject to a number limit. See vendor description 1 or vendor description 2 for details.
Meizu: Push messages are subject to a number limit. See vendor description for details.
FCM: Upstream message push is subject to a frequency limit. See vendor description for details.