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This documentation primarily covers our new Flutter UIKit (tencent_cloud_chat). If you're looking for the documentation for the earlier version of UIKit, please click here.
Welcome to the brand new Flutter Chat UIKit developed by Tencent Cloud Chat. We're excited to introduce this completely redesigned and redeveloped toolkit, built from the ground up, two years after the release of our previous version, tencent_cloud_chat_uikit.
Our new Flutter Chat UIKit is designed to provide developers with a comprehensive set of tools to create feature-rich chat applications with ease.
It is built with a modular approach, allowing you to pick and choose the components you need while keeping your application lightweight and efficient.
The UIKit includes a wide range of capabilities, such as Conversation list, Message handling, Contact lists, User and Group Profiles, Search functionality, and more.


1. Personalized Appearance : With built-in dark and light modes, the UIKit offers a variety of theme and appearance customization options to meet your business needs.
2. Multi-Platform Compatibility : The adaptable single codebase ensures compatibility across various platforms, including mobile devices (iOS/Android), tablets (iPad and Android tablets), web browsers, and desktop environments (Windows/macOS).
3. Localization Support : Developed with native English and additional language options, including Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. The internationalization features ensure a localized interface language and support custom and supplementary language , with Arabic support for RTL UI.
4. Enhanced Performance : The UIKit delivers improved message list performance , memory usage , and precise message positioning capabilities, catering to scenarios with large message volumes and navigation to older messages.
5. Advanced Features : Boasting numerous advanced capabilities, the UIKit includes continuous voice message playback, enhanced multimedia and file message experiences, and intuitive left-right swiping for multimedia message previews.
6. Refined User Experience : Detail optimizations such as rich animations , haptic feedback , and a polished interface contribute to an improved user experience. New features like grid-style avatars, redesigned forwarding panels, group member selectors, and revamped long-press message menus further enrich the experience.
7. Modular Design : Components are organized into modular packages, allowing for selective importing and reducing unnecessary bloat. Each package supports built-in navigation transitions , streamlining development and integration by automatically handling transitions, such as between Conversation and Message.
8. Developer-Friendly Approach : A more unified, standardized component parameter design, clearer code naming conventions, and detailed comments, combined with the flexibility to choose global or instance-level configuration management, make development easier and more efficient.


This UIKit supports mobile, tablet, and desktop UI styles, and is compatible with Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Web (will be supported in future versions).
It comes with built-in support for English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Arabic languages (with support for Arabic RTL interface), and light and dark appearance styles.


Flutter version: 3.16 or above
Dart version: 3.0 or above

Getting Started


You can refer to the Demo source code alongside this document to ensure a smooth and successful integration process.

Import Packages

Base Package

To start using our UIKit, first import the base package, tencent_cloud_chat.

Modular UI Packages

Next, import the required UI component packages that suit your needs from the following list:
tencent_cloud_chat_search (In Beta)
The architecture of our UIKit is shown below:

Platform Integration:
Before proceeding to the "Basic Usage" section, make sure to complete the integration of additional platforms following the steps outlined here, especially if you are targeting these specific platforms for deployment.
Web / macOS: Please Follow this guide if you plan to deploy your project onWeb or macOS platforms.
iOS: Open ios/Podfile , and replace the final section with the following content.
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]'] = 'arm64'
config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
config.build_settings["ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH"] = "NO"
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] ||= [
Android / Windows: No additional actions required.

Basic Usage

Before you start using each Modular Package UI component, there are some initial setup steps you need to follow in your project.
1. Prepare the necessary Tencent Cloud Chat configuration information, such as sdkappid, test userID, userSig, etc. You can refer to this document: https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1047/45907#.E5.89.8D.E5.BA.8F.E5.B7.A5.E4.BD.9C
2. Packages installing:
In your Flutter project, install the main package and the optional modular packages mentioned in the Getting Started section.
3. Global configuration:
Import TencentCloudChatMaterialApp: Replace your project's MaterialApp with TencentCloudChatMaterialApp. This enables automatic management and configuration of the language, theme *(with material3)*, theme mode, and other settings, ensuring that the UIKit's interface parameters are consistent with your project.
This step will take over the language, theme, and theme mode configuration of your project. If you do not want the automatic management of the configuration for your project, you can manually import the features you need into your project according to the following guide.
4. Initialization and Login:
Call the TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit method to initialize and log in. The call instructions and reference code are as follows:
We highly recommend configuring the callbacks to efficiently handle SDK API errors and specific UIKit events that require user attention through Dialog or Tooltip in a customizable way.
For detailed instructions, usage, and a list of event codes, see Introducing callbacks for UIKit.
await TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit(
config: TencentCloudChatConfig(), /// [Optional]: The global configurations that affecting the whole Chat UIKit, including user-related configs, theme-related configs, etc.
options: TencentCloudChatInitOptions(
sdkAppID: , /// [Required]: The SDKAppID of your Tencent Cloud Chat application
userID: , /// [Required]: The userID of the logged-in user
userSig: , /// [Required]: The userSig of the logged-in user

components: TencentCloudChatInitComponentsRelated( /// [Required]: The modular UI components related settings, taking effect on a global scale.
usedComponentsRegister: [
/// [Required]: List of registration functions for the components used in the Chat UIKit.
/// ......
/// The above registers are examples. In this field, pass in the register of each sub modular UI package.
/// After installing each sub modular UI package, you need to declare it here before you can use it.
componentConfigs: TencentCloudChatComponentConfigs(
/// [Optional]: Provide your custom configurations for each UI modular component here. These builders will be applied globally.
componentBuilders: TencentCloudChatComponentBuilders(
/// [Optional]: Provide your custom UI builders for each UI modular component here. These builders will be applied globally.
componentEventHandlers: TencentCloudChatComponentEventHandlers(
/// [Optional]: Provide your custom event handlers for UI component-related events here. These builders will be applied globally.

/// **[Critical]**: It's strongly advised to incorporate the following callback listeners for effectively managing SDK events, SDK API errors and specific UIKit events that require user attention.
/// For detailed usage, see the Introducing callbacks for UIKit section at the end of this README.
callbacks: TencentCloudChatCallbacks(
onTencentCloudChatSDKEvent: V2TimSDKListener(), /// [Optional]: Handles SDK events, such as onKickedOffline and onUserSigExpired, etc.
onTencentCloudChatSDKFailCallback: (apiName, code, desc) {}, /// [Optional]: Handles SDK API errors.
onTencentCloudChatUIKitUserNotificationEvent: (TencentCloudChatComponentsEnum component, TencentCloudChatUserNotificationEvent event) {}, /// [Optional]: Handles specific UIKit events that require user attention on a global scale.

plugins: [], /// [Optional]: Used plugins, such as tencent_cloud_chat_robot, etc. For specific usage, see the README of each plugin.
Once you have completed the basic integration process of the UIKit, you can proceed to explore the documentations of each Modular Package to complete the integration of the individual UI components.
This will help you understand the specific usage and customization options for each component, allowing you to create a tailored chat application that meets your requirements.
The documentations of each Modular Package listed below in this doc.

Common Usage for Modular UI Packages

For most use cases, only TencentCloudChatConversation and TencentCloudChatContact components, if necessary, need to be manually instantiated and added to a widget. Other components are automatically navigated based on user actions, as long as they have been declared in the usedComponentsRegister within the components parameter during the initUIKit call.
To integrate these two basic components, simply instantiate them and return them in a build method without any additional configuration parameters.

Advanced Usage

Advanced Usage for Modular UI Packages

Component Input Parameters

Each modular UI component package provides four unified input parameters:
options : Component-specific parameters that ensure proper functionality. Some generic components might not need this parameter.
config : A set of component-specific configurations for fine-grained customization, such as adjusting the attachment area configuration for the Message component.
builders : A collection of methods for building widgets within the component, enabling external UI customization. Each builder includes the necessary parameters and methods, making data and logic layer methods readily available. For details, see the following Customizing UI Widgets section.
eventHandlers : Callbacks for handling component-specific events, including uiEventHandlers (e.g., various onTap -like events) and lifeCycleEventHandlers (e.g., events triggered after a message has been sent). These handlers allow for custom behavior in response to user interactions and component lifecycle changes.
The options parameters should be specified in the component constructor. Currently, only TencentCloudChatMessage , TencentCloudChatUserProfile , and TencentCloudChatGroupProfile components require this parameter, used for specifying a target user or group.
The other three parameters can be specified either in the component constructor for a specific component instance or globally in the components parameter during the initUIKit call or managed from the manager of each component, affecting all instances of the corresponding component. For the integration process, we recommend using the global configuration approach , as described in the following sections.

Global: Configuring Components

Each component offers a set of component-specific configurations for fine-grained customization, such as adjusting the attachment area configuration for the Message component.
There are two methods for customizing configurations on a global scale: During initUIKit and using the manager.
During init : Define configurations during the initUIKit call using the components parameter with componentConfigs specified for each modular UI component.
By manager : Utilize each component's manager to dynamically modify configurations from any location within the codebase.
To dynamically modify the configurations for all instances of the corresponding component, follow these steps:
1. Access the global config instance from the component's manager by appending Manager to the component's name (e.g., TencentCloudChatMessageManager ).
2. Invoke the setConfigs method and pass any configurations to be modified. This will replace the previous configuration and apply changes immediately.
For example, you can use the config from the TencentCloudChatConversation component by accessing it through the TencentCloudChatConversationManager object (e.g., TencentCloudChatConversationManager.controller ) to modify some configurations:
useDesktopMode: true,

Global: Customizing UI Widgets

UI Builders enable external UI customization. If no builder is defined, the built-in UI widgets will be used. Each builder comes with the required parameters and methods, allowing easy access to the data and logic layer methods. This means that you can use the provided context data, such as a specific conversation, to return a builder tailored to that context.
There are two modes for defining custom builders on a global scale: During initUIKit and by using manager.
During init : Defined during the initUIKit call using the components parameter with componentBuilders specified for each modular UI component.
By manager : Usage instructions shows on the next section Dynamically Updating UI Builders .
We recommend using the following dynamic definition method, allows modifications from any location within the codebase.
Dynamically Updating UI Builders
Please note that this approach is only applicable for modifying global builders that are defined during the initUIKit call using the components parameter or the default builders when no custom builders are specified. This method cannot be used to modify builders at the component instance level, i.e., the builders parameter passed when instantiating a component.
To dynamically update the UI builders that affect all instances of a specific component, follow these steps:
1. Retrieve the global builder instance from the component's manager by appending Manager to the component's name (e.g., TencentCloudChatMessageManager ).
2. Call the setBuilders method on the retrieved instance and provide your custom builders.
For instance, to customize the UI widgets of the TencentCloudChatConversation component, you can use the following code:
conversationItemContentBuilder: (V2TimConversation conversation) => Container(),
conversationHeaderBuilder: () => Container(),
In this example, you only need to specify the builders you want to customize, while the others remain unchanged.
With this approach, you can dynamically update global builders anywhere in your application.

Global: Handling Component-Level Events

Each component is equipped with two types of events: uiEventHandlers (e.g., onTap-like events) and lifeCycleEventHandlers (business-related events).
In general, events provide a comprehensive set of information parameters to help you implement custom business logic. For events returning a boolean value (which is the majority), returning true prevents the execution of default business logic, while returning false allows it to proceed.
Custom event handling allows for seamless integration of your business logic with the default UIKit actions. For instance, you can customize component navigation, as demonstrated in the Case: Manual Navigation between Components section below.
There are two methods for attaching your event handlers globally:
1. During the initUIKit call, use the components parameter and specify componentEventHandlers for each modular UI component.
2. Employ each component's manager to dynamically attach and update event handlers from any location within the codebase.
To dynamically attach and update event handlers that listen to events from all instances, follow these steps:
1. Access the global eventHandlers instance from the component's manager by appending Manager to the component's name (e.g., TencentCloudChatMessageManager).
2. Invoke setEventHandlers for uiEventHandlers or lifeCycleEventHandlers to update specific event handlers. Note: This will cause the corresponding event's previously attached handlers to be invalidated, i.e., overridden.
For example usage, refer to the Case: Manual Navigation between Components section.
Whichever method you choose, you only need to attach the event handlers you wish, while the others remain unspecified.
Case: Manual Navigation Between Components
As previously mentioned, our components support automatic navigation between them, provided they have been declared. However, if your business logic is incompatible with automatic navigation (e.g., you need to navigate to other components or implement additional business logic), you can manually handle events by listening to click events and blocking default navigation to meet your requirements.
For manual navigation between provided components, it's advised to attach corresponding onTap -like event handlers and return true or false to decide whether to proceed with built-in auto-navigation.
For example, when clicking a contact item in the TencentCloudChatContact component, you can execute custom navigation as shown in the following sample:
onTapContactItem: ({
String? userID,
String? groupID,
}) async {
// Determine whether manual navigation is needed based on the provided userID, groupID, and your business logic.
if (needed) {
// Execute your custom business logic
return true;
} else {
// Continue with the built-in logic
return false;

Global: Taking Control of Each Component

Each component is associated with a set of control methods. These provide enhanced functionality and control over the component's behavior.
To use these control methods, first retrieve the controller instance from the respective component's manager, which is formed by appending Manager to the component's name (e.g., TencentCloudChatMessageManager ). You can then call the methods provided by the controller instance.
For example, you can use the controller from the TencentCloudChatMessage component by accessing it through the TencentCloudChatMessageManager object(e.g., TencentCloudChatMessageManager.controller ). To send a message and add it to the message list UI, use the following code:
// Create a message using the Chat SDK.
final res = await TencentCloudChat.instance.chatSDKInstance.messageSDK.createTextMessage(text: "Sample Message", mentionedUsers: []);
if(res != null ){
// Then send the created message using the controller obtained from TencentCloudChatMessageManager.
TencentCloudChatMessageManager.controller.sendMessage(createdMessage: res, userID: "admin");
Each modular UI component has a controller associated with its specific functionality. The usage is consistent with the sample controller as shown above.
For detailed explanations of each controller method, please refer to the comments provided with each method.

Additional Methods in TencentCloudChat.controller

In the Basic Usage section above, we explained how to initialize the UIKit and log in using the TencentCloudChat.controller.
This controller also contains several other methods that can be used to control some global aspects of the UIKit. For example:
toggleBrightnessMode: This method allows you to switch between dark and light modes.
getThemeData: This method returns the built-in theme configuration in the form of a material3 ThemeData class. This can be used to configure the theme parameter for your MaterialApp, ensuring that our UIKit and the other components of your project have a consistent appearance.
setThemeColors: This method allows you to customize the color configurations for both dark and light modes in the UIKit. This ensures that our UIKit and the other components of your project have a consistent appearance. The configurations set by this method will take effect across all our UI components.
setBrightnessMode: This method allows you to set the current Brightness Mode.
For more methods and their descriptions, please refer to the annotations for each method. This allows you to have more control over the behavior and appearance of the UIKit, enabling you to fine-tune it to perfectly fit the needs of your project.

Modular Package

If you come across null safety errors outlined below when using our modular UI packages, kindly consult this guide for assistance.

These issues could potentially stem from premature usage of Chat UIKit components prior to the full initialization of the project.
A possible solution is to manually run the subsequent code before these components are used.
If the aforementioned solution proves ineffective, ensure that you have either replaced the entry MaterialApp with the provided TencentCloudChatMaterialApp, or manually implemented the global configuration for UIKit at the earliest stage, as described in the Basic Usage section.


Introducing the Conversation component of the Tencent Cloud Chat UIKit, designed to provide a versatile conversation list for your chat applications that seamlessly adapts to both desktop and mobile environments.
The Conversation component offers a conversation list that displays all participated conversations, sorted by the last active time. It also supports managing conversation information, ensuring a smooth and organized chat experience.
When used in conjunction with the tencent_cloud_chat_message component, the Conversation component enables automatic navigation to the corresponding message chat page upon tapping a conversation on mobile devices. On desktop environments, the Message chat page appears in the right-side area, allowing for dynamic switching between conversations.

Getting Started

Import and Declare

To begin, add the tencent_cloud_chat_conversation UI module to your project.
Once installed, you'll need to register this UI component within the usedComponentsRegister parameter of the TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit method's components. Here's an example:
await TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit(
components: TencentCloudChatInitComponentsRelated(
usedComponentsRegister: [
TencentCloudChatConversationManager.register, /// Add this line
/// ...
/// ...
/// ...

Instantiate and Use the Component

Using the Conversation component is straightforward. Simply instantiate a TencentCloudChatConversation instance and render it on the desired page.
By default, the component will automatically fetch and display all conversation information without requiring any additional parameters.
You can use this instance in the build method of the page where you want to display the conversation list.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const TencentCloudChatConversation();
With just a few lines of code, you can easily integrate the Conversation component into your chat application and display a list of conversations for users to interact with.

Customizing Details

Using config
For simple and basic configurations, you can use the config parameter. The config for the Conversation component is provided by the TencentCloudChatConversationConfig class.
It includes control options for various data types such as booleans, integers, and custom parameters.
For instance, the useDesktopMode configuration determines whether, in a desktop environment and when used in conjunction with the tencent_cloud_chat_message component, the component should span the full horizontal space, displaying the conversation list on the left and the Message component for the currently selected conversation on the right, with support for dynamic switching.
Using builders
For more in-depth UI customization, you can use custom builders. The builders for the Conversation component are provided by the TencentCloudChatConversationBuilders class.
The Conversation component provides several builders, like ConversationItemAvatarBuilder for displaying the avatar on conversation items, ConversationItemContentBuilder for displaying content in conversation items, and ConversationItemInfoBuilder for displaying the info within conversation items.


This component is engineered to enrich your chat applications with a comprehensive messaging experience, offering both essential and advanced chat functionalities.
The Message component is composed of several key elements, including a header for displaying conversation information, a message list view for showcasing message history, and a message input for facilitating message sending. To elevate the user experience, it comes packed with rich animations and interactive details.
At its foundation, the component provides essential chat functionalities such as sending, receiving, copying, forwarding, previewing, and deleting messages, ensuring a seamless chat experience.
To accommodate diverse user needs, it also includes advanced features. Such as message context menu, marking messages as read, displaying group read receipt details, and supporting emoji reactions, to facilitating precise navigation to specific messages, enabling message multi-selection, and offering extensive customization capabilities.
When used in conjunction with the tencent_cloud_chat_conversation and tencent_cloud_chat_contact components, the Message component enables seamless navigation, eliminating the need for manual navigation implementation. Furthermore, when integrated with the tencent_calls_uikit, it provides the ability to initiate voice/video calls, thus enhancing the overall communication experience.
In essence, the Message component empowers you to create engaging, feature-rich chat applications that cater to various user requirements and deliver a delightful user experience.

Getting Started

Import and Declare
To begin, add the tencent_cloud_chat_message UI module to your project.
Once installed, you'll need to register this UI component within the usedComponentsRegister parameter of the TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit method's components. Here's an example:
await TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit(
components: TencentCloudChatInitComponentsRelated(
usedComponentsRegister: [
TencentCloudChatMessageManager.register, /// Add this line
/// ...
/// ...
/// ...
If your project incorporates modular components like tencent_cloud_chat_conversation or tencent_cloud_chat_contact for displaying conversation, contact, or group lists, they will automatically navigate to the Message component from those lists.
If navigation is only required from these built-in components and not from your custom pages, the Message component integration is complete with this single step. The UIKit handles navigation transitions internally, eliminating the need for manual coding.
For projects that require navigation from custom pages, refer to the following steps.

Navigating to the Message Component

Before navigating, prepare a TencentCloudChatMessageOptions instance to specify the conversation for the chat:
final messageOptions = TencentCloudChatMessageOptions(
// Provide either userID or groupID, indicating the conversation for the chat.
userID: "", // For one-on-one chats, provide the other user's userID
groupID: "", // For group chats, provide the groupID
Easy Navigation with One Line of Code
Simply call the navigateToMessage method to navigate to the Message component effortlessly:
/// Use the messageOptions constructed above
navigateToMessage(context: context, options: messageOptions);
Manual Navigation
If you need to manually handle navigation, wrap the component within your custom page, or utilize custom features such as TencentCloudChatMessageController, start by instantiating a TencentCloudChatMessage component.
This provides you with greater control and flexibility when integrating the Message component into your application:
// If you need to use the controller, maintain a TencentCloudChatMessageController instance.
final TencentCloudChatMessageController messageController = TencentCloudChatMessageController();

final message = TencentCloudChatMessage(
// Be sure to provide options. Use the messageOptions constructed above.
options: messageOptions,

// If you need to use the controller, provide a controller instance.
controller: messageController,

// Other parameters, such as builders, can be specified globally or passed in statically here, depending on your requirements. For detailed usage, refer to the parameter and method comments.
You can place this instantiated component in the build method of a separate page or use it directly for navigation like using Navigator.push.
If you use TencentCloudChatMessageController, it is recommended to maintain it within the State of a StatefulWidget, using a single instance to control the component. For specific usage, see the internal comments.

Customizing Details

You can use builders and config to customize various aspects of the Message component. Both options provide different levels of customization, allowing you to tailor the component to your specific needs.
Using config
For simple and basic configurations, you can use the config parameter. The config for the Message component is provided by the TencentCloudChatMessageConfig class.
It includes control options for various data types such as booleans, integers, and custom parameters. Each control option is a method T Function({String? userID, String? groupID}) that provides the current conversation's userID or groupID information. You can use these fields to return the appropriate configuration values.
This approach allows you to define a global TencentCloudChatMessageConfig class that will be effective during the automatic navigation process, without the need to manually instantiate a TencentCloudChatMessage instance and pass it in. This is because, in most cases, different types of conversations require different configuration parameters.
Here's an example:
final messageConfig = TencentCloudChatMessageConfig(
// Demonstrating one configuration option.
// Whether to show other users' avatars in the message list.
showOthersAvatar: ({userID, groupID}){
// If it's a one-on-one chat, don't show the other user's avatar since it's already in the header.
return false;
// If it's a group chat, show other users' avatars.
return true;
Using builders
For more in-depth UI customization, you can use custom builders. The builders for the Message component are provided by the TencentCloudChatMessageBuilders class.
The Message component provides an overall MessageLayoutBuilder, which is further divided into three main builders: MessageListViewBuilder for displaying the message list, MessageInputBuilder for displaying the message input area, and MessageHeaderBuilder for displaying the top area. They all basically expose the String? userID and String? groupID parameters, helping you determine different UI styles based on the conversation type during the automatic navigation process same as config.
In addition to these, there are more granular builders to help you customize finer details, such as message rendering and message layout.
Additionally, each builder comes with the required parameters and methods, making data and logic layer methods readily available for use. For example, the messageInputBuilder exposes various parameters such as methods for sending different types of messages, current conversation details, group member lists, and more. This allows you to focus on the input area's UI development and directly call the methods we provide for sending messages, speeding up your development process.


Introducing the Contact component of the Tencent Cloud Chat UIKit, designed to provide a versatile contact list for your chat applications.
The Contact component offers a contact list that displays all added contacts, sorted by the initial letter of their names. It also supports displaying additional information such as joined group lists, blocked user lists, users who have requested to add you as a contact, and group message notifications.
When used in conjunction with the tencent_cloud_chat_message component, the Contact component enables automatic navigation to the corresponding message chat page upon tapping a contact or a group on both mobile and desktop environments. This seamless integration ensures a smooth and organized chat experience for your users.

Getting Started

Import and Declare
To begin, add the tencent_cloud_chat_conversation UI module to your project.
Once installed, you'll need to register this UI component within the usedComponentsRegister parameter of the TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit method's components. Here's an example:

await TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit(
components: TencentCloudChatInitComponentsRelated(
usedComponentsRegister: [
TencentCloudChatContactManager.register, /// Add this line
/// ...
/// ...
/// ...
Instantiate and Use the Component
Using the Contact component is straightforward. Simply instantiate a TencentCloudChatContact instance and render it on the desired page.
By default, the component will automatically fetch and display all contact information without requiring any additional parameters.
You can use this instance in the build method of the page where you want to display the contact list, along with the entry to joined group lists, blocked user lists, users who have requested to add you as a contact, and group message notifications.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const TencentCloudChatContact();
With just a few lines of code, you can easily integrate the Contact component into your chat application for users to interact with.

Customizing Details

Using config
For simple and basic configurations, you can use the config parameter. The config for the Contact component is provided by the TencentCloudChatContactConfig class.
It includes control options for various data types such as booleans, integers, and custom parameters.
Using builders
For more in-depth UI customization, you can use custom builders. The builders for the Contact component are provided by the TencentCloudChatContactBuilders class.

User Profile

This modular UI package is currently in beta. If you'd like to use it, please contact us to obtain the source code. Thank you!
The User Profile component of the Tencent Cloud Chat UIKit is designed to enrich your chat applications with a detailed user profile page.
This component not only displays user information such as avatar, nickname, and other basic details, but also provides a wide range of functionalities for relationship management and more.
Users can set remarks for their contacts, add or remove contacts, block users, and perform various other actions. The component also facilitates the configuration of conversation settings, including pinning conversations and managing message notifications.
When integrated with the tencent_cloud_chat_message component, the User Profile component ensures seamless navigation between the Message and User Profile pages, eliminating the need for manual navigation implementation.
Additionally, when paired with the tencent_calls_uikit, it allows users to initiate voice and video calls directly from the User Profile page, further enhancing the overall communication experience.
With its intuitive design and robust features, the User Profile component caters to a wide range of user requirements and preferences, ensuring a smooth and engaging user experience.

Getting Started

Import and Declare
To begin, add the tencent_cloud_chat_user_profile UI module to your project.
Once installed, you'll need to register this UI component within the usedComponentsRegister parameter of the TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit method's components. Here's an example:
await TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit(
components: TencentCloudChatInitComponentsRelated(
usedComponentsRegister: [
TencentCloudChatUserProfileManager.register, /// Add this line
/// ...
/// ...
/// ...
If your project incorporates modular components like tencent_cloud_chat_message for displaying conversation, they will automatically navigate to this User Profile component.
If navigation is only required from these built-in components and not from your custom pages, the User Profile component integration is complete with this single step. The UIKit handles navigation transitions internally, eliminating the need for manual coding.
For projects that require navigation from custom pages, refer to the following steps.

Navigating to the User Profile Component

Before navigating, prepare a TencentCloudChatUserProfileOptions instance to specify the target user:
final userProfileOptions = TencentCloudChatUserProfileOptions(
userID: "", // Provide the other user's userID
Easy Navigation with One Line of Code
Simply call the navigateToUserProfile method to navigate to the User Profile component effortlessly:
/// Use the userProfileOptions constructed above
navigateToUserProfile(context: context, options: userProfileOptions);
Manual Navigation
If you need to manually handle navigation, or wrap the component within your custom page, start by instantiating a TencentCloudChatUserProfile component.
This provides you with greater control and flexibility when integrating the User Profile component into your application:
final userProfile = TencentCloudChatUserProfile(
// Be sure to provide options. Use the userProfileOptions constructed above.
options: userProfileOptions,

// Other parameters, such as builders, can be specified globally or passed in statically here, depending on your requirements. For detailed usage, refer to the parameter and method comments.
You can place this instantiated component in the build method of a separate page or use it directly for navigation like using Navigator.push.

Customizing Details

Using config
For simple and basic configurations, you can use the config parameter. The config for the Contact component is provided by the TencentCloudChatUserProfileConfig class.
It includes control options for various data types such as booleans, integers, and custom parameters.
Using builders
For more in-depth UI customization, you can use custom builders. The builders for the Contact component are provided by the TencentCloudChatUserProfileBuilders class.

Group Profile

This modular UI package is currently in beta. If you'd like to use it, please contact us to obtain the source code. Thank you!
This component is designed to enhance your chat applications with a detailed and interactive group profile page.
The Group Profile component provides a comprehensive view of group information, such as group avatar, group ID, member list, group type, and group announcements, among other features.
In addition to displaying group information, this component also facilitates various group management tasks. For group owners or administrators, it offers functionalities such as managing the member list (including inviting or removing members), editing group announcements, and performing other group management operations like group muting, to name a few.
Moreover, it allows users to manage conversation settings related to the group, including but not limited to pinning conversations, managing message notifications, and leaving the group chat.
When used in conjunction with the tencent_cloud_chat_message component, the Group Profile component ensures seamless navigation between the Message and Group Profile pages, eliminating the need for manual navigation implementation.
With its intuitive design and robust features, the Group Profile component caters to a wide range of user requirements and preferences, ensuring a smooth and engaging group chat experience.

Getting Started

Import and Declare
To begin, add the tencent_cloud_chat_group_profileUI module to your project.
Once installed, you'll need to register this UI component within the usedComponentsRegister parameter of the TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit method's components.
Here's an example:
await TencentCloudChat.controller.initUIKit(
components: TencentCloudChatInitComponentsRelated(
usedComponentsRegister: [
TencentCloudChatGroupProfileManager.register, /// Add this line
/// ...
/// ...
/// ...
If your project incorporates modular components like tencent_cloud_chat_message for displaying conversation, they will automatically navigate to this Group Profile component.
If navigation is only required from these built-in components and not from your custom pages, the Group Profile component integration is complete with this single step. The UIKit handles navigation transitions internally, eliminating the need for manual coding.
For projects that require navigation from custom pages, refer to the following steps.

Navigating to the Group Profile Component

Before navigating, prepare a TencentCloudChatGroupProfileOptions instance to specify the target user:
final groupProfileOptions = TencentCloudChatGroupProfileOptions(
groupID: "", // Provide the groupID
Easy Navigation with One Line of Code
Simply call the navigateToUserProfile method to navigate to the Group Profile component effortlessly:
/// Use the userProfileOptions constructed above
navigateToGroupProfile(context: context, options: groupProfileOptions);
Manual Navigation
If you need to manually handle navigation, or wrap the component within your custom page, start by instantiating a TencentCloudChatUserProfile component.
This provides you with greater control and flexibility when integrating the Group Profile component into your application:
final groupProfile = TencentCloudChatGroupProfile(
// Be sure to provide options. Use the groupProfileOptions constructed above.
options: groupProfileOptions,

// Other parameters, such as builders, can be specified globally or passed in statically here, depending on your requirements. For detailed usage, see the parameter and method comments.
You can place this instantiated component in the build method of a separate page or use it directly for navigation like using Navigator.push.

Customizing Details

Using config
For simple and basic configurations, you can use the config parameter. The config for the Contact component is provided by the TencentCloudChatGroupProfileConfig class.
It includes control options for various data types such as booleans, integers, and custom parameters.
Using builders
For more in-depth UI customization, you can use custom builders. The builders for the Contact component are provided by the TencentCloudChatGroupProfileBuilders class.


We hope that this documentation will help you understand the power and flexibility of our new Flutter Chat UIKit. With its modular design and a wide range of customizable options, it provides a comprehensive solution for building chat applications. Its advanced features, such as Conversation management, Message handling, and built-in navigation transitions, make it a robust tool for developers.
We look forward to seeing the amazing applications you will create with our UIKit. If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out.