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음성실 통합

This article will guide you through the process of integrating the TUILiveKit component in a short time. Following this document, you will complete several key steps within an hour and ultimately obtain a voice room feature with a complete UI interface.

Environment preparations

Xcode 15 or later
iOS 13.0 or later
CocoaPods environment installation, click to view.
If you encounter problems with access and use, see Q&A.

Step 1. Activate the service

Before using Tencent Cloud's audio and video services, you need to go to the console and activate the audio and video services for your application. For details, see Activate the Service (TUILiveKit).

Step 2. Import the Component

Import components into CocoaPods. If problems exist, Please refer first Environment Preparation. The import components are as follows:
1. Please add the pod 'TUILiveKit' dependency to your Podfile file and refer to the Example project if you run into any problems.
target 'xxxx' do
pod 'TUILiveKit'
If you don't have a Podfile file, first terminal cd into the xxxx.xcodeproj directory and then create it with the following command:
pod init
2. In the terminal, first cd to the Podfile directory, and then run the following command to install the component.
pod install
If the latest version of TUILiveKit cannot be installed, You can delete Podfile.lock and Pods first。Then update the CocoaPods repository list locally by executing the following command.
pod repo update
Afterwards, execute the following command to update the Pod version of the component library.
pod update
3. You can compile and run it first. If you run into problems, see Q&A. If the problem still can't be solved, you can run our Example project first. Any problems you encounter in the process of access and use, welcome to give us feedback.

Step 3. Configure the Project

To use audio and video features, microphone and camera usage permissions are required. In the App's Info.plist, add the following two items, corresponding to the prompt messages for microphone and camera when the system pops up the authorization dialog.
<string>TUILiveKit needs access to your camera to capture video.</string>
<string>TUILiveKit needs access to your mic to capture audio.</string>

Step 4. Log in

Add the following code to your project, which completes the login of the TUI component by calling the relevant interface in TUICore. This step is very important, because you can use all functions of TUILiveKit only after the login is successful. Therefore, please patiently check whether the relevant parameters are correctly configured.
// AppDelegate.swift

import TUICore
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
TUILogin.login(1400000001, // Replace it with the SDKAppID obtained in Step 1
userID: "denny", // Please replace it with your UserID
userSig: "xxxxxxxxxxx") { // You can calculate a UserSig in the console and fill it in
print("login success")
} fail: { (code, message) in
print("login failed, code: \(code), error: \(message ?? "nil")")
return true
// AppDelegate.m

#import <TUICore/TUILogin.h>
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[TUILogin login:1400000001 // Replace it with the SDKAppID obtained in Step 1
userID:@"denny" // Please replace it with your UserID
userSig:@"xxxxxxxxxxx" // You can calculate a UserSig in the console and fill it in
NSLog(@"login success");
} fail:^(int code, NSString * _Nullable msg) {
NSLog(@"login failed, code: %d, error: %@", code, msg);
return YES;
Parameter description This section details the key parameters required in the login function:
SDKAppID: Obtained in the last step in Step 1 and not detailed here.
UserID: The ID of the current user, a string type, can only include letters (a–z and A–Z), digits (0–9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
UserSig: The authentication credential used by Tencent Cloud to verify whether the current user is allowed to use the TRTC service. You can get it by using the SDKSecretKey to encrypt the information such as SDKAppID and UserID. You can generate a temporary UserSig by clicking the UserSig Generate button in the console.

For more information, see UserSig.
Many developers have contacted us with many questions regarding this step. Below are some of the frequently encountered problems:
SDKAppID is invalid.
userSig is set to the value of Secretkey mistakenly. The userSig is generated by using the SecretKey for the purpose of encrypting information such as sdkAppId, userId, and the expiration time. But the value of the userSig that is required cannot be directly substituted with the value of the SecretKey.
userId is set to a simple string such as 1, 123, or 111, and your colleague may be using the same userId while working on a project simultaneously. In this case, login will fail as TRTC doesn't support login on multiple terminals with the same UserID. Therefore, we recommend you use some distinguishable userId values during debugging.
The sample code on GitHub uses the genTestUserSig function to calculate UserSig locally, so as to help you complete the current integration process more quickly. However, this scheme exposes your SecretKey in the application code, which makes it difficult for you to upgrade and protect your SecretKey subsequently. Therefore, we strongly recommend you run the UserSig calculation logic on the server and make the application request the UserSig calculated in real time every time the application uses the TUILiveKit component from the server.

Step 5. Create a voice chat room

After the above log in to method call returns successfully, call the VoiceRoomKit method createRoom to create your voice chat live streaming room.
let params = CreateRoomParams()
parmas.maxAnchorCount = VoiceRoomDefine.MAX_CONNECTED_VIEWERS_COUNT
parmas.seatMode = .applyToTake

VoiceRoomKit.createInstance().createRoom(roomId: "your room id", params: params)
CreateRoomParams *parmas = [[CreateRoomParams alloc] init];
parmas.maxAnchorCount = VoiceRoomDefine.MAX_CONNECTED_VIEWERS_COUNT;
parmas.seatMode = TUISeatModeApplyToTake;

[[VoiceRoomKit createInstance] createRoomWithRoomId:@"your room id" params:parmas];
Voice chat room preview screen
Voice chat room in-room screen

Step 6: Join the voice chat room

After the above log in to method call returns successfully, call the VoiceRoomKit method enterRoom, specify the room ID, and enter the Voice Chat Room Live Streaming.
VoiceRoomKit.createInstance().enterRoom(roomId: "your room id")
[[VoiceRoomKit createInstance] enterRoomWithRoomId:@"your room id"];
Voice Chat Room
Voice Chat Room

More features

Room List


If you encounter any problems with access and use, please refer to Q&A.

Suggestions and Feedback

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please contact info_rtc@tencent.com.