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The following will guide you through how to hide group settings options.

Hide group setting options

API Function: Hide group settings options. This setting is effective for all groups.
API prototype:
// TUIGroupConfig.h
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, TUIGroupConfigItem) {
TUIGroupConfigItem_None = 0,
TUIGroupConfigItem_Members = 1 << 0,
TUIGroupConfigItem_Notice = 1 << 1,
TUIGroupConfigItem_Manage = 1 << 2,
TUIGroupConfigItem_Alias = 1 << 3,
TUIGroupConfigItem_MuteAndPin = 1 << 4,
TUIGroupConfigItem_Background = 1 << 5,
TUIGroupConfigItem_ClearChatHistory = 1 << 6,
TUIGroupConfigItem_DeleteAndLeave = 1 << 7,
TUIGroupConfigItem_Transfer = 1 << 8,
TUIGroupConfigItem_Dismiss = 1 << 9,
TUIGroupConfigItem_Report = 1 << 10,

* Hide items in group config interface.
- (void)hideItemsInGroupConfig:(TUIGroupConfigItem)items;
Sample code:
// When to call: Before initializing group setting interface.
[[TUIGroupConfig sharedConfig] hideItemsInGroupConfig:TUIGroupConfigItem_MuteAndPin|TUIGroupConfigItem_Manage|TUIGroupConfigItem_Members];
Hide Partial Options
Hide All Options