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Anchor Battle

This document mainly introduces how to use the RTC Room Engine SDK to implement the host PK feature.


Before using the RTC RoomEngine SDK, you need to call the SDK login to ensure the subsequent features work properly.

User Guide

When using the PK feature, please ensure that you have started your live broadcast.

Initiating a PK Request

You first need to obtain the TUILiveBattleManager plugin through the getLiveBattleManager API.
Then use the TUILiveBattleManager plugin's requestBattle API to implement this feature, passing in three parameters: PK configuration information, the user ID of the host to invite for PK, and the timeout duration.
The PK configuration information is a TUIBattleConfig struct. When configuring, you generally only need to set the PK duration duration.
For example, to invite the host with user ID 100001 for PK:
import RTCRoomEngine

let battleManager = TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getLiveBattleManager()
let config = TUIBattleConfig()
config.duration = 30 // Please replace it with your PK duration in seconds.
let userIds = ["100001"] // Please replace it with the user ID of the host you want to PK with.
let timeout = 30 // Please replace it with your application timeout in seconds. If set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger timeout callbacks.

battleManager.requestBattle(config: config,
userIdList: userIds,
timeout: TimeInterval(timeout)) { battleInfo, battleResults in
// PK request initiated successfully, battleId:battleInfo.battleId
} onError: { code, message in
// PK request initiation failed
TUILiveBattleManager battleManager = TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getLiveBattleManager();
TUILiveBattleManager.BattleConfig config = new TUILiveBattleManager.BattleConfig();
config.duration = 30; // Please replace it with your PK duration in seconds
List<String> userIds = Collections.singletonList("100001"); // Please replace it with the user ID of the host you want to PK with
int timeout = 30; // Please replace it with your application timeout in seconds. If set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger timeout callbacks

battleManager.requestBattle(config, userIds, timeout, new TUILiveBattleManager.BattleRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(TUILiveBattleManager.BattleInfo battleInfo, Map<String, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleCode> resultMap) {
// PK request initiated successfully, battleId:battleInfo.battleId
public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// PK request initiation failed
If you become an observer of the addObserver API for the TUILiveBattleManager plugin, you will receive the onBattleRequestReceived callback when someone requests to connect with you. You can accept or reject the request using the acceptBattle / rejectBattle APIs.
func onBattleRequestReceived(battleInfo: TUIBattleInfo,
inviter: TUIBattleUser,
invitee: TUIBattleUser) {
// accept PK request
let battleManager = TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getLiveBattleManager()
battleManager.acceptBattle(battleId: battleInfo.battleId) {
// PK request accepted successfully
} onError: { code, message in
// PK request acceptance failed

// Reject the PK request
battleManager.rejectBattle(battleId: battleInfo.battleId) {
// PK request rejected successfully
} onError: { code, message in
// PK request rejection failed
public void onBattleRequestReceived(TUILiveBattleManager.BattleInfo battleInfo, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser inviter, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser invitee) {
// accept PK request
TUILiveBattleManager battleManager = TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getLiveBattleManager();
battleManager.acceptBattle(battleInfo.battleId, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
// PK request accepted successfully
public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// PK request acceptance failed

// Reject the PK request
battleManager.rejectBattle(battleInfo.battleId, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
// PK request rejected successfully

public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// PK request rejection failed

Abandoning a PK Request

You first need to obtain the TUILiveBattleManager plugin through the getLiveBattleManager API.
Then use the TUILiveBattleManager plugin's cancelBattleRequest API to implement this feature, passing in two parameters: the battleId from battleInfo after initiating a PK request successfully and the user ID of the host to abandon the PK invitation.
For example, to abandon the PK request with the host whose user ID is 100001:
let battleManager = TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getLiveBattleManager()
let battleId = "" // Please replace it with the battleId value from battleInfo after successfully calling the requestBattle API for PK.
let userIds = ["100001"] // Please replace it with the user ID of the host you invited for PK.
battleManager.cancelBattleRequest(battleId: battleId, userIdList: userIds) {
// PK request abandoned successfully
} onError: { code, message in
// PK request abandonment failed
TUILiveBattleManager battleManager = TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getLiveBattleManager();
String battleId = ""; // Please replace it with the battleId value from battleInfo after successfully calling the requestBattle API for PK.
List<String> userIds = Collections.singletonList("100001"); // Please replace it with the user ID of the host to be invited for PK
battleManager.cancelBattleRequest(battleId, userIds, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
// PK request abandoned successfully
public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// PK request abandonment failed

Exiting PK

You first need to obtain the TUILiveBattleManager plugin through the getLiveBattleManager API.
Then use the TUILiveBattleManager plugin's exitBattle API, passing in the battleId from battleInfo after successfully initiating a PK request to exit the ongoing PK.
import RTCRoomEngine

let battleManager = TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getLiveBattleManager()
let battleId = "" // Please replace it with the battleId value from battleInfo after successfully calling the requestBattle API for PK.
battleManager.exitBattle(battleId: battleId) {
// PK exited successfully
} onError: { code, message in
// PK exit failed
TUILiveBattleManager battleManager = TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getLiveBattleManager();
String battleId = ""; // Please replace it with the battleId value from battleInfo after successfully calling the requestBattle API for PK.
battleManager.exitBattle(battleId, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
// PK exited successfully
public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
// PK exit failed

Listening to Callbacks

You can call addObserver to become an observer of TUILiveBattleManager and listen for PK-related callbacks.
Take AnchorBattleController as an example to become an observer:
import RTCRoomEngine

class AnchorBattleController: NSObject, TUILiveBattleObserver {
override init() {
deinit {
// Triggered when PK starts
func onBattleStarted(battleInfo: TUIBattleInfo) {
// PK started, battleId:battleInfo.battleId
// Triggered when PK ends
func onBattleEnded(battleInfo: TUIBattleInfo, reason: TUIBattleStoppedReason) {
// PK ended, battleId:battleInfo.battleId
// Triggered when a new host joins the PK
func onUserJoinBattle(battleId: String, battleUser: TUIBattleUser) {
// battleUser.userName joined the PK
// Triggered when a host in the PK leaves the PK
func onUserExitBattle(battleId: String, battleUser: TUIBattleUser) {
// battleUser.userName left the PK
// Triggered when PK score changes
func onBattleScoreChanged(battleId: String, battleUserList: [TUIBattleUser]) {
// PK score changed, the first user's score is: battleUserList.first?.score
// Triggered when a PK invitation is received
func onBattleRequestReceived(battleInfo: TUIBattleInfo, inviter: TUIBattleUser, invitee: TUIBattleUser) {
// Received a PK invitation from inviter.userName
// Triggered when a PK invitation is canceled
func onBattleRequestCancelled(battleInfo: TUIBattleInfo, inviter: TUIBattleUser, invitee: TUIBattleUser) {
// PK invitation from inviter.userName was canceled
// Triggered when a PK invitation times out
func onBattleRequestTimeout(battleInfo: TUIBattleInfo, inviter: TUIBattleUser, invitee: TUIBattleUser) {
// PK invitation from inviter.userName timed out
// Triggered when a sent PK invitation is accepted
func onBattleRequestAccept(battleInfo: TUIBattleInfo, inviter: TUIBattleUser, invitee: TUIBattleUser) {
// PK invitation to invitee.userName was accepted
// Triggered when a sent PK invitation is rejected
func onBattleRequestReject(battleInfo: TUIBattleInfo, inviter: TUIBattleUser, invitee: TUIBattleUser) {
// The PK invitation to invitee.userName was rejected
You can call addObserver to become an observer of TUILiveBattleManager and listen for PK-related callbacks.
Take AnchorBattleObserver as an example to become an observer:
class AnchorBattleObserver extends TUILiveBattleManager.Observer {
AnchorBattleObserver() {


// Triggered when PK starts
public void onBattleStarted(TUILiveBattleManager.BattleInfo battleInfo) {
// PK started, battleId:battleInfo.battleId
// Triggered when PK ends
public void onBattleEnded(TUILiveBattleManager.BattleInfo battleInfo, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleStoppedReason reason) {
// PK ended, battleId:battleInfo.battleId
// Triggered when a new host joins the PK
public void onUserJoinBattle(String battleId, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser battleUser) {
// battleUser.userName joined the PK
// Triggered when a host in the PK leaves the PK
public void onUserExitBattle(String battleId, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser battleUser) {
// battleUser.userName left the PK
// Triggered when PK score changes
public void onBattleScoreChanged(String battleId, List<TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser> battleUserList) {
// PK score changed, the first user's score is: battleUserList.first?.score
// Triggered when a PK invitation is received
public void onBattleRequestReceived(TUILiveBattleManager.BattleInfo battleInfo, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser inviter, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser invitee) {
// Received a PK invitation from inviter.userName
// Triggered when a PK invitation is canceled
public void onBattleRequestCancelled(TUILiveBattleManager.BattleInfo battleInfo, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser inviter, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser invitee) {
// PK invitation from inviter.userName was canceled
// Triggered when a PK invitation times out
public void onBattleRequestTimeout(TUILiveBattleManager.BattleInfo battleInfo, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser inviter, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser invitee) {
// PK invitation from inviter.userName timed out
// Triggered when a sent PK invitation is accepted
public void onBattleRequestAccept(TUILiveBattleManager.BattleInfo battleInfo, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser inviter, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser invitee) {
// PK invitation to invitee.userName was accepted
// Triggered when a sent PK invitation is rejected
public void onBattleRequestReject(TUILiveBattleManager.BattleInfo battleInfo, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser inviter, TUILiveBattleManager.BattleUser invitee) {
// The PK invitation to invitee.userName was rejected