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  • Web
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration (React)
      • Integration (Vue3)
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • Configuring Nickname and Avatar
      • GroupCall
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Configure Resolution and Fill Mode
      • Monitoring Call Status
      • Language Settings
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
    • Client APIs
      • UIKit APIs
        • API Overview
        • TUICallKit
      • Engine APIs
        • TUICallEngine
        • TUICallEvent
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FAQs
      • All Platfroms
      • Web
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
  • Android
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • Offline Call Push
      • Configuring Nicknames and Avatars
      • Group Call
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Monitoring Call Status
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
    • Client APIs
      • UIKit APIs
        • API Overview
        • TUICallKit
        • TUICallObserver
        • Type Definition
      • Engine APIs
        • TUICallEngine
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FAQs
      • All Platforms
      • Android
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
  • iOS
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • Offline Call Push
        • VoIP
        • APNs
      • Configuring Nicknames and Avatars
      • Group Call
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Monitoring Call Status
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
    • Client APIs
      • UIKit APIs
        • API Overview
        • TUICallKit
        • TUICallObserver
        • Type Definition
      • Engine APIs
        • TUICallEngine
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FQAs
      • All Platform
      • iOS
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
  • Flutter
    • Overview
      • Product Introduction
      • Activate the Service
      • Pricing
        • Free Minutes
        • Call Monthly Packages
        • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Get Started
      • Run Sample Code
      • Integration
      • Secure authentication with userSig
    • Basic Features
      • UI Customization
      • offline Call Push
        • Notification
        • VoIP (Optional)
      • Configuring Nicknames and Avatars
      • Group Call
      • Floating Window
      • Custom Ringtone
      • Monitoring Call Status
    • Advanced Features
      • Virtual Background
      • AI Noise Suppression
      • On-Cloud Recording
      • Beauty Effects
    • Client APIs
      • API Overview
      • TUICallKit
      • TUICallEngine
      • TUICallObserver
      • Type Definition
    • Server APIs
      • Call Status Callback
        • Call Status Callback
        • Call Event Callback
        • Callback Configuration
          • API List for Callback Configuration
          • Establishing Callback Configuration
          • Retrieving Callback Configuration
          • Update Callback Configuration
          • Remove Callback Configuration
      • REST API
        • Introduction to REST API
        • Retrieve records via callId
        • Retrieve Records Based on Conditions
    • FQAs
      • All Platform
      • Flutter
      • ErrorCode
      • Upgrading
      • Release Notes

Virtual Background

TUICallKit has launched a new feature for virtual backgrounds, allowing users to set a blurry or image background during video calls. This hides the real calling environment, protects privacy, and makes the call more interesting. Next, this article will detail how to use this feature in the TUICallKit component.

Integration effect

The display effect of the TUICallKit component after integrating the virtual background feature is as follows:
Original Camera
Blurry Background Effect
Image Background Effect

Preparation Requirements

1. Before using the Virtual Background feature provided by Tencent Cloud, you need to visit the Console to activate Audio and Video Services for your application and purchase the Group Call package. For specific steps, please see Activate Service.
2. Specify LiteAVSDK_Professional SDK version.
Virtual Background support starts from tencent_calls_uikit: 2.3.2 (LiteAVSDK_Professional, different LiteAVSDK_Professional SDK versions require different model files.
In the build.gradle file, specify the TXLiteAVSDK_Professional version, for example, set it to, which can be modified according to needs and version iterations.
api "com.tencent.liteav:LiteAVSDK_Professional:"
Modify the dependencies in your Podfile to specify the TXLiteAVSDK_Professional version, for example, set it to 11.8.15669, which can be modified according to needs and version iterations.
pod 'TXLiteAVSDK_Professional', '11.8.15669'
3. Download the model files according to the model file compatibility with SDK situation, and add them to the Android Studio and Xcode projects.
After decompressing, copy the file to the assets directory in your Android project.

After decompression, drag and drop the LiteavSegmentModel.bundle file into your Xcode project.

Enable Blurry Background

TUICallKit's UI design supports setting a blurry background. By calling the following interface, you can display a feature button for the blurry background on the UI. Clicking the button will directly enable the blurry background feature.

Setting Image Background (Optional)

The implementation of a picture background needs to be done by the user. Add the picture file to the Flutter project (you need to add resources in the pubspec.yaml file) and call the interface to set the background picture (currently, only local path pictures are supported, network pictures are not supported yet).
TUICallEngine.instance.setVirtualBackground("***.png", (code, message) { });


Blurry background not responding or delayed?

Ensure you have purchased the Group Call package, see Activate Service for more details.
Ensure the model file is downloaded to local.
If a model file is not added to the local path, when enabling the blurry background feature, the SDK will then download the model file. Under normal network conditions, the download takes 1~3s; the poorer the network, the longer it will take.
Check if the model file and SDK are a match.

How to match the model file with the SDK?

TUICallKit is a video and audio call scenario implemented based on the Chat SDK and TRTC SDK. The virtual background is a distinctive feature provided by TRTC SDK. It's important to note that the virtual background model file needs to match the version of the TRTC SDK; otherwise, the blurry background feature may not function properly. The table below lists the relationships between the model files and the TRTC SDK versions:
SDK Version
Virtual background model file Download address