include ':tuiroomkit'
project(':tuiroomkit').projectDir =newFile(settingsDir, '../TUIKit/TUIRoomKit/tuiroomkit')
// Include speech-to-text plugin, supported from version 7.5
include ':tuivoicetotextplugin'
project(':tuivoicetotextplugin').projectDir =newFile(settingsDir, '../TUIKit/TUIVoiceToTextPlugin/tuivoicetotextplugin')
// Include customer service plugin, supported from version 7.6
include ':tuicustomerserviceplugin'
project(':tuicustomerserviceplugin').projectDir =newFile(settingsDir, '../TUIKit/TUICustomerServicePlugin/tuicustomerserviceplugin')
// Include chatbot plugin, supported from version 7.7
include ':tuichatbotplugin'
project(':tuichatbotplugin').projectDir =newFile(settingsDir, '../TUIKit/TUIChatBotPlugin/tuichatbotplugin')
// Include chat message translation plugin, supported from version 7.2 (Value-added feature activation is required. Please contact Tencent Cloud sales)
// Include emoji reaction plugin, supported from version 7.8 (To use this module, you need to purchase the Pro edition 、Pro Plus edition or Enterprise edition)
// Integrate speech-to-text plugin, supported from version 7.5
api project(':tuivoicetotextplugin')
// Integrate customer service plugin, supported from version 7.6
api project(':tuicustomerserviceplugin')
// Integrate chatbot plugin, supported from version 7.7
api project(':tuichatbotplugin')
// Integrate translation plugin, supported from version 7.2 (Value-added feature activation is required. Please contact Tencent Cloud sales)
api project(':tuitranslationplugin')
// Integrate emoji reaction plugin, supported from version 7.8 (To use this module, you need to purchase the Pro edition 、Pro Plus edition or Enterprise edition)
api project(':tuiemojiplugin')
// Integrate group chain plugin, supported from version 7.1
api 'com.tencent.imsdk:tuigroupnote-plugin:8.4.6667'
// Integrate group voting plugin, supported from version 7.1
api 'com.tencent.imsdk:tuipoll-plugin:8.4.6667'
// Integrate session grouping plugin, supported from version 7.3
api 'com.tencent.imsdk:tuiconversationgroup-plugin:8.4.6667'
// Integrate session tagging plugin, supported from version 7.3
api 'com.tencent.imsdk:tuiconversationmark-plugin:8.4.6667'
// Integrate message push plugin, supported from version 7.6
api 'com.tencent.timpush:timpush:8.4.6667'
// Integrate the corresponding manufacturer's push package as needed