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Integrating TUIVoiceRoom (Android)


TUIVoiceRoom is an open-source audio/video UI component. After integrating it into your project, you can make your application support the group audio chat scenario simply by writing a few lines of code. It also supports the iOS platform. Its basic features are as shown below:
All TUIKit components are based on two PaaS services of Tencent Cloud, namely TRTC and Chat. When you activate TRTC, the Chat SDK trial edition (which supports up to 100 DAUs) will be activated automatically. For billing details of Chat, see Pricing.


Step 1. Download and import the TUIVoiceRoom component

Go to GitHub, clone or download the code, copy the Android/Source directory to your project, and complete the following import operations:
Add the code below in setting.gradle:
include ':Source'
Add dependencies on Source to the build.gradle file in app:
api project(':Source')
Add the TRTC SDK (liteavSdk) and Chat SDK (imSdk) dependencies in build.gradle in the root directory:
ext {
liteavSdk = "com.tencent.liteav:LiteAVSDK_TRTC:latest.release"
imSdk = "com.tencent.imsdk:imsdk-plus:latest.release"

Step 2. Configure permission requests and obfuscation rules

Configure permission requests for your app in AndroidManifest.xml. The SDKs need the following permissions (on Android 6.0 and later, the mic access must be requested at runtime):
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
In the file, add the SDK classes to the "do not obfuscate" list.
-keep class com.tencent.** { *;}

Step 3. Initialize and log in to the component

// 1. Initialize
TRTCVoiceRoom mTRTCVoiceRoom = TRTCVoiceRoom.sharedInstance(this);
mTRTCVoiceRoom.setDelegate(new TRTCVoiceRoomDelegate() {
// 2. Log in
mTRTCVoiceRoom.login(SDKAppID, userId, userSig, new TRTCVoiceRoomCallback.ActionCallback() {
public void onCallback(int code, String msg) {
if (code == 0) {
// Logged in
Parameter description:
SDKAppID: The TRTC application ID. If you haven't activated TRTC, log in to the TRTC console, create a TRTC application, click Application Info, and select the Quick Start tab to view its SDKAppID.

Secretkey: The TRTC application key. Each secret key corresponds to a SDKAppID. You can view your application’s secret key on the Application Management page of the TRTC console.
userId: The ID of the current user, which is a string that can contain only letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_). We recommend that you keep it consistent with your user account system.
userSig: The security protection signature calculated based on SDKAppID, userId, and Secretkey. You can click here to directly generate a debugging userSig online. For more information, see UserSig.

Step 4. Implement the audio chat room

1. The room owner creates an audio chat room through TRTCVoiceRoom#createRoom.
// 1. The room owner calls an API to create a room
int roomId = 12345; // Room ID
final TRTCVoiceRoomDef.RoomParam roomParam = new TRTCVoiceRoomDef.RoomParam();
roomParam.roomName = "Room name";
roomParam.needRequest = false; // Whether the room owner’s permission is required for listeners to speak
roomParam.seatCount = 7; // Number of room seats. In this example, the number is 7. 6 seats are available after you take one.
roomParam.coverUrl = "URL of room cover image";
mTRTCVoiceRoom.createRoom(roomId, roomParam, new TRTCVoiceRoomCallback.ActionCallback() {
public void onCallback(int code, String msg) {
if (code == 0) {
// Room created successfully
2. A listener enters the audio chat room through TRTCVoiceRoom#enterRoom.
// 1. A listener calls an API to enter the room
mTRTCVoiceRoom.enterRoom(roomId, new TRTCVoiceRoomCallback.ActionCallback() {
public void onCallback(int code, String msg) {
if (code == 0) {
// Entered room successfully
3. A listener mics on through TRTCVoiceRoom#enterSeat.
// 1. A listener calls an API to mic on
int seatIndex = 2; // Seat index
mTRTCVoiceRoom.enterSeat(seatIndex, new TRTCVoiceRoomCallback.ActionCallback() {
public void onCallback(int code, String msg) {
if (code == 0) {
// Operation succeeded

// 2. The `onSeatListChange` callback is received, and the seat list is refreshed
public void onSeatListChange(final List<TRTCVoiceRoomDef.SeatInfo> seatInfoList) {
4. The room owner makes a listener a speaker through TRTCVoiceRoom#pickSeat.
// 1. The room owner makes a listener a speaker
int seatIndex = 2; // Seat index
String userId = "123"; // The ID of the user who will become a speaker
mTRTCVoiceRoom.pickSeat(1, userId, new TRTCVoiceRoomCallback.ActionCallback() {
public void onCallback(int code, String msg) {
if (code == 0) {
// Operation succeeded

// 2. The `onSeatListChange` callback is received, and the seat list is refreshed
public void onSeatListChange(final List<TRTCVoiceRoomDef.SeatInfo> seatInfoList) {
5. A listener requests to speak through TRTCVoiceRoom#sendInvitation.
// Listener
// 1. A listener calls an API to request to speak
String seatIndex = "1"; // Seat index
String userId = "123"; // User ID
String inviteId = mTRTCVoiceRoom.sendInvitation("takeSeat", userId, seatIndex, null);

// 2. Place the user in the seat after the invitation is accepted
public void onInviteeAccepted(String id, String invitee) {
if(id.equals(inviteId)) {
mTRTCVoiceRoom.enterSeat(index, null);

// Room owner
// 1. The room owner receives the request
public void onReceiveNewInvitation(final String id, String inviter, String cmd, final String content) {
if (cmd.equals("takeSeat")) {
// 2. The room owner accepts the request
mTRTCVoiceRoom.acceptInvitation(id, null);
6. The room owner invites a listener to speak through TRTCVoiceRoom#sendInvitation.
// Room owner
// 1. The room owner calls an API to invite a listener to speak
String seatIndex = "1"; // Seat index
String userId = "123"; // User ID
String inviteId = mTRTCVoiceRoom.sendInvitation("pickSeat", userId, seatIndex, null);

// 2. Place the user in the seat after the invitation is accepted
public void onInviteeAccepted(String id, String invitee) {
if(id.equals(inviteId)) {
mTRTCVoiceRoom.pickSeat(index, null);

// Listener
// 1. The listener receives the invitation
public void onReceiveNewInvitation(final String id, String inviter, String cmd, final String content) {
if (cmd.equals("pickSeat")) {
// 2. The listener accepts the invitation
mTRTCVoiceRoom.acceptInvitation(id, null);
7. Implement text chat through TRTCVoiceRoom#sendRoomTextMsg.
// Sender: Sends a text chat message
mTRTCVoiceRoom.sendRoomTextMsg("Hello World!", null);
// Receiver: Listens for text chat messages
mTRTCVoiceRoom.setDelegate(new TRTCVoiceRoomDelegate() {
public void onRecvRoomTextMsg(String message, TRTCVoiceRoomDef.UserInfo userInfo) {
Log.d(TAG, "Received a message from" + userInfo.userName + ": " + message);
8. Implement on-screen commenting through TRTCVoiceRoom#sendRoomCustomMsg.
// A sender can customize CMD to distinguish on-screen comments and likes.
// For example, use "CMD_DANMU" to indicate on-screen comments and "CMD_LIKE" to indicate likes.
mTRTCVoiceRoom.sendRoomCustomMsg("CMD_DANMU", "Hello world", null);
mTRTCVoiceRoom.sendRoomCustomMsg("CMD_LIKE", "", null);
// Receiver: Listens for custom messages
mTRTCVoiceRoom.setDelegate(new TRTCVoiceRoomDelegate() {
public void onRecvRoomCustomMsg(String cmd, String message, TRTCVoiceRoomDef.UserInfo userInfo) {
if ("CMD_DANMU".equals(cmd)) {
// An on-screen comment is received
Log.d(TAG, "Received an on-screen comment from" + userInfo.userName + ": " + message);
} else if ("CMD_LIKE".equals(cmd)) {
// A like is received
Log.d(TAG, userInfo.userName + "liked you.");

Suggestions and Feedback

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please contact