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  • Release Notes
  • Live (TUILiveKit) Product Launch Announcement
  • The commercial version of Conference is coming soon
  • Rules for the "First Subscription $100 Discount" Promotion
  • Announcement on the Start of Beta Testing for Multi-person Audio and Video Conference
  • TRTC Call Official Editions Launched
  • License Required for Video Playback in New Version of LiteAV SDK
  • TRTC to Offer Monthly Packages

Release Notes

March 2024

Release Date
Version 11.7 release
Full platform:
Add new Warning codes for camera capture.
Adjust the gravity sensing API, see setGravitySensorAdaptiveMode .
Support callback for local voice volume information, see enableAudioVolumeEvaluation.
Optimize room entry process to significantly reduce the time taken for secondary room entry.
Dashboard monitors the maximum number of end-to-end call quality for a single user, increasing from 16 to 50 channels.

Optimize the capture restart logic after system interruption to reduce the probability of capturing silence.
Optimize Unity 3D engine compatibility issues.
Improve the focusing effect of rear triple and dual camera capture, increasing the focusing speed.

Optimize the parameters and calling order of the system capture audio API to reduce the probability of capturing only noise and improve the sound capture effect.

January 2024

Release Date
Version 11.6 release
Full platform:
Optimized poor network performance of audio in low-bandwidth conditions.
Optimized poor network performance of video in low-bandwidth conditions.
Optimized poor network audio quality under high packet loss and high latency conditions.
Optimized SDK overall stability.

Added Picture-in-Picture support for `TXLivePlayer`.

Optimized the success rate of playing BGM with URL.

Added support for capturing audio from specific application. For more details, see startSystemAudioLoopback.
Optimized and adapted to Intel HEVC software decoder (Quick Sync Video).

November 2023

Release Date
Version 11.5 release
All platforms:
Optimized overall performance and stability of video modules.
Optimized overall stability for audio modules.
Optimized the behavioral policies of certain APIs. For details, see Adjustments of API Behaviors.
Optimized the overall policy and performance consumption of the audio background music module to reduce background music playback exceptions.
When video setting resolution is set at 540P vertical screen (expected 540×960), the specific codec processing resolution is adjusted from 544×960 to 536×960.
Adjusted the callback interval for background music progress callback onPlayProgress from 200 ms to 300 ms.
Adjusted the internal implementation of the background music module to single instance. In a multi-instance scenario, musicID needs to be globally unique. When developers use sub instances to play background music, please ensure every instance uses a unique musicID.
Changed the local recording event status code to asynchronous return. After related APIs are called, 0 is returned by default. The specific status code can be obtained through the corresponding event callback.
Initiating the record event callback onLocalRecordBegin requires the adjustment of the status code.

Optimized the playback performance in scenarios with TRTC + VODPlayer.

Optimized the performance when Metal is used for pre-processing and rendering.

Optimized the continuity of screen sharing on mobile devices. The last frame is maintained and sent when sharing is paused, with a frame rate of 1 to 2 FPS.
Adjusted gravity sensor response behaviors, which only affect turning on or off the gravity sensor switch.

Optimized the HEVC hardware decoding policy, to be compatible with AMD and Nvidia graphics cards.
Optimized overall performance of screen sharing, thus increasing the frame rate and stability of screen capture.

August 2023

Release Date
Version 11.4 release
All platforms:
For TRTCLocalRecordingParams , added maxDurationPerFile to control the duration of segment recording. The segment file can be obtained through onLocalRecordFragment callback.
Enhanced and optimized overall performance in an IPv6 network environment.
Optimized precise lyric alignment in chorus performance scenarios.
Optimized the AI noise reduction algorithm to further improve noise reduction effect.
Enhanced the smoothness of audience steam pulling in pure audio scenarios.
Optimized the smoothness of switchRoom room switching, avoiding any blackout frames.

Optimized the callback notification when the microphone is muted by the system.
Optimized the adaption logic of the gravity sensor for specific custom Android devices, to prevent incorrect screen rotation angle when the device returns an incorrect gravity sensor direction.
Optimized the rendering process to support real-time screen following during View double-finger zooming, upgrading the user experience during float-window playback.

Added an API for rendering pattern settings for the local preview of V2TXLivePusher stream push. setRenderFillMode.
Optimized and improved the instant launch rate for live streaming.
Optimized the audio collection policy, reducing the possibility of silence due to collection device exceptions.

Optimized the audio capturing policy when the app is in the background, reducing the probability of silence issues caused by system interruptions.
Optimized and improved the restart speed of the audio device.

Added enableCrashMonitoring , which supports capturing crash information and local storage. When you use it, add TXCCrashMonitor.framework to your project.

July 2023

Release Date
Version 11.3 release
All platforms:
Added the keystone correction feature for video display (exclusive for the Professional version), which allows for manual correction of angle distortions of images with transparent view. For details, see setPerspectiveCorrectionPoints.
Added audio spectrum callback, used for sound wave animation or volume spectrum display. For details, see enableAudioVolumeEvaluation and TRTCVolumeInfo.
Added the reverb effect Recording Studio 2. For details, see TXVoiceReverbType.
Added SEI parameter settings for the stream mixing API, used for SEI passthrough during CDN distribution. For details, see TRTCTranscodingConfig.

Optimized the audio acquisition and playback logic to prevent abnormal sound issues on some Android devices.
Optimized the performance of the secondary video stream coding to improve the quality of shared screen images.

Added support of .ogg format music files to startPlayMusic .
Deleted VOD-related APIs for TXLivePlayer. Please use TXVodPlayer for VOD.

Optimized the audio device restart logic, reducing sound interruptions.

Added the setSystemAudioLoopbackVolume method (iOS).++

June 2023

Release Date
Version 11.2 release
All platforms:
Supported seamless switching between the music without vocal and original vocal in chorus scenarios. For details, see setMusicTrack.
Optimized overall audio quality for chorus scenarios, enhancing chorus effect and reducing chorus latency.
Enhanced audio effects when you take or leave the microphone, providing a smoother experience.
Optimized audio experience under extreme poor network conditions.
Optimized the experience when a single host pushes streams in live streaming under poor network conditions.
Optimized the smoothness of large and small stream switching process in video call scenarios.

Added support for the x86 architecture for the Professional version and the Smart version. It can be obtained through Maven.
To be compliant with the operating system requirements of Android 12 and later, a foreground service is initiated during screen collection. For details, see: EnableForegroundService.
Optimized hardware decoding latency, enhancing first-frame experience.
Optimized the earphone monitor function, enhancing the experience of turning on and off the earphone monitor.
Optimized the collection compatibility of Android devices, reducing audio exceptions.

Optimized the audio performance in music scenarios, enhancing the chorus experience.
Optimized the experience of using Bluetooth headphones under various volume types.

Supported SDK running on Apple chip devices through Xcode simulator.
Optimized the image quality, elevating the video experience.

Supported returning information such as width and height when screen window information is obtained. This feature aligns with Windows. For details, see: TXCScreenSourceInfo.

April 2023

Release Date
Version 11.1 release
All platforms:
Added onVoiceEarMonitorAudioFrame data callback for accessing or modifying earphone monitor data.++
Renamed data callback onCapturedRawAudioFrame to onCapturedAudioFrame.
Optimized the automatic clean-up logic for log files, preventing excessive volume of the log folder.

Optimized the issue of occasional hardware coding launch failures in high-resolution scenarios on low-end devices, which increased performance overhead.
Optimized the issue of occasional uncontrollable hardware coding rate in Android 12 and above systems.
Optimized the issue of low volume for the collected audio of the host in the chorus scenario on a few models.
Optimized the issue of occasional severe loud noises of audio in chorus scenarios.

Optimized color matrix compatibility during decoding and rendering, preventing color biases.

Window sharing supports the PowerPoint presentation mode.

March 2023

Release Date
Version 11.0 release
All platforms:
Optimized the success rate of online background music playback under poor network conditions.
Optimized the smoothness of initial frame playback in the scenario of entering the room in VideoCall.

API change. Adjusted the returned information type of TXLiveBase.setLibraryPath to bool, indicating whether the SDK library has been loaded.
Optimized audio compatibility, reducing issues of electrical hums and no sound.

February 2023

Release Date
TRTC monthly package release
Introduced the brand new TRTC monthly packages (Free, Standard, Premium, and Flagship), providing corresponding value-added service options for subscribed applications (SDKAppID) in a variety of scenarios.

January 2023

Release Date
Version 10.9 release
All platforms:
Optimized the audio-to-video synchronization, enhancing the smoothness of video playback.
Reduced the upstream latency in some scenarios under poor network conditions, enhancing the interactive effects of video calls.

Added support for audio pick-up from an external microphone device, such as a lavalier microphone.
Optimized the issue of the external sound in the media volume after inserting headphones are inserted for a few models.
Optimized the issue where setting music quality in specific scenarios may result in sound blasting.

Optimized external screen recording to be automatically adjusted to the system orientation during system screen rotation, enhancing the user experience on the viewing side.

Optimized the screen recording performance on MacOS 12.3 and later, reducing the CPU overhead and memory usage.

October 2022

Release Date
Version 10.8 release
All platforms:
Introduced the disc-scratching sound effect to enhance the comprehensive online karaoke experience. For details, see: TXAudioEffectManager.setMusicScratchSpeedRate.
Optimized the accuracy of NTP time. For details, see: TXLiveBase.updateNetworkTime.
Android: Optimized the video decoding launch speed, effectively improving the image's instant launch speed that can be as fast as 50 ms.

September 2022

Release Date
Version 10.7 release
All platforms:
Stream mix supports adjusting the volume of each input stream. For details, see TRTCMixUser.soundLevel.
Added onRemoteAudioStatusUpdated callback API, which can be used to better identify and monitor the status of remote audio streams.
Upgraded the encoding kernel to enhance the image quality in screen sharing scenarios.
Optimized the encoding control effects under poor network conditions.
Console release
Released the Monitoring Dashboard > Data Dashboard feature, providing the application-dimensioned business operation dashboard data query feature.

SDK 10.7 startPlay API name change
Starting from version 10.7 for mobile devices (iOS & Android), the name of the mobile start playback API startPlay will change, as detailed below:
V2TXLivePlayer 's startPlay has been renamed to startLivePlay .
TXVodPlayer's startPlay has been changed to startVodPlay .
Announcement Regarding the Renaming of the startPlay API in the Tencent Real-Time Communication (TRTC) SDK
Version 10.6 release
All platforms:
Improved the speed of room entry under an IPv6 network environment.
Optimized audio recovery efficiency and audio-visual synchronization effects in poor network environments, enhancing the call experience.
Enhanced the capability to maintain connectivity in poor network conditions, reducing the probability of disconnection and reconnection.
Optimized the Music gear selection (specified during startLocalAudio) to address the issue of lower volume, enhancing user experience.

Enhanced communication experience when Bluetooth headphones are used, producing less static noise and clearer sound.

Enhanced the compatibility for stereo sound capture, supporting an expanded range of device types.
Optimized occasional echo issues to enhance the communication experience.

August 2022

Release Date
Version 10.5 release
All platforms: Optimization of QoS policies, enhancing the experience in poor network conditions. iOS&Android: Full link latency reduction; Optimized aural return experience. Android: Optimized video decoding memory management, preventing memory accumulation. Windows: Refined noise reduction effects of built-in microphone, exhibiting superior performance particularly in music patterns. Mac: Augmented reduction of static noise issues potentially arising during mic capture activation.

July 2022

Release Date
SDK 10.4 release
iOS & Android:
Added support for the RGBA32 format for custom capturing. For details, see sendCustomVideoData.

Windows & macOS:
You can now preview watermarks after watermark configuration. For details, see setWaterMark.


Improved the compatibility of low-latency in-ear monitoring and dual-channel capturing.

Optimized the policy for switching from hardware to software decoding.

Fixed the issue of low capturing volume on iPad.

SDK 10.3 release
All platforms:
Improved audio quality in the Music mode.

Windows & macOS:
Added a parameter to startMicDeviceTest, which allows you to specify whether to play the audio captured during mic testing. For details, see the description of startMicDeviceTest.

Added support for recording live streaming sessions and audio/video calls to local storage. For details, see the description of ITXLiteAVLocalRecord.


June 2022

Release Date
SDK 10.2 release
All platforms:

Launched a new API for stream mixing and relaying, which offers more powerful features and greater flexibility. For details, see the description of startPublishMediaStream.

Added support for 3D spatial audio. For details, see the description of enable3DSpatialAudioEffect.

Added support for voice activity detection. This feature works even when local audio is muted (muteLoalAudio) or the capturing volume is set to zero (setAudioCaptureVolume). It allows you to remind users when they are talking but have not turned their mics on. For details, see the description of enableAudioVolumeEvaluation.

Added support for checking a user’s permission when they switch roles. For details, see the description of switchRole(TRTCRoleType role, const char* privateMapKey).

Optimized the processing of upstream video data, reducing CPU and GPU usage.

iOS & macOS:
The C++ API for custom pre-processing added support for using textures for video processing.


Optimized in-ear monitoring, reducing latency.

Optimized audio capturing, fixing the issue of noise on some devices.

Reduced memory fragmentation and performance overhead.

Windows & macOS:
Improved encoding for screen sharing. The height and width of the output video are no longer limited by the window size.

SDK 10.1 release
All platforms:

Allowed smooth role switch. Audio/Video playback is no longer interrupted by role switch.

Optimized echo cancellation for the music scenario, delivering a more natural audio experience.

Optimized the audio quality and startup effect after the role is switched and muteLocalAudio is called.

Optimized the onSpeedTest callback.


Added support for stereo audio capturing.

Optimized memory management to avoid heap memory issues.


Added support for capturing system audio (startSystemAudioLoopback) on Android 10 and later.

Reduced the delay of in-ear monitoring on certain phones.


Optimized the rendering of downstream video data.

Optimized the stereo capturing logic to effectively avoid the problem of echo.


May 2022

Release Date
SDK 10.0 release
All platforms:
Sped up the callbacks for room entry and exit ( onRemoteUserEnterRoom and onRemoteUserLeaveRoom).

Optimized screen sharing, improving the performance notably when the window filtering feature is not used.

SDK 9.9 release
Reduced capturing latency, improving in-ear monitoring experience.


Optimized video delivery, reducing overhead.

Optimized processing before the capturing of computer audio, retaining the dual-channel effect.


Fixed audio cracking when the capturing volume is too high, improving audio experience.

Improved the video quality of screen sharing (the substream)


April 2022

Release Date
SDK 9.8 release
All platforms:
Improved the SDK performance in video scenarios.


Added APIs for audio effects such as heavy metal and little girl. For details, see ITXAudioEffectManager.setVoiceChangerType.

Added support for showing an image when local video is paused.

SDK 9.7 release
iOS & Android:
Improved audio quality in the music mode.


Improved audio quality and reduced audio loss in the music mode.

Improved compatibility with high-end sound cards, boosting audio quality.

Optimized audio mixing with third-party processes for more scenarios.


March 2022

Release Date
SDK 9.6 release
All platforms:

Enhanced third-party library compliance with regulations inside and outside the Chinese mainland.
Reduced the SDK storage footprint. For details, see Release Notes (App).
Fixed known issues, improving stability.


Updated the live streaming component from V1 to V2 APIs, improving its stability.

Improved compatibility with the GPUs of low-end devices.

Fixed occasional overexposure when fill lights are used.

Improved pre-processing methods for beauty filters and other features, fixing capturing stutter on low-end devices.

Optimized texture uploading.


January 2022

Release Date
SDK 9.5 release
All platforms:
Improved the smoothness of calls under poor network conditions.

Fixed occasional failure to start cameras and the issue where some cameras fail to capture videos at the specified frame rate, improving browser compatibility.

Improved compatibility with rendering components such as Cocos2d.

Fixed the issue where, after an anchor turns the camera off and on again, at the player end, before the anchor’s video is played as expected, the last frame before the camera is turned off is shown first.


December 2021

Release Date
SDK 9.4 release
All platforms:

Sped up room entry, reducing the fluctuation in room entry speed.

Supported highlighting the speaking user, which is useful in large-scale audio co-anchoring scenarios. It enables users to focus on the audio of whoever is speaking when there are multiple speakers in the room. You can call the setRemoteAudioParallelParams API to set this feature.

Optimized the audio gain control algorithm, fixing the issue of marked noise due to high audio gain on some devices.

Supported background music files in 24-bit WAV format.


Made the capturing resolution in line with the resolution of the screen during screen sharing to avoid black bars.

Improved the compatibility of the hardware video decoder, fixing the issue of black bars due to change of playback resolution on some devices.

Android & iOS:
This version complies with China’s privacy and security regulations and has been tested by multiple Tencent products.


Supported dual channels for the system audio capturing API startSystemAudioLoopback.

Fixed the issue of high CPU and memory usage when mouse cursor is captured during screen sharing.


November 2021

Release Date
SDK 9.3 release
All platforms:

Improved instant streaming performance under poor network conditions.

Optimized the QoS control policy under poor network conditions, ensuring smoother communication.

Improved support for TCP for better adaptability to different network environments.

Improved the speed test to support testing the current bandwidth.


September 2021

Release Date
SDK 9.2 release
All platforms:

Allowed audio pitch setting.

Optimized the jitter control algorithm under poor network conditions, enabling smoother video playback.


Enabled adaptive echo cancellation for the TRTCAudioQualityMusic mode to automatically balance between audio quality and echo cancellation strength.

Improved the AGC algorithm, reducing cases of excessively low or high volume.

Android & iOS:

Supported SOCKS5 proxies.

Optimized the 3A policy for the duet mode.


Fixed the issue where the “Application Not Responding” error occurs during hardware decoding.

Fixed the compatibility issue for the rotation of local camera preview.

Improved instant streaming performance.

SDK 9.1 release
All platforms:

Supported using a C++ API to set the format of called back audio frames.

Improved experience under poor network conditions.


Supported streaming VOD files in AC3 format.

Supported getting the resolutions supported by a camera. For details, please see ITXDeviceCollection.getDeviceProperties.

Supported NVIDIA, Intel, and AMD hardware decoding.

Supported recording local media.


Improved audio status management during room exit.

Improved the logic of recovery in the case of audio capturing failure, to increase the success rate of audio capturing.

Fixed video overexposure under certain conditions.


August 2021

Release Date
SDK 9.0 release
All platforms:

Allowed setting the volume of custom audio tracks. For details, please see setMixExternalAudioVolume.

Separated audio and video packet loss in the status callback. For details, please see TRTCRemoteStatistics.

Optimized the subscription process to improve instant streaming performance for manual subscription.

Fixed the issue of repeated onExitRoom callback in some scenarios.

Allowed setting the capturing volume of system audio. For details, please see setSystemAudioLoopbackVolume.

July 2021

Release Date
SDK 8.9 release
All platforms:

Fixed shaky audio in some scenarios.

Supported cloud proxies, which are a secure and easy way to access TRTC from inside a corporate firewall.

Added the stream type parameter to the APIs muteLocalVideo and muteRemoteVideoStream.

Added the gateway RTT parameter gatewayRtt to the status callback onStatistics, which indicates the quality of network between users and their Wi-Fi routers.

Supported recording audio into more formats using the startAudioRecording API.


Improved instant streaming performance.

Upgraded the audio pre-processing algorithm for clearer audio in calls.

Supported specifying external GL contexts for custom capturing, allowing more flexible use of OpenGL contexts.


Supported NVIDIA hardware encoding, improving stream publishing performance.

Allowed specifying the speaker for system audio capturing (startSystemAudioLoopback).


June 2021

Release Date
SDK 8.8 release
All platforms:
Made it easier to use mixExternalAudioFrame. You no longer need to call the API at a regular interval.

Android & macOS & iOS:
Allowed playing audio via peripheral devices. For details, please see enableCustomAudioRendering.

Reduced the CPU usage of screen sharing when mouse cursor capturing is enabled.


Made AGC faster and more timely for better results.
Reduced the performance overhead of screen sharing when the window filtering feature is enabled.

May 2021

Release Date
SDK 8.7 release
All platforms:

Supported anomaly detection for peripheral audio devices. After registering the onStatistics callback, you can detect in real time when there is no audio for a long time and when audio cracks or is interrupted via the audioCaptureState field of TRTCLocalStatistics.

Improved the management of background music resources, ensuring that memory is freed up in a timely manner.

Ensured that audience receive the onUserVideoAvailable(false) callback in a timely manner after stream publishing is paused because the application is switched to the background.

Reduced the CPU and memory usage of screen sharing when mouse cursor capturing is enabled.

Supported RGBA video data for custom capturing.
SDK 8.6 release
All platforms:

Optimized the QoS control algorithm, enhancing audio/video transmission quality.

Improved audio playback smoothness when users switch between anchor and audience.

iOS & macOS & Windows:
Optimized the audio processing module, improving audio quality in the speech and default modes.

iOS & macOS:
Improved the adaptability of custom audio capturing to situations of high CPU usage.

iOS & Android:
Supported publishing screen recording data via the substream, as in SDKs for desktop platforms.

Optimized the memory allocation logic, enhancing stability.

Added native support for Apple M1.

March 2021

Release Date
SDK 8.5 release
All platforms:

Supported publishing VOD content. You can now bind TXVodPlayer with TRTCCloud and publish the content played by VOD via TRTC’s substream.

Supported custom capturing of substream data.

Supported custom audio mixing. You can feed a custom audio track into the SDK’s audio processing. The SDK will mix the two tracks before publishing.

Supported mixing only video streams, allowing more flexible stream mixing control.

Added end-to-end latency to status callback.

Supported automatic switch to the slideshow window when a slideshow is selected for screen sharing.


Optimized the screen sharing feature. You can now share other windows along with the target window. For details, see the API addIncludedShareWindow.

The startSystemAudioLoopback API supported dual sound channels.


February 2021

Release Date
SDK 8.4 release
All platforms:

Supported local recording. An anchor can now record local audio and video into an MP4 file during streaming. For details, see startLocalRecording.

Improved the audio quality in the Music mode, which makes it more suitable for Clubhouse-like audio streaming scenarios.

Improved the adaptability to poor network conditions across the audio-video link. Smooth audio and video can be delivered even when the packet loss rate reaches 70%.


Improved audio quality in some streaming scenarios by significantly reducing audio damage.

Improved performance by 20%-30% in some scenarios.

Supported setting the volume of the current process. You can now use setApplicationPlayVolume to set the volume of the volume mixer.


Supported capturing system audio via startSystemAudioLoopback, i.e., the system loopback feature that is enabled on Windows. The feature allows the SDK to capture system audio so that anchors can stream local audio or video files to other users.

Supported local preview for screen sharing. You can now display screen sharing preview in a small window.


January 2021

Release Date
SDK 8.3 release
All platforms:
If you collect video data by yourself and use the audio module of the TRTC SDK at the same time, lip-sync errors may occur. This is because the SDK has its own timeline control logic. To solve this problem, we have provided the generateCustomPTS API. When a video image frame is captured, call this API and record the PTS (timestamp), and provide the timestamp when you call sendCustomVideoData.

iOS & Android & macOS:
Optimized the audio module to ensure AEC and noise cancellation when you use enableCustomAudioCapture to capture audio data and send it to the SDK for processing.

iOS & Android:
If you need to add your own audio effects and audio processing logic in addition to those of the TRTC SDK, we recommend you use version 8.3, with which you can use setCapturedRawAudioFrameDelegateFormat and other APIs to set what to include in the audio data callback, for example, the audio sample rate, the number of sound channels, and the number of samples, so that you can process audio data in your preferred format.

Supported SOCKS5 proxy servers for domain names.

December 2020

Release Date
SDK for Flutter release
TRTC SDK for Flutter packages TRTC SDK for iOS and Android.
SDK 8.2 release
iOS & Android:
Supported the callback of the combination of locally captured audio and all played back audio, making local recording easier.


Supported using TextureView for local rendering through the addVideoView(new TextureView(getApplicationContext())) API in the video rendering component TXCloudVideoView.
Supported video data in RGBA format for the custom rendering callback.
Improved encoding quality for live streaming, delivering clearer videos.

macOS & iOS:
Supported calling TRTCCloud.snapshotVideo to take screenshots in the custom rendering mode.


Supported taking screenshots of video captured by the local camera and played back remote videos.
Supported using addExcludedShareWindow and addIncludedShareWindow to exclude or include windows you specify, increasing the flexibility of screen sharing.
Optimized the AEC algorithm.

SDK 8.1 release
All platforms:

Added statistics on remote video lag to onStatistics.
Supported using the volume adjusting API setAudioPlayoutVolume (100-150) for audio gain.
Optimized the audio processing algorithm to deliver better audio quality when earphones are used.

iOS & Android:
Added the setLocalVideoProcessListener API to better support the integration of third-party beauty filters.

Optimized the audio pre-processing algorithm, reducing the impact of the AEC, ANS, AGC algorithms on audio quality.

Updated C# to the latest APIs.


November 2020

Release Date
SDK 8.0 release
All platforms:

Added cross-platform C++ APIs.
Supported string-type room IDs. For more information, please see TRTCParams.strRoomId.
Added the device management class TXDeviceManager.
Added the TRTCCloud.switchRoom API, which allows room switching with capturing uninterrupted.
Added the TRTCCloud.startRemoteView API to start the rendering of remote videos.
Added the TRTCCloud.stopRemoteView API to stop the rendering of remote videos.
Added the TRTCCloud.getDeviceManager API to get the device management class.
Added the TRTCCloud.startLocalAudio API to enable local audio capturing and upstream data transfer.
Added the TRTCCloud.setRemoteRenderParams API to set the rendering parameters of remote videos.
Added the TRTCCloud.setLocalRenderParams API to set the rendering parameters of the local video.
Improved instant streaming performance after role switching in the manual subscription mode.
Optimized the audio receiving logic, improving audio quality.
Improved the reliability of sendCustomCmdMsg.

Optimized the logic for switching between software and hardware decoding.


Improved audio quality and AEC for system loopback.
Optimized the audio device selection logic to reduce cases of no audio.
Reduced audio loss in double-talk scenarios.

Change of billing standards
On-Cloud MixTranscoding, which relies on the MCU cluster, became a billable service.

October 2020

Release Date
SDK 7.9 release
All platforms:

Supported custom encryption, allowing users to process encoded audio/video data using an exposed C API.
Added audio lag information audioTotalBlockTime and audioBlockRate to TRTCRemoteStatistics.
Improved audio playback smoothness when users switch between anchor and audience in the manual subscription mode.
Improved audio/video call performance and audio smoothness in poor network conditions.


Optimized the in-ear monitoring effect for most Android devices, reducing in-ear monitoring latency to a more acceptable level.
Reduced end-to-end delay in the music mode (specified in startLocalAudio).

Shortened the startup time of the audio module, allowing quicker capturing and sending of the first audio frame.

Supported filtering out selected windows from screen sharing. Users can exclude windows they do not want to share, better ensuring privacy.


Supported configuring the border color and width of the "Sharing" message box during screen sharing.
Supported the high performance mode during desktop sharing.
Optimized the AEC algorithm for system audio loopback (SystemLoopback).
Allowed users to filter out certain windows from screen sharing to prevent the target window from being covered.


September 2020

Release Date
SDK 7.8 release
Supported pushing a specified image when stream pushing pauses. For more information, please see TRTCCloud.setVideoMuteImage.
Optimized the audio routing policy to make sure that audio is always played back via earphones when earphones are connected.
Allowed low-delay capturing and playback in certain systems, reducing call delay.
Allowed using VODPlayer and TRTC at the same time with AEC enabled.
iOS: Allowed using VODPlayer and TRTC at the same time with AEC enabled. iOS & macOS: Supported pushing a specified image when stream pushing pauses. For more information, please see TRTCCloud.setVideoMuteImage.

macOS: Added the callback for system volume change. Windows:
Supported specifying content for screen sharing across screens.
Supported filtering out specified windows from screen sharing to prevent the target window from being covered.
Added the callback of system volume change.
Made the SDK compatible with the virtual webcam e2eSoft VCam.
Allowed calling startLocalPreview and startCameraDeviceTest at the same time.
Allowed publishing screen sharing images via the primary stream and at the same time calling startLocalPreview to enable local preview.
Fixed long audio delay caused by the playback buffer of the SDK.
Optimized the audio enablement logic to prevent mic occupation in the playback-only mode.
SDK 7.7 release
All platforms: Improved instant streaming performance of the substream (screen sharing images). iOS: Optimized the internal thread model to improve stability when 30 or more channels of audio/video are played back at the same time. iOS & Android:
Improved the performance of the audio module and reduced the capturing delay of the first audio frame.
Improved volume and audio quality when VODPlayer and TRTC are used at the same time.
Supported files in WAV format for audio effects and background music.
Fixed high CPU usage when low-end cameras are used.
Optimized the compatibility with multiple USB cameras and mics to make it easier to turn on such devices.
Optimized the selection policy of cameras and mics to avoid audio/video capturing exceptions caused by the connection/disconnection of cameras and mics.

August 202

Release Date
SDK 7.6 release
All platforms:

Optimized the protocol policy of enterRoom to improve the speed and success rate of room entry.
Fixed reduced performance and lag when a large number of audio channels are subscribed at the same time.


Added the onCapturedRawAudioFrame callback for TRTCCloudListener, and changed the names of a number of other callback APIs. The names used now are onLocalProcessedAudioFrame, onRemoteUserAudioFrame, and onMixedPlayAudioFrame.


Added the updateLocalView and updateRemoteView APIs to improve user experience in adjusting the view rendering area in real time.
Added the onCapturedRawAudioFrame callback for TRTCCloudDelegate, and changed the names of a number of other callback APIs. The names used now are onLocalProcessedAudioFrame, onRemoteUserAudioFrame, and onMixedPlayAudioFrame.


Added the updateLocalView and updateRemoteView APIs to improve user experience in adjusting HWND rendering windows in real time.
Added the getCurrentMicDeviceMute API to get whether the PC is muted.
Added the setCurrentMicDeviceMute API to turn on global mute for the PC.


Added the updateLocalView and updateRemoteView APIs to improve user experience in adjusting the view rendering area in real time.
Added the getCurrentMicDeviceMute API to get whether the PC is muted.
Added the setCurrentMicDeviceMute API to turn on global mute for the PC.
Supported sharing specified area of a specified window.


July 2020

Release Date
SDK 7.5 release
All platforms:

Supported dual-stack IPv6 and IPv6-only.

Allowed playing back streams in multiple rooms. This feature can be used for ultra-small classes.

Allowed setting a background image for MCU On-Cloud MixTranscoding (for regulatory purposes, the image must be uploaded to the TRTC console first).

Added two new modes for MCU On-Cloud MixTranscoding: A + B => C and A + B => A.

Added the jitterBufferDelay field, which indicates the playback buffer time, to the real-time status callback API onStatistics.

Reduced end-to-end delay for co-anchoring by 40% from that in version 7.4.

Reduced in-ear monitoring delay on phones and allowed setting voice change and reverb effects for in-ear monitoring.

Optimized the algorithm for evaluating network jitter at the player end to reduce playback delay.


Reduced end-to-end delay for co-anchoring in TRTC SDK for Android.

Reduced in-ear monitoring delay.

Fixed the issue where playback view switching causes a black screen.


Reduced in-ear monitoring delay.

Improved the success rate of turning on mics.


Supported username and password verification for SOCKS5 proxies.
Fixed the issue of extremely low frame rate on some cameras when streams are pushed in the portrait mode.

Resource-level CAM
Supported CAM at the resource level. You can grant sub-accounts access to TRTC as needed.
Alarm for remaining package minutes
Added an alarm switch in the console. After it is toggled on, notifications will be sent to you via SMS, the Message Center, or email when the remaining minutes in your package drop to the threshold.
Change of billing standards
Added the bill-by-durationmode for on-cloud recording.

June 2020

Release Date
SDK 7.4 release
All platforms:

Fixed higher-than-expected audio call latency in the speech mode.

Optimized the room entry policy to increase room entry success rate on all platforms.

Supported setting the volume of in-ear monitoring.

Supported AirPlay casting (in earlier versions, casting is not possible in the call volume mode).


Optimized AEC to avoid echoes after system audio loopback (startSystemAudioLoopback) is enabled.

Improved compatibility with camera devices.

Improved compatibility with audio devices (mic and speaker).

SDK 7.3 release
All platforms:

Supported 128 Kbps stereo audio from sender to recipient, which can be set through the setAudioQuality(TRTCAudioQualityMusic) API.

Supported the speech mode, which has a better ANS capability and is suitable for audio conferencing. It can be set through the setAudioQuality(TRTCAudioQualitySpeech) API.

Supported playing multiple music tracks and looping background music. The former is designed for karaoke scenarios, where vocals and instruments need to be separated.

Added a new audio effect management API TXAudioEffectManager while continuing to support the legacy API, allowing more flexible and diverse audio capabilities.

Added the minVideoBitrate option to the video encoding parameter setVideoEncoderParam. We recommend you set this option for live streaming users who have high requirements for image quality.

Supported calling muteLocalVideo before startLocalPreview to preview without pushing streams. You can also achieve this by calling startLocalPreview before enterRoom.


Added a system-level screen sharing scheme, which allows the sharing of the entire system, similar to that in VooV Meeting. The integration is easy and can be completed in half a day.

Supported audio effects such as reverb for in-ear monitoring.

Android & Windows:
Supported transient noise reduction, which can be enabled through setAudioQuality(TRTCAudioQualitySpeech).

Supported files packaged in assets for audio effects.

Supported voice changing and other audio effects.


May 2020

Release Date
Change of billing standards
Changed billable audio duration to the cumulative duration of users’ stay in a room minus the duration of video to which the users subscribe.

If a user subscribes to multiple audio streams, the durations will not be added up for billing.

If a user does not subscribe to any video streams, audio duration will be billed regardless of whether the user subscribes to audio streams.

The calculation of billable video duration remains unchanged, which is the cumulative duration of video to which the users in a room subscribe.


April 2020

Release Date
Call quality monitoring APIs
Added an API for querying rooms by SDKAppID. Up to 100 records can be returned at a time, and data in the last 5 days can be queried.

Added an API for querying users and call quality metrics in a specified time period.

Added an API for querying historical room and user count in a specified time period.

Added an API for querying the number of rooms and number of calling users in the last 24 hours.

Added an API for querying the room entry success rate, first-frame instant streaming rate, and audio/video lagging rate in the last 24 hours.

Added an API for querying network conditions in the last 24 hours, including upstream/downstream packet loss.

SDK 7.2 release


Supported screen recording for live streaming from mobile devices.

Reduced performance loss during calls on low-end and mid-range Android phones, enhancing audio experience.


Supported in-application screen sharing, which is suitable for in-application screen live streaming on mobile clients.

Optimized the call audio quality on low-end iOS devices to improve the audio effect.

iOS and Android:
Optimized visual effect APIs such as filter and green screen keying.

Optimized the getCurrentCameraDevice logic on Windows to return the first device as the default device when the camera is not used.
New usage statistics module in the console
Redesigned the usage statistics module, which shows in real time your billable minutes of audio as well as SD, HD, and FHD video. The data is refreshed once every 5 minutes.

March 2020

Release Date
SDK 7.1 release
All platforms:
Improved the usability of the preset stream mixing template.

Fixed the issue of auto-relayed push upon room entry.

Increased the success rate of stream mixing.


Fixed the issue where all audio processing values become 0 after frequent enabling and disabling of AGC in a room.

Supported static build of projects using the C++ STL library.

Enabled ANS and AGC by default for the call volume mode, improving audio quality.

Fixed the issue where the preview image turns black for a moment if startLocalPreview is called before room entry.

Fixed obvious echoes on some devices with iOS 13.3.

Supported audio files with no file extensions for background music.

macOS & Windows:

Supported sharing the screen via the primary stream.

General audio/video packages launch
Launched general audio/video packages, including fixed-time and custom ones. They can be used to deduct audio as well as SD, HD, and FHD duration. For 1 minute of audio, SD, HD, and FHD usage, 1, 2, 4, and 15 minutes are deducted from a general package respectively.

February 2020

Release Date
On-cloud recording optimization
Supported enabling/disabling on-cloud recording and configuring recording file formats and callback addresses for specific applications.

January 2020

Release Date
SDK 6.9 release
All platforms:
Added streamId to the TRTCParams parameter of enterRoom, which can be used to set the user’s CDN stream ID, making it easier to bind to live streaming CDNs.

Added cloudRecordFileName to TRTCParams of enterRoom, which can be used to set the recording file name for a live stream; improved the recording feature’s tolerance of video interruption, enabling the remote recording of more complete video.

Added the TRTCAppSceneAudioCall scenario, which you can specify when calling enterRoom. This scenario is optimized for audio calls.

Added the TRTCAppSceneVoiceChatRoom scenario, which you can specify when calling enterRoom. This scenario is optimized for interactive audio chat rooms.

Supported capturing 1080p video, allowing PC audience to watch clearer video published from phones.

Added the pauseAudioEffect and resumeAudioEffect APIs, which can be used to pause and resume an audio effect.

Added the setBGMPlayoutVolume and setBGMPublishVolume APIs, which can be used to set the local playback volume and publishing volume of background music respectively.

Added the setRemoteSubStreamViewRotation API, which can be used to adjust the rotation of played back substream video.

iOS & Android:
Added the snapshotVideo() API, which can be used to take screenshots of local or remote video.

Added a global volume type mode: setSystemVolumeType(TRTCSystemVolumeTypeVOIP), i.e., the call volume is always used, which is mainly used to solve the issue of capturing switch between the Bluetooth earphone and built-in mic.

Supported Android 10.0.

The SDK for C# supported onscreen rendering and custom rendering.

The SDK for C# supported local audio recording.

January 14, 2020
Call quality monitoring dashboard 2.0 release
Supported data query as soon as 3 seconds after upload from a native SDK.

Retained data for 15 days.

Supported rendering 6 users' data of 5 hours within 10 seconds at the web frontend.

Provided multi-dimensional data and event flags from the sender’s and recipient’s perspective.

Displayed end-to-end information on a single page for easy comparison.

Used Tencent's proprietary quality evaluation system, which is more suitable for actual use cases.

Improved user experience by making data more comprehensive and easier to understand and use.
