What system volume types does TRTC support on mobile devices (Android and iOS)?
It supports two system volume types: call volume and media volume.
Call volume is designed for call scenarios. It uses phones’ built-in acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) technique and has lower audio quality than media volume. In the call volume mode, the volume cannot be turned to 0 with the volume buttons, but the mics of Bluetooth earphones can be used for audio capturing.
Media volume is designed for music scenarios. It has higher audio quality than call volume. In the media volume mode, the volume can be turned to 0 with the volume buttons, and if you want to enable the AEC feature, the SDK will use its built-in acoustic processing algorithm to process the audio. With media volume, only the mics on phones can be used to capture audio.
How do I set the resolution for push to 1080p in the SDK on mobile devices?
1080p is defined as 114 in TX_Enum_Type_VideoResolution. You can use the resolution simply by passing in the enumerated value.
Can I enter a room created on Mini Program from a mobile client?
Yes. TRTC supports communication across all platforms.
How do I use the screen sharing feature in TRTC on mobile devices?
Android: 7.2 and later versions support screen sharing. For detailed directions on how to implement the feature, see Real-Time Screen Sharing (Android).
iOS: 7.2 and latter versions support in-app screen sharing. 7.6 and later versions support both system-level and in-app screen sharing. For detailed directions on how to implement the feature, see Real-Time Screen Sharing (iOS).
Does TRTC support the 64-bit arm64-v8a architecture on Android?
TRTC has supported the arm64-v8a ABI since v6.3.
Does TRTC support Swift integration on iOS?
Yes. Just integrate the SDK in the same steps as you do a third-party library or by following the steps in Demo Quick Start (iOS & macOS).
Can I run the TRTC SDK in the background on iOS?
Yes, you can. To run the SDK in the background, select your project, set Background Modes under Capabilities to ON, and select Audio, AirPlay, and Picture in Picture.
Can I listen for room exit by remote users on iOS?
You can use onRemoteUserLeaveRoom to listen for the room exit event. In the VideoCall mode, this callback is triggered when any user leaves the room; in the LIVE mode, it is triggered only when an anchor leaves the room.
How to call a user whose phone screen is locked or when the application is in the background or closed on the user’s phone?
You can achieve this using the offline answering feature. For details, see Audio Call (Android).
Can Android and web users call each other?
Yes. They just need to use the same SDKAppID and enter the same room. For more information, see the documents below:
Can both anchors and audience members initiate co-anchoring during live streaming?
Yes. Both anchors and audience can initiate co-anchoring using the same logic. For more information, see Live Streaming Mode (Android).
In the audio/video conference scenario, can mobile users and web users enter the same room?
Yes, make sure the SDKAppID and room ID are the same while the user IDs are different.
Can I create N TRTC objects and log in to N rooms with N user IDs on the same page?
Yes. Since version 7.6, a user can enter multiple rooms.
How do I view the latest version number of the SDK?
In the case of automatic loading, latest.release will load the latest version automatically. You don’t need to modify the version number. For detailed directions on integration, see SDK Quick Integration.
You can find the latest version number of the SDK on the release notes page.