please select
  • Overview
  • Web
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • Virtual Background
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
      • Text Watermark
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomEvents
        • TUIRoomEngine Defines
    • FAQs
  • iOS
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Android
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Electron
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
      • Text Watermark
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEvent
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomEngine Defines
    • FAQs
  • Flutter
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Overview
    • Overview
  • Activate the Service
  • Pricing
    • Free Minutes
    • Conference Monthly Packages
    • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Pay-as-you-go
      • Billing of Audio and Video Duration
      • Billing of On-Cloud Recording and Recording Delivery
      • Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN
  • Server APIs
    • REST API
      • RESTful API Overview
      • RESTful API List
      • Room Management
        • Create a Room
        • Destroy a Room
        • Update the Room Information
        • Get the Room Information
      • User Management
        • Get the Room Member List
        • Update the Room Member Information
        • Change the Room Ownership
        • Mark Room Members
        • Ban Room Members
        • Unban Room Members
        • Get the Banned Room Member List
        • Remove Room Member
      • Seat Management
        • Get the Seat List
        • Pick User on the Seat
        • Kick User off the Seat
        • Lock the Seat
    • Third-Party Callback
      • Callback Overview
      • Callback Command List
      • Callback Configuration
        • Query Callback Configuration
        • Create Callback Configuration
        • Update Callback Configuration
        • Delete Callback Configuration
      • Room Related
        • After a Room Is Created
        • After a Room Is Destroyed
        • After the Room Information Is Updated
      • User Related
        • After a Room Is Entered
        • After a Room Is Left
      • Seat Connection Related
        • After the Seat List Is Changed
  • Error Code

Conference Monthly Packages

TRTC Conference (TUIRoomKit) is a product suitable for multi-person audio and video conversation scenarios such as business meetings, webinars, and online education. By integrating this product, you can add room management, member management, screen sharing, and other functions to your App in just three steps within a day, quickly launching your business.

Billing Components

Conference fees include Conference monthly package fees and pay-as-you-go fees.
Conference monthly package fees: The TRTC Conference component can be used only after you purchase a Conference monthly package. For package prices and features, refer to Conference Monthly Packages.
Pay-as-you-go fees: Pay-as-you-go fees will be incurred if the free quota of your TRTC Conference monthly package is exceeded. Consequently, after you subscribe to a monthly package, resource consumption may still result in additional charges. Pay-as-you-go fees include out-of-package MAU fees and audio/video duration fees. If you use the TRTC basic features, excess charges may also be incurred for Billing of On-Cloud Recording and Recording Delivery and Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN.

Billing Instructions

TRTC Conference features are offered at the application ( SDKAppID ) level. If you have multiple applications that need to use TRTC Conference features, you need to purchase multiple TRTC Conference monthly packages.
After the TRTC Conference monthly package bound to your application expires, the features of the package will become unavailable. To avoid interrupting your business, we recommend you enable auto-renewal for your purchased monthly package .
You can subscribe to only one TRTC Conference package for one application at a time. For example, for the application "test_trtc", if you have already subscribed to Conference Lite, before the package expires, you cannot upgrade it to Conference Standard or Pro. If you do need to upgrade your package, please submit a ticket.
TRTC Conference adopts a prepaid billing method, that is, purchase first, and then deduct. The validity period is from the day of purchase to the same day of the following month. For example, if you purchase on March 1, 2023, the validity period will be from March 1, 2023, to April 1, 2023.
For specific instructions on how to obtain the free trial edition or purchase the official edition, see Activate the Service (TUIRoomKit).
You may refer to the TRTC Monthly Package Refund Instructions for the refund rules regarding the Conference monthly packages.

TRTC Conference Monthly Packages

Starter plan:
To save users' initial costs, we are now offering a limited-time promotional starter plan for Conference:
Price: 39.9 USD/month
Minutes: 10,000 minutes/month of free minutes and 50,000 minutes/month of bonus minutes, with Pay-as-you-go supported
Features: Consistent with the Conference Standard version, with a MAU of 1,000
Purchase Conditions:
Only new users who have never purchased Conference official packages (Lite, Standard and Pro).
An account can purchase up to three times.
Free Trial
As low as 0 USD for 14 days Free Trail
299 USD/month
599 USD/month
899 USD/month
10,000 minutes/month
10,000 minutes/month
10,000 minutes/month
10,000 minutes/month
100,000 minutes/month
300,000 minutes/month
450,000 minutes/month
Pay-as-you-go upon exhaustion (within the validity of the package)
Services become unavailable after exhaustion
Conference Features
Participants per room
Active Rooms
Video Quality
HD, FHD, 2K, 4K
HD, FHD, 2K, 4K
Complete UI
Custom UI
Floating Window
Screen Sharing
Member Management
Room Management
Free Speech Mode
Audio mix by default
On-stage Speech Mode
Microphone Management
Microphone Quantity
Chat in Conference
AI noise suppression
Less stutter under poor network conditions
Multi-terminal login
On-Cloud Recording
On-Cloud Mix-Transcoding
Relay To CSS
Supported Platforms
iOS, Android, Web, Flutter, Electron
iOS, Android, Web, Flutter, Electron
iOS, Android, Web, Flutter, Electron
iOS, Android, Web, Flutter, Electron
Technical Support
Response time: 5 day/12 hour P1 - 2 hours P2 - 6 hours P3 - 12 hours
Response time: 5 day/12 hour P1 - 2 hours P2 - 6 hours P3 - 12 hours
Response time: 7 day/24 hour P1 - 1 hour P2 - 4 hours P3 - 8 hours
Ticket and email support
Ticket and email support
Ticket and email support
Telegram group
Telegram group
Telegram group
Free resources
: The free resources of a package can be used to deduct your conference durations and quota of free monthly active users (MAU). If you use the trial edition, services will become unavailable for your application after you use up the package. If you use Lite, Standard or Pro, after you use up the package, your additional usage will be charged at pay-as-you-go rates.
Free minutes
: Each Tencent Cloud account will get 10,000 free minutes per usage cycle (a usage cycle is one month) after it buys a TRTC Conference package. The free minutes can deduct usage of both TRTC Conference features and TRTC basic features such as on-cloud recording and on-cloud mixtranscoding. To learn more, see Free Minutes.
Package minutes
: Package minutes can deduct your conference durations. They are valid for one month and will expire at the end of each usage cycle.
Quota of free monthly active users (MAU)
: The number of unique users that log in to Chat app in a given month. A user that logs in repeatedly in the same month counts as only one MAU.
TRTC basic features
: In addition to TRTC Conference features, you can also use TRTC's basic features, which will incur additional fees. For the billing details, see Billing of On-Cloud Recording and Recording Delivery and Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN.