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Top 5-Minute Games for 3D Virtual Meetings

Tencent RTC - Product Team


3D virtual meetings represent a novel form of online conferencing, employing 3D technology to emulate real-life meeting environments and scenarios, enabling participants to communicate and interact within a virtual setting. This mode of conferencing imparts a more authentic sense of involvement and immersion to participants, akin to being in an actual meeting room.

Timmerse is a future-oriented low-code 3D creation platform designed to help enterprises and individuals customize personalized metaverse virtual spaces.In traditional video conferencing tools, people often find it challenging to maintain prolonged focus and engagement. However, through Timmerse, participants can move within a virtual environment, chat with each other, and intersperse brief entertainment activities, such as participating in a five-minute interactive game. This strategy aims to rapidly establish connections among attendees, enhance their focus and engagement, and provide a respite from intense work, thereby fostering a more relaxed and enjoyable meeting ambiance.

The Significance of a 5-Minute Game in 3D Virtual Meetings

Boosting engagement and interaction

Incorporating a 5-minute interactive game in a meeting can create a delightful experience, breaking the monotony and promoting communication and interaction in a relaxed, enjoyable environment. As a result, participants can more easily express their opinions, share ideas, and openly discuss insights. This approach fosters friendly relationships among attendees, boosts team members' enthusiasm, and naturally increases the meeting's engagement levels.

Fostering team building and collaboration

A 5-minute interactive game can effectively bridge the psychological divide stemming from the physical distance between remote teams. Through competitive or cooperative gameplay, swift and robust connections with teammates can be forged, leading to a more profound comprehension of their thought processes and problem-solving capabilities.

Such interactions not only grant a comprehensive understanding of the entire team but also encourage resonance among members within a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere, culminating in shared values and objectives. This outcome not only significantly bolsters team cohesion but also fully stimulates the innovative thinking and creativity of its members.

Breaking the ice and cultivating a relaxed ambiance

During tense or awkward meeting moments, participants may feel stifled. In such instances, a well-timed game, humorous video, or soothing music can instantly dissolve the impasse and generate a comfortable, pleasant atmosphere. This environment effectively diverts everyone's attention, alleviates psychological pressure, mitigates tension, and ultimately helps everyone reengage in work and life more joyfully.

5-minute games for 3D virtual meetings

Draw and Guess

Timmerse offers a collaborative canvas game module that accommodates multiple players drawing simultaneously.

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RTC Engine