Enhancing Interactive Experiences in Gaming
In-game Text Chat
In-game Voice Chat
Gaming Live Streaming
Metaverse and Open World Gaming
Game Acceleration
In-game Text Chat
In-game Voice Chat
Gaming Live Streaming
Metaverse and Open World Gaming
Game Acceleration
Wwise × GMEGME is an official VOIP plugin for Wwise. With GME for Wwise, developers can add rich and creative sound effects to voice as they like.
Key Advantages of WwiseGME
Add voice design ability
Voice streams are integrated into the Wwise audio pipeline, simplifying voice communication through Wwise event triggering rather than direct VoIP SDK API calls.
Enhance mobile game voice chat
Addresses audio quality loss from mic activation. Original game audio effect for sound localization is still kept while having voice chat.
Creative design ability for game voice
Voice streams are directed to the Wwise audio bus, enabling rich audio design and control for voice, enhancing player immersion in voice communication.
Why Choose Tencent RTC GME Solutions?
Facilitates engaging player interactions with a high-performance chat system
The chat feature boasts a success rate of over 99.99%, supporting large community chats and various media types. Moreover, it integrates real-time translation capabilities, enabling seamless communication between users from different countries and languages.