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Tencent RTC Blog
Tencent RTC Blog

Why Real-Time Communication Is Important?

Tencent RTC - Dev Team

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What Is the Real-Time Communication?

Real-time Communication (RTC) is a communication modality that enables the instantaneous exchange of information between two or more parties. It offers a seamless, interactive experience where data is transmitted in real-time, without any delay or lag. RTC is a critical component of many modern applications, including video conferencing, online gaming, remote collaboration, and voice over IP (VoIP) communication.

The main characteristics of RTC include:

  • Immediate Feedback: RTC enables real-time feedback and interaction between participants. This allows for seamless collaboration and shared experiences.
  • Synchronization: RTC ensures that data is synchronized between parties, ensuring that all participants see and hear the same thing at the same time.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): RTC typically requires a high-quality connection with low latency and jitter to maintain a smooth communication experience.
  • Interoperability: RTC systems are designed to work across different platforms, devices, and networks, enabling communication between diverse endpoints.
  • Security and Privacy: RTC systems often incorporate encryption and other security measures to protect the privacy and security of transmitted data.

The technology behind RTC has evolved significantly in recent years, leading to improvements in audio and video quality, lower latency, and more robust interoperability. RTC is now an integral part of our digital lives, facilitating efficient and effective communication in various contexts, from personal to professional use.

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Main Application Scenarios of Real-time Communication

Real-time communication has a wide range of application scenarios, including but not limited to the following examples:

  1. Video Conferencing: Real-time communication allows participants to have face-to-face communication through video conferencing. This can be used for remote meetings, training sessions, medical consultations, and more.
  2. Voice Chat: Real-time communication enables voice chat, allowing participants to have live discussions through their devices. This can be used in online gaming, remote work teams, or any scenario where real-time voice communication is needed.
  3. Live Streaming: Real-time communication allows content creators to stream live events to a large audience. This can include music concerts, sports events, news broadcasts, or any other form of live entertainment or information.
  4. Remote Desktop Sharing: Real-time communication enables remote desktop sharing, allowing users to share their screens and collaborate with others in real-time. This can be used for technical support, online training, or any scenario where remote collaboration is necessary.
  5. Distance Education: Real-time communication supports distance education, allowing students and teachers to have live classes and interactive discussions. This can be used for traditional classroom settings or for online education platforms.
  6. Real-time Collaboration: Real-time communication enables users to collaborate in real-time, such as working on the same document or whiteboard. This can be used for remote work teams, brainstorming sessions, or any other collaborative activity.
  7. Social Media: Real-time communication is used in social media platforms to allow users to have live interactions with their friends and followers. This includes features such as live video streaming, voice chat, and real-time updates.

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How Developers Choose a Suitable Real-time Communication Platform?

The top few RTC consumer customers in the existing market are government customers, pan-entertainment enterprises, financial enterprises, education enterprises, and other enterprises.

According to our survey of multiple developers, the features of the RTC platform that they care most about during the development process are the following three points:

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