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Up to $3000: Tencent RTC Startups Program Fuels Your Startup Journey

3 min read
Feb 20, 2024

It's always a hard and lonely path to starting a business. Fully understanding the trials for startups, we've devised a special initiative, Tencent RTC Startups Program, aimed at supporting startups in all fields and helping them do more with less. Be it in education, healthcare, entertainment, e-commerce, productivity tools, or gaming, whether for testing, developing, or producing, we're geared to provide complimentary assistance.


Tencent RTC Startups Program Credits

Tencent RTC Startups Program offers free credits, making it easier for startups of all sizes and industries to turn their ideas to reality.

In order to provide funding to startups, we have set up a form as a channel to apply and leave your contact information. 🌟Fill out the form🌟and our specialized team will conduct a meticulous review on your qualifications and offer a maximum funding of up to $3,000 credits to eligible startups.

With the startups program, you'll be able to save a lot of time, labor, and capital costs. Moreover, our technical support team will provide you with comprehensive support to ensure a smooth and worry-free use of our products and services.

At Tencent, we deeply recognize that innovation thrives in secure environments for data and privacy. As a trusted industry leader, we have cooperated with renowned companies as EF, yell Corporation, Bravesoft etc., allowing you to focus solely on the realization of your dreams.

Visit our startups program page to check out your engibility and apply!

Ready to Set Sail with Tencent RTC Startups Program?

We firmly believe that every ambitious entrepreneur deserves ample opportunities, and we've always here to extend our helping hand, please feel free to contact us.

Fill out the form, get prepared to launch into the market with Tencent RTC startups program!