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Tencent RTC Blog
Tencent RTC Blog

Video Bitrate and Quality: Decoding The Connection

Tencent RTC - Dev Team

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In digital video creation, video bitrate is vital for both quality and how big the file ends up. This guide talks about what video bitrate is, the kinds you'll come across, and why it matters to watch videos smoothly or save them without taking up too much space. We'll explore how bitrate affects the look of your video and offer tips on choosing the right bitrate for different situations. Plus, we'll show you how to adjust the bitrate to make sure your video project turns out just right.


What Is Video Bitrate

Wondering what is bitrate in video? Well, video bitrate pertains to the amount of data processed over a certain period of time in a video stream, expressed in bits per second (bps). What is video bitrate essentially refers to the rate at which video data is transferred, affecting the clarity, detail, and smoothness of the playback. A higher bitrate allows each 'dot', or pixel, in the video frame to display more information, resulting in improved quality with less compression artifacts such as blurriness or pixelation. However, the relationship between bitrate and video quality isn't linear. A high bitrate doesn't compensate for low resolution, and an exceedingly high bitrate for a given resolution may yield diminishing visual returns compared to the increased file size and bandwidth requirement.


Types of Video Bitrate

Here are the two main types of a video bitrate:

  • Constant Bitrate (CBR)

Constant Bitrate maintains a fixed bitrate throughout the video duration, making it predictable in terms of file size and bandwidth usage. While ideal for live streaming, where a steady data stream is crucial, it doesn't adapt to variations in video complexity. Consequently, simple scenes are allocated the same amount of data as complex ones, which could lead to unnecessary data use or, conversely, insufficient data allocation to intricate scenes, resulting in poorer quality.

  • Variable Bitrate (VBR)

Variable Bitrate dynamically adjusts the bitrate according to the complexity of the scene, aiming to maintain consistent visual quality throughout the video. This method is computationally more demanding since it involves real-time analysis and alteration of the bitrate, offering a more balanced approach to data distribution. The quality advantages make VBR particularly suitable for pre-recorded content, where file size and computational resources aren't as constrained as they are in live streaming.

How Does Bitrate Affect Video Quality?

Bitrate directly impacts video quality by dictating the amount of information that can be included in each second of video playback. Higher bitrates enable the encoding of more data, which preserves fine detail, smooths out gradients, and maintains clarity even in fast-moving scenes, resulting in a higher-quality viewing experience. However, if the bitrate is too low, the compression artifacts become noticeable—details get lost, motion may look blocky or blurry, and colors might band or look washed out. Therefore, finding the right balance is crucial as it affects both visual quality and the ease of streaming or downloading the video.

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