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Tencent RTC Blog
Tencent RTC Blog

Breaking Tech Barriers: What is Low Latency?

Tencent RTC - Dev Team

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The term "Low Latency" has become increasingly important in the world of technology. But what does it actually mean? This article aims to explain what is low latency, why it's crucial in our technology-driven world, how to identify the type of latency that's appropriate for your specific situation, and the technological strategies used to reduce latency. Let's get started!

What is Low Latency?

So, what does low latency mean? Low latency, in the world of video and real-time communication (RTC), refers to the minimization of delay between the initiation of an event and the time when it is perceived or received on another end. Typically, latency is expected in data transmission due to various steps involved such as camera capture, encoding, network transmission, decoding, and more. Each of these steps consumes time, often fractional seconds, but cumulatively, they can produce noticeable latency.

For example, you might have noticed your neighbors cheering on a goal that hasn't yet appeared on your screen—this scenario indicates varying latency levels between different streaming networks.
