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Tencent RTC Blog
Tencent RTC Blog

Low Latency Video Streaming: Everything You Need to Know

Tencent RTC - Dev Team

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Imagine that you are watching a video, and there is a noticeable lag—frustrating, isn't it? Low latency video streaming is the solution to this common problem, ensuring that video content is delivered almost in real-time. In this blog, we will explore everything you need to know about low it, from what is low latency, the various types and use cases to how to achieve a low latency video streaming. Read on to improve your online video experiences.

What Is Low Latency Video Streaming?

Low latency video streaming refers to the transmission of video content over the internet with minimal delay. It is designed to ensure that the time between capturing the video and displaying it to the viewer is as short as possible, typically aiming for delays of less than a few seconds. This type of streaming is crucial in scenarios where real-time interaction and quick decision-making are essential, such as live sports, video gaming, and interactive webinars. By reducing latency, the stream becomes more synchronous with real-time events, providing a seamless viewing experience that is almost indistinguishable from live action.


Why Low Latency Video Streaming Is Important?

Low latency video streaming is important because it significantly enhances the interactivity and responsiveness of online experiences. In environments where delay can disrupt the flow of information or interaction, such as telemedicine or remote education, low latency ensures that communications are immediate and more natural.

This immediacy can maintain the effectiveness of communication, ensuring that participants can interact as if they were face-to-face, thereby minimizing misunderstandings and improving the overall efficiency of exchanges. In essence, low latency streaming helps bridge the gap between virtual and real-world interactions, providing a smoother and more engaging user experience.

What Are the Main Types of Latency?

Latency in networked environments can be categorized into several main types, each affecting the quality and speed of data transmission differently. Understanding these can help in diagnosing issues and optimizing systems for better performance:

Standard Latency

Standard latency, often referred to as "regular" latency in the context of video streaming, typically ranges from a few seconds to several seconds of delay. This level of latency is common in standard live broadcasting where the slight delay is acceptable. It allows for basic buffering and processing time, ensuring the video stream is stable and continuous. Standard latency is adequate for most traditional broadcast content where real-time interaction with the audience is not critical.
