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Tencent RTC Blog
Tencent RTC Blog

How to Remove Background Noise from Audio?

Tencent RTC - Product Team

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Audio has become a common way to preserve important information. Whether you are making podcasts, recording meetings, creating videos or other, high-quality audio is key. This article will teach you how to remove background noise from audio to ensure every important discussion can be clearly recorded. With these tips, you will be able to get clearer and more professional audio to provide a reliable basis for subsequent decisions and actions.


Why Do You Need to Remove Background Noise from Audio?

Background noise can significantly reduce the recording quality. These unwanted sounds will affect the audience experience and weaken the overall content effect. Here are a few important reasons to remove background noise.

  1. Improve clarity. Clear audio ensures that your message is conveyed accurately to the audience. When every word is clearly audible, your point of view can be better understood and accepted.
  2. Show professionalism. High-quality audio reflects your attention to detail and professional attitude. It can effectively enhance your brand image or personal reputation.
  3. Enhance appeal. Listeners are more likely to be attracted by clear, pleasant audio and are willing to continue to pay attention to your content. High-quality audio helps to increase listener engagement and loyalty.
  4. Improve accessibility. Clear audio is more easily processed accurately by automatic transcription services, which means that your content can be presented in text form, allowing more people, including those with hearing impairments, to access your wonderful content.

What Causes Background Noise in Audio Recordings?

Understanding the sources of background noise can help you reduce it in the first place. Here are a few common causes of background noise.

  1. Environmental Sounds. Traffic, wind, animals, and other external noises can intrude on your recordings.
  2. Mechanical noise. In office and home settings, devices like air conditioners, computer fans, and refrigerators can produce a constant low-frequency hum or intermittent noise.
  3. Indoor acoustics. Rooms without acoustic treatment can have echo and reverberation issues, especially when they are empty or have hard surfaces
  4. Recording equipment issues. Low-quality microphones or improper microphone placement can capture too much ambient noise.
  5. Electrical interference.
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