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Tencent RTC Blog
Tencent RTC Blog

Unlocking Alerts: What Are Push Notifications Explained

Tencent RTC - Dev Team

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In a world constantly buzzing with information, it's natural to wonder what are push notifications. This article will provide an in-depth comprehension of push notifications. It covers their operation, the different types of notifications, and the reasons behind their universal presence in mobile applications. We will also guide you through the process of creating effective push notifications for mobile apps, ensuring that end-users receive engaging and valuable content.


What Are Push Notifications?

What is push notifications? Push notifications are brief, instant messages displayed on a user's device, utilized for various purposes, including sending system updates, promotions, and engaging with users to provide additional value. These alerts can pop up on both mobile and desktop devices, whether within an application or on a web page, catching the user's attention even when they are not actively using the app or website. These notifications are a strategic tool for maintaining user engagement, driving traffic, and increasing conversion rates by reminding users of abandoned shopping carts, offering personalized discounts, or simply sharing the latest news or content.

How Push Notifications Work

The operational mechanics of push notifications hinge on a system of permissions and device or browser token management. For in-app notifications, once the user grants permission, the app requests a device token from the operating system's push notification server (e.g., for iOS devices, this is handled by Apple's APNs). The token is then used to route messages from the app's backend server to the specific device. Web push notifications follow a similar permission-based model but are managed by web browsers. The website requests consent to send notifications; upon permission, it uses a browser's push service to deliver messages. This ensures that notifications reach the user's device accurately, whether they stem from an app or a website, contributing to a personalized and punctual communication channel.

Types of Push Notifications

Push notifications can be catered to different situations and objectives, each with unique characteristics and purposes:

  • In-App Push Notifications

These alerts are visible to users who have the respective mobile app installed and have opted to receive updates. They are potent tools for directing users to specific app features, offering timely information, and providing navigational guidance. The effectiveness of in-app notifications is underscored by their impressive retention rates and ability to significantly boost user engagement.

  • Web Push Notifications

Targeting both desktop and mobile users, these notifications are delivered through web browsers. They are primarily used for marketing efforts, such as promoting products, sharing discounts, or distributing content directly to a user's device. Unlike in-app messages, web push notifications reach users on their device's screen even if they're not browsing the web, making them an effective tool for re-engaging visitors and driving traffic to specific web pages. Obtaining user consent is crucial, as unsolicited messages can negatively impact a brand's reputation. Once permission is granted, companies can leverage web push notifications for various marketing campaigns, including pre-emptive alerts about sales or new content releases.


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