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Tencent RTC Blog

What is Packet Loss: Unraveling Digital Hurdles 101

Tencent RTC - Dev Team

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In today's world, where quick and reliable online communication is key for both personal and business success, it's important to know about packet loss. This guide explores what is packet loss, why it happens, and how it can affect your internet experience. We will also give you useful tips on how to check for packet loss and reduce it, helping you improve the quality of voice or video calls. Let's start making digital interactions smoother than ever!


What Is Packet Loss

Packet loss occurs in network environments when data packets, which are units of communication sent over digital networks, fail to reach their intended destination. This failure disrupts the flow of data and can lead to a degraded network experience for users, with issues that range from minor annoyances to significant interruptions. This is especially problematic for real-time applications such as video calls or audio streams, which rely heavily on the continuous receipt of data. The packet loss rate, often reflected as a percentage, measures the number of lost packets compared to the total number sent.

What Causes Packet Loss

What causes packet loss? Below are some of the possible reasons:

1. Network Congestion

Network congestion is analogous to traffic jams in data networks. When too many packets are sent simultaneously, surpassing the network's handling capacity, intermediating devices like routers may drop packets to cope with the load, leading to loss.

2. Software Bugs

Flawed software can introduce errors in network operations. Bugs can originate from outdated firmware on network devices or issues within the network applications themselves, leading to packet corruption or loss.

3. Inadequate Signal Strength

When the signal strength is insufficient to maintain a stable connection, data packets can't be transmitted effectively. This can happen with weak wireless signals or deteriorating cabling in wired networks, leading to a reduction in data quality or outright loss.

4. Security Breaches

Cyber-attacks, especially Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, intentionally overload a network with excessive traffic to induce packet loss, disrupting services and potentially causing network crashes.

5. Outdated Network Hardware

Legacy network infrastructure, such as routers, switches, or modems, that has not kept pace with current technology standards, can be a bottleneck, slowing down network traffic and increasing the chance of packet loss.

What Are the Effects of Packet Loss

Here are some of the eminent effects of packet loss:

  1. Packet Drops: Some packets may experience extreme delays and be dropped entirely to maintain overall network performance, affecting latency and reliability.
  2. Degraded Communication Quality: For real-time communication, such as VoIP, packet loss results in poor quality due to jitter and interruption, which causes missing pieces in audio transmissions, often noticeable even with less than 2% loss.
  3. Less Secure Communication: Packet loss can weaken network security by creating points of vulnerability. For instance, VoIP applications may be susceptible to unauthorized access and interception.
  4. Incomplete Data: High levels of packet loss can result in severe corruption of the received data, causing fragmented images, unintelligible audio, or total signal loss, with a substantial impact on user experience.