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Tencent RTC Blog
Tencent RTC Blog

High Packet Loss: The Silent Saboteur of Clear Communication in Audio and Video Calls

Tencent RTC - Dev Team


Explore how 'High Packet Loss' can disrupt your audio and video call experiences, the science behind it, ways to detect it, and strategies to mitigate its effects.

Understanding High Packet Loss

Diving deep into the intricate realm of digital communication, packet loss emerges as a substantial disruptor, often flying under the radar yet rigorously affecting performance.

High packet loss, an unseen disruptor in digital communication, can severely affect conference call quality, transforming clear dialogues into unclear ones, and well-defined presentations into pixelated interruptions.

In the context of conference calls, decoding packet loss is critical. This unseen foe can corrupt your call quality, turning vivid conversations into incomprehensible mumbles, and clear presentations into pixelated chaos.

What is packet loss?

Packet loss, while a seemingly intricate concept, can be simplified. It's essentially the circumstance when data packets sent over a network -- like your voice or video during a call -- don't reach their destination, leaving information gaps.

The complexity unwraps when you examine this in a real context. Consider sending a letter via post; if it vanished on the way, the receiver lacks the message -- a similar case with packet loss in audio and video calls.

By deploying layman's terms, packet loss is akin to the 'choppiness' experienced on a call. When parts of your discussion get lost in transmission, it results in fragmented, unclear communication.

Causes of high packet loss

When discussing packet loss in video conferencing, a variety of factors come into play. From unstable Internet connections to software issues and network congestion, the causes of packet loss are multifaceted and often overlapped.

1.Insufficient bandwidth leading to network congestion

2.Hardware issues such as faulty routers or cables

3.Software glitches or outdated software causing communication failures

4.Poor Wi-Fi signal causing dropped packets

5.Interruptions from firewalls or other security measures

How high packet loss affects audio and video calls

When packet loss strikes, the clarity of audio and video calls takes a serious hit. You'll notice sudden distortions, incomplete information, and unexpected call drops that severely degrade your communication experience.

Imagine your digital meetings marred by incessant choppiness and unexpected silence due to high packet loss. This not only interrupts the flow of conversation but also tarnishes professional interactions.

Persistent packet loss can brutally taint your audio-video calls, reducing the quality to a frustrating level. Broken audio, pixelated videos, and abrupt disconnection are common repercussions, making digital meetings a staggering chore.

The impact of different levels of packet loss

Packet loss, an unheralded nemesis of clear communication, wreaks havoc in varying degrees, turning an annoying echo into oppressive silence in audio and video calls.

1.Minimal packet loss (1-5%) - Minor audio distortions and gaps are commonplace; some words can be missed, causing communication mishaps.

2.Moderate packet loss (5-15%) - Frequent audio disruptions, video freezing, or blurry images; misunderstandings and repetition of information tend to increase.

3.High packet loss (15-30%) - Delayed messages, echo, robotic sounds, and commonly frozen video play; communication becomes difficult and frustrating.

4.Severe packet loss (over 30%) - Calls become nearly impossible with continuous interruptions, break-ups, or even total audio and video blackouts; clear communication is sabotaged.

Packet loss vs latency: What's the difference?

Untangling the digital knots of communication, packet loss and latency, though closely related, serve two distinct roles. While packet loss refers to data that never reaches its destination, latency signifies the delay in receiving this data, adversely affecting the synchronization of audio and video calls.
