
QUIC: インターネットプロトコルの革命でより速いウェブを実現

10 分読む
Feb 18, 2025

インターネットプロトコルの絶え間ない進化の中で、QUIC(Quick UDP Internet Connection)は画期的な存在となっています。2013年にGoogleによって開発され、Chromiumプロジェクトに統合されたQUICは急速に普及し、現在ではHTTP/3の基盤となることが期待されています。本記事では、QUICの複雑さ、その従来のプロトコルに対する利点、そしてウェブ通信の未来への影響について掘り下げます。




  • 2013年:GoogleがQUICを公表
  • 2015年:IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)がQUICをドラフト標準に含める
  • 2018年:IETFがHTTP/3の基盤としてQUICを正式に発表








1. 遅延の低減


  • 特定のシナリオでは0-RTT(往復時間)
  • 一般的なケースでは1-RTT、TCPの3-RTTと比較して

QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connection) is a transport layer protocol developed by Google in 2013 and integrated into the Chromium project. It is rapidly gaining popularity and is expected to become the foundation of HTTP/3. QUIC is designed to combine the functionality of TCP, TLS, and HTTP/2 into a single, more efficient protocol.

Some key features and benefits of QUIC include:

1. **Reduced Latency**: QUIC significantly decreases connection establishment time compared to TCP. In certain scenarios, it can achieve 0-RTT (Round-Trip Time), while in general cases, it provides 1-RTT, which is significantly faster than TCP's 3-RTT.

2. **Less Congestion**: QUIC uses UDP, which is less susceptible to congestion and packet loss compared to TCP. This results in improved throughput and lower latency.

3. **Greater Flexibility**: QUIC is designed to be more flexible and easier to update and improve than TCP. It can be implemented with less overhead and is less susceptible to protocol僵硬性.

4. **Improved Security**: QUIC includes TLS encryption by default, providing stronger security than TCP. It also supports various security features like forward secrecy and perfect forward secrecy.

5. **Better Support for Real-Time Applications**: QUIC's low latency and efficient data transfer make it well-suited for real-time applications like video conferencing, online gaming, and live streaming.

Overall, QUIC offers significant improvements over traditional TCP protocols, making it a promising candidate for future internet communications. Its ability to reduce latency, increase throughput, and improve security makes it a valuable addition to the modern web infrastructure.

2. 信頼性の向上


  • 高度な混雑制御アルゴリズム
  • パケットの再送信
  • 前方誤り訂正(FEC)

3. より良い接続移行


4. ネイティブ暗号化


5. 先頭のブロッキングなしの多重化


6. フロー制御




QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connection) is a modern transport layer protocol designed to address the limitations of traditional TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). This image compares the performance of TCP, TCP with TLS (TCP+TLS), and QUIC in terms of latency and throughput.

1. **TCP**:
   - Latency: 100 ms
   - Baseline performance for traditional TCP connections, suffering significant delays during connection establishment and handshake processes.

2. **TCP + TLS**:
   - Latency: 200 ms
   - Adding TLS increases latency by approximately 100 ms due to encryption and authentication processes.

3. **QUIC**:
   - Latency: 0 ms (initial connection establishment)
   - Over time, QUIC can achieve an average latency of 100 ms. Designed to minimize connection establishment time and reduce overall latency using UDP and efficient handshaking and data transmission mechanisms.

**Key Advantages of QUIC**:
- Low Latency: Significantly reduces latency compared to TCP and TCP with TLS, particularly during initial connection establishment.
- Fast Connection Establishment: Achieves near-instantaneous connection establishment in certain scenarios (0-RTT).
- Better Throughput: Provides higher throughput and better performance in dynamic network conditions due to efficient data transmission and reduced overhead.
- Resilience to Packet Loss: Uses forward error correction and other mechanisms to improve resilience to packet loss, resulting in more reliable data transmission.

In summary, QUIC represents a significant advancement in internet transport protocols, offering improved latency, higher throughput, and better security compared to traditional TCP and TLS-encrypted connections.



  • Googleサービス
  • Facebook
  • Cloudflare
  • Akamai

例えば、Tencent CloudのライブストリーミングサービスはQUICアクセラレーションを完全にサポートしています。Tencent CloudのクライアントSDKを使用することで、顧客はライブストリーミングの遅延を3-5秒から500msまで低減できます。



  1. さまざまなインターネットサービスにおけるより広範な採用
  2. 継続的な改善と最適化
  3. ウェブブラウジング以外の潜在的なアプリケーション、IoTやリアルタイムコミュニケーションなど


